Levi and Mike: Round 2

In a previous post, Levi, a first-century Jewish convert to Christianity, who had somehow been miraculously transported to the modern West, argued with his host Mike about Christian education. Today the conversation continues.

Levi: So have you thought more about the discussion we had the other day on Christian education?

Mike: Not really, no. I guess I’m pretty busy at work at the moment….besides, I’m not convinced by your argument.

Levi: Did you know there’s a new school opening down the road next month?

Mike: And you think I should send my kids there?

Levi: Well it’s an Islamic school. So…would you?

Mike: Of course not! Why would you imagine I would do that?

Levi: Well, what if it was free?

Mike: What are you getting at! Of course I wouldn’t. We’re a Christian family. I don’t want my children taught from an Islamic perspective. They deny the Trinity and don’t believe Jesus actually died. But I get the feeling you’re trying to score a point here.

Levi: Yes, I am. If you wouldn’t send your child to an Islamic school, why do you send your child to a government school?

Mike: Seriously? They’re totally different. An Islamic school is religious. They are training children in the Islamic faith.

Levi: So do you believe that a government school is not religious?

Mike: No. State schools are set up to be secular. That means they are non-religious. The reason for this is so that no one faith is privileged.

Levi: Are you so naïve? Can you seriously believe that there is such a thing as a non-religious position? Neutrality is impossible in this area. Jesus said, “”Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” There are no neutral hearts. We are either in rebellion against Christ, or we acknowledge his lordship. Do you think God would consider ignoring him non-religious? Or would that be considered rebellious idolatry?

Mike: Ok, say I grant your point that there is no such thing as a neutrality. But still, I think the danger posed by a government school is significantly less than an Islamic school.

Levi: Do you? Given the impact secularism has had in undermining your civilization do you think you have perhaps miscalculated and underestimated the danger from the government schools? The West’s societies seem to be heading for rapid civilizational collapse as a result of their rebellion against God. Can you not see the connection between this and the training of its children?