Let The Reader Understand

The following is an extract from That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis. Having received a quote from the book in my inbox, and written about it, I decided to give the whole book a read, since it has been a long time since I read it. As I came across the following section I gasped. I could not believe it. I read it aloud to my wife and nor could she. The protagonist, Mark Studdock has found out that his colleagues at N.I.C.E are creating disturbances in the little town of Edgestow and are aiming at a serious disturbance in the next week. Over to C.S. Lewis.

Excerpt from That Hideous Strength

“You mean you’ve engineered the disturbances?” said Mark. To do him justice, his mind was reeling from this new revelation. Nor was he aware of any decision to conceal his state of mind: in the snugness and intimacy of that circle he found his facial muscles and his voice, without any conscious volition, taking on the tone of his colleagues.

“That’s a crude way of putting it,” said Feverstone.

“It makes no difference,” said Filostrato. “This is how things have to be managed.”

“Quite,” said Miss Hardcastle. “It’s always done. Anyone who knows police work will tell you. And as I say, the real thing—the big riot—must take place within the next forty-eight hours.”

“It’s nice to get the tip straight from the horse’s mouth!” said Mark. “I wish I’d got my wife out of the town, though.”

“Where does she live?” said the Fairy.

“Up at Sandown.”

“Ah. It’ll hardly affect her. In the meantime, you and I have got to get busy about the account of the riot.”

“But—what’s it all for?”

“Emergency regulations,” said Feverstone. “You’ll never get the powers we want at Edgestow until the Government declares that a state of emergency exists there.”

“Exactly,” said Filostrato. “It is folly to talk of peaceful revolutions. Not that the canaglia would always resist—often they have to be prodded into it—but until there is the disturbance, the firing, the barricades—no one gets powers to act effectively. There is not enough what you call weigh on the boat to steer him.”

“And the stuff must be all ready to appear in the papers the very day after the riot,” said Miss Hardcastle. “That means it must be handed in to the D.D. by six to-morrow morning at latest.”

“But how are we to write it to-night if the thing doesn’t even happen till to-morrow at the earliest?”

Everyone burst out laughing.

“You’ll never manage publicity that way, Mark,” said Feverstone. “You surely don’t need to wait for a thing to happen before you tell the story of it!”

“Well, I admit,” said Mark, and his face also was full of laughter, “I had a faint prejudice for doing so, not living in Mr. Dunne’s sort of time nor in looking-glass land.”

“No good, sonny,” said Miss Hardcastle. “We’ve got to get on with it at once. Time for one more drink and you and I’d better go upstairs and begin. We’ll get them to give us devilled bones and coffee at two.”

This was the first thing Mark had been asked to do which he himself, before he did it, clearly knew to be criminal. But the moment of his consent almost escaped his notice; certainly, there was no struggle, no sense of turning a corner. There may have been a time in the world’s history when such moments fully revealed their gravity, with witches prophesying on a blasted heath or visible Rubicons to be crossed. But, for him, it all slipped past in a chatter of laughter, of that intimate laughter between fellow professionals, which of all earthly powers is strongest to make men do very bad things before they are yet, individually, very bad men.

They’ll Believe Anything

A quote from That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis arrived in my inbox yesterday. If you haven’t read it or the rest of the trilogy, I highly recommend you get a hold of them. But back to the quote. One of the protagonists, Mark Studdock is being asked to write propaganda pieces for N.I.C.E (National Institute of Co-ordinated Experiments). He suggests that the people who read the educated newspapers will not fall for the deception. Here’s the reply he gets from the butch Miss Hardcastle.

Why, you fool, it’s the educated readers who can be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they’re all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem: we have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the highbrow weeklies, don’t need reconditioning. They’re all right already. They’ll believe anything.

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Strange Priorities

Isn’t it strange that the people decrying the poisoning of a bit of golf course grass with anti mandate slogans aren’t half so indignant about the poisoning of people’s livelihoods and ability to take part in civil society? Straining a gnat but swallowing a camel we have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. We care more about grass than we do our suffering fellow human beings.

Prayer, the Church and the Christian

In my time attending fairly typical evangelical churches, I have noticed a pattern in public prayer. Those who pray about national or international situations do so with a distinctly socialist / left wing approach. The solution is always centralist intervention and control. This is the standard approach to prayer that is acceptable in most evangelical churches. Woe-betide anyone who steps outside of this script. It will be deemed as the terrible sin of ‘being political’. This is typical of a culture where secularism is by default seen as neutral and anything that challenges it is seen as religious.

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Ignore the False Prophet

Here at The Sojournal, we like to berate the mainstream media of New Zealand. It is bereft of critical thinking and investigative journalism. In our covid age as we have marched towards ever more authoritarian government, our mainstream media has cheered the Beast on like the false prophet of Revelation. Our mainstream media is a massive part of the problem. They have used fear to stoke readership. Rather than report the facts and ask hard questions, they have joined the government in its programme of control by fear. Take a look at this headline from The New Zealand Herald from Friday 4th March.

What will the naive nanas and state worshippers take from this? What is their god’s mouthpiece, the mainstream media prophesying today? The prophet is reminding the State’s people that the enemy is covid and it has taken another five lives. The lead goes on to say this.

There are 22,535 new Covid-19 cases today and a further five deaths have been reported. That brings to 67 the number of people who have died with Covid since the outbreak started in 2020. Three per cent of New Zealand’s population are currently active cases, of which there are 152,358.

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