Christ and Culture

The Bible clearly teaches that Christ is Lord. He reigns. He is the universal king, the King of kings and Lord of lords. All authority in heaven and on earth belongs to him. Right now, he is acting throughout the world as he slowly but surely makes every enemy into a footstall. And yet sometimes you’d be forgiven for thinking that Christians didn’t believe this. We have ceded just about every bit of the public sphere to the enemies of Christ and acted if Christ’s lordship applies to our ‘hearts’ alone. We’ve acted as if the kingdom of Christ is an imaginary realm that we access when we die. But at least we’ve invited Jesus into our hearts though!

What happened to the conquering king? What happened to “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun does its successive journeys run, his kingdom stretch from shore to shore, till moons shall wax and wane no more”? Instead, we sing about running to his arms and how ‘nothing compares to his embrace.’ We’ve given up the majestic truth of Christ’s authority and gradual conquering of the nations and his enemies for an insipid private relational realm.

It is time evangelical Christians gained a renewed understanding of the truth of Christ’s lordship and its implications for culture. As education is my particular interest and field of expertise, I will briefly describe two implications of Christ’s lordship for education.

Firstly, Christians, and particularly Christian pastors and leaders, must wake up to the truth that education is not something neutral. It does not sit outside of Christ’s kingdom. Nothing does. And if Christ is Lord of all, there is an imperative for us to train our children up to recognise his kingly authority over every single atom in this universe. That means Christians cannot but be supportive of a truly Christian education, by which I do not mean a basically secular education with a prayer to start the day and a worship assembly once a week. No, I mean we must support an education that trains children to understand everything from a Christian perspective. Christ must be recognised as lord of all – economics, politics, science, history, mathematics and language. If this is true, we must evacuate our children from the government schools which do not recognise Christ’s lordship but teach rather the lordship of demos. Our children cannot hope to learn Christ’s lordship from pagans who deny it.

Secondly, since Christ is indeed Lord, a truly Christian education will reflect the actual structure of reality in a way that false worldviews cannot. Therefore, a truly Christian education will be superior to what is offered by those who deny Christ’s lordship. Christians should fund and run the very best educational institutions in the world. We should be the leaders in providing a first-class education. People should look at what we are doing, and though they deny Christ’s lordship, they should want their children to be trained by us. And that is what we do see in Christian schools which unashamedly provide a truly Christian worldview education.

Now imagine if this were multiplied throughout the West. Imagine if all supposedly Christian schools actually taught and recognised Christ’s lordship. Imagine if Christian film-makers and storytellers, and IT specialists and scientists and philosophers self-consciously acknowledged Christ’s lordship in their field and sought to apply it. Imagine the impact Christianity will again have when we get it back out into the public sphere.

A Lion with no Claws?

The people who hanged Christ never, to do them justice, accused him of being a bore – on the contrary, they thought him too dynamic to be safe. It has been left for later generations to muffle up that shattering personality and surround him with an atmosphere of tedium. We have efficiently pared the claws of the Lion of Judah, certified him “meek and mild” and recommended him as a fitting household pet for pale curates and pious old ladies.

Dorothy Sayers in Letters to a Diminished Church: Passionate Arguments for the Relevance of Christian Doctrine

A Field of Mushrooms or Oaks?

Historians say that the sacred music of the Christian church, such as that of Palestrina, Allegri and Tallis, is one of the greatest gifts of the gospel to Western civilization and on par with the splendor of the magnificent European cathedrals, such as Chartres and Lincoln. yet this rich treasury is an unknown world to many Evangelicals, whose worship music often draws from songs written after 2000…But much of the run-of-the-mill renewal songs, which are repeated endlessly and constructed more on rhythm than melody, confine Evangelicals within a shallow theology, threadbare worship, fleeting relevance and historical amnesia. Along with soft preaching and a general rage for innovation, such music is another reason why many Evangelical churches resemble a field of quick-growing, quick-disappearing mushrooms rather than a longstanding forest of oaks. Again and again I have been regaled with the church growth maxim, “You have to sacrifice one generation to reach the next.” But this turns on a false assumption, and it leads to the telling fact that the fatal weakness of Evangelical church growth is succession. Church growth “success” without succession will always prove failure in the end.”

Os Guiness in Impossible People p176

The Directory for Private (Family) Worship #3

Today we continue working our way through the directory for private worship. Last week, we considered the second direction for family worship. We saw that there were three regular aspects to family worship that the church leaders encouraged. First there was prayer both for the church, for the kingdom and for the needs of the family. Secondly, they were to read and teach the Scriptures in an understandable way. One of the ways that was encouraged was the catechising of the family. Finally, there was an encouragement to admonish and rebuke family members ‘for just reasons’. Sin must never be allowed to fester in the Christian family. Let us now look to the third direction.

As the charge and office of interpreting the holy scriptures is a part of the ministerial calling, which none (however otherwise qualified) should take upon him in any place, but he that is duly called thereunto by God and his kirk; so in every family where there is any that can read, the holy scriptures should be read ordinarily to the family; and it is commendable, that thereafter they confer, and by way of conference make some good use of what hath been read and heard. As, for example, if any sin be reproved in the word read, use may be made thereof to make all the family circumspect and watchful against the same; or if any judgment be threatened, or mentioned to have been inflicted, in that portion of scripture which is read, use may be made to make all the family fear lest the same or a worse judgment befall them, unless they beware of the sin that procured it: and, finally, if any duty be required, or comfort held forth in a promise, use may be made to stir up themselves to employ Christ for strength to enable them for doing the commanded duty, and to apply the offered comfort. In all which the master of the family is to have the chief hand; and any member of the family may propone a question or doubt for resolution.

This is an interesting direction. It begins with something that I’m not sure is biblical. It seems to be arguing that the only person who should interpret the Scriptures is someone who is called to by God and the church, so presumably pastors. While I would agree that ideally our pastors should be the most qualified in reading and interpreting the Scriptures, it would seem to me that there is no biblical reason that other Christians should not be seeking to do so themselves.

Nevertheless, it seems that the framers of this directory argue that it is important for every family to read the Scriptures together and then ‘confer’ and ‘make good use of what hath been read and heard.’ I note that the word here is confer rather than interpret, but it seems to me, we are all ‘interpreting’ when we seek to make good use of the Scriptures we have read. Indeed, Ephesians 6:4 instructs fathers to bring their children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Presumably being able to interpret Scripture is an important aspect of this. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the distinction being made here.

Despite this, I think the point being made here is helpful. When we sit down and read the Scriptures together as a household, it is good to consider together what Christ is saying to us through his word. It is a good opportunity for us to reprove or confess sin, to warn each other of the dangers and judgments that await those who reject God’s word, to comfort each other with the comfort of Christ or to encourage each other on toward love and good deeds. The final reminder is the importance of having a master in the family who is leading the discussion and the opportunity for all members of the household to ask questions or express doubts so that they can be worked through. This is wisdom. To the fathers, and those who aspire to lead families, this calls for regular study and reading of Scripture ourselves so that we can lead our families well in this area.


…we must cease the destructive chatter about “gender roles,” as if they were thoroughly arbitrary and not built upon nature….A role is something we pick up as actors, and we can exchange one role for another. A man can act like a dog, but not very well, because in fact he is not a dog. A man can act like a woman, but not very well, because in fact he is not a woman. When a man is a man, he is not simply playing a role. He is fulfilling his being.

Anthony Esolen in “Out of the Ashes”

Ban the Phrase “Full-Time Christian Ministry”

Have you ever heard the phrase “full-time Christian ministry”? I think it’s time we stopped using phrases like it. They help entrench an unholy dualism in Christian minds and cause us to imagine there are two tiers of Christians. On the one hand, we have the elites; those who ‘do’ ministry. These are the truly ‘on fire for God’ Christians. They are the ones who are ministering with all of their lives. Then there are the rest of us ordinary Christians who get along to church, but spend much of our lives plodding along doing less significant things. Sometimes, this group are thought of, as Douglas Wilson puts it, as ‘breeders’ and ‘tithers’. Yes, we’re back to the topic of vocation.

What is generally meant by ‘full-time Christian ministry? People who use this phrase are thinking of pastors, church workers, missionaries and people whose work is in parachurch organisations. Now, these are wonderful God-given roles. We should in no way denigrate them. Yet most Christians are not and will never find themselves in these situations. Does that mean that most Christians are living lives that are somehow less pleasing to God? Should pastors encourage church members to cut back on their ‘secular’ or non-church obligations so they can assist more in institutional church ministries by conflating this as giving up something for the sake of the gospel? No! God has not called every Christian to work as pastors or church workers, and that means that the positions we are called to, cannot be inherently lacking in value or less significant.

Interestingly, in Ephesians 4:11-12 we read that Christ ‘gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.’ This flies in the face of the dualistic perception we often have. We tend to think that it is the pastors and teachers of the church who do the work of ministry, and the members of the church assist them in doing it by giving money to the church. Not so! Our pastors, by opening the Word of God to us, are designed to equip us to do works of ministry.

So, every Christian is in full-time Christian ministry. If they are not, they are sinning. Being a Christian impacts everything. After all, Jesus Christ rules this earth right now. So as a father, you are called to engage in that duty as a subject of the king, loving and serving your children. That’s Christian ministry. As a doctor, you are called to minister as Christ’s agent by loving and serving those you try to physically help. That’s Christian ministry. As a retail assistant, you are ministering Christ to your customers as you love them and assist them to find the best solution for their needs. That’s Christian ministry. We need to get away from the nonsense that unless you are engaging in a five-point gospel presentation with a work colleague (as important as this is) that your work is just marking time or simply aiding you to feed your family.

Let’s cast off the dualistic notion that there is a sacred or spiritual realm that is more important than a secular or earthly realm. After all, God created this earth and described it as very good. He doesn’t zap us into heaven when we come to Christ, but calls us to live out our trust in the King as we live in his realm. We are to seek to see his kingdom come and his will be done here on this earth. That means Christian living is not just about what happens when we are praying or singing worship songs or helping out with an institutional church ministry. It happens all day every day in whatever legitimate arena of life God calls us to.

The Directory for Private (Family) Worship #2

We are working our way through the directory for private worship. Last week, we considered the first direction for private worship. We saw that individuals in the household were to be reading the Scriptures and praying on their own, and that the head of the household was responsible for seeing this attended to. Today we move on to the second direction.

II. The ordinary duties comprehended under the exercise of piety which should be in families, when they are convened to that effect, are these: First, Prayer and praises performed with a special reference, as well to the publick condition of the kirk of God and this kingdom, as to the present case of the family, and every member thereof. Next, Reading of the scriptures, with catechising in a plain way, that the understandings of the simpler may be the better enabled to profit under the publick ordinances, and they made more capable to understand the scriptures when they are read; together with godly conferences tending to the edification of all the members in the most holy faith: as also, admonition and rebuke, upon just reasons, from those who have authority in the family.

In this direction, three ordinary duties that should be regularly undertaken in families are envisaged. First of all prayer and praise. The framers of this directory suggest three primary areas of prayer. Prayer in the family should focus on the condition of the kirk or church, and ‘this kingdom’, by which I think they are speaking of the realm of Scotland. Additionally, prayers should be made with respect to the family and the individuals within it.

Secondly, the Scriptures ought to be read and taught in a plain way. The concept of catechising implies the use of catechisms such as the Westminster Shorter Catechism which was designed to teach good doctrine to children. Today, many have a negative view of catechisms. Some of the criticisms are that catechisms do not change hearts, and that we should let each Scripture speak for itself rather than treat the Bible like an encyclopedia of doctrine. In defence of catechisms, it is important to note that all of us read Scripture through a theological lens, and it is preferable to read it through a lens that was constructed by men who were theologically sharp than lenses made out of a bit of plastic perspex which we have put together ourselves from some poorly written worship songs and some evangelical memes. The benefit of this kind of family worship to the church is significant. When families are conducting this kind of teaching at home, churches can lift their game in teaching, because those attending will be ‘more capable to understand the scriptures when they are read’.

The third duty recommended by this directory is admonition and rebuke. The framers of the directory add the phrase ‘upon just reasons’. Here fathers are required to rebuke the members of their households for sin. We should not look the other way to keep peace, as tempting as it sometimes is. Rather we are to be directly involved not just in teaching the Scriptures, but in applying the truths of Scripture into the life of the family.

Thoughts on Responsibility for Young Men Part II

In a previous post, we looked at how God designed men to exercise authority, to teach, to provide and to protect. In today’s post, we will investigate how the fall changed men. How has sin damaged the responsibility design? Let’s look at how Adam’s fall into sin affected these four areas in which he was called to exercise responsibility. It’s a sketch of failed masculinity.

First we see that Adam failed to lead authoritatively. The temptation of Eve shows this. All while Eve is being tempted by the serpent, Adam seems to have been standing silently with his wife. We do not realise that he is right next to her until we read the words, “She took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.” Adam had authority over Eve and the whole created order, yet he stood passively by watching things unfold. He failed to take seriously his responsibility to exercise authoritty as the leader of mankind.

Next, there is in the text a suggestion of his failure to teach the knowledge of God. Remember, God had given Adam alone the instructions about the tree. He was told about this before Eve was made. So it was his job to pass on this knowledge to his wife Eve. It seems like he did not do this well, for when the serpent asks Eve about the tree, she adds to God’s command by saying they were not allowed to touch the tree, which was not part of God’s original command. Again, Adam passively watches and does not correct his wife’s error. He fails to take responsibility to teach truth.

Thirdly, we see his failure to protect. What should Adam have done when this strange creature started speaking with his wife and questioning God’s Word. At the very least, he should have rebuked it and commanded its silence and banished it from the garden. Perhaps he should have crushed its head for challenging the words of his king. He was after all given dominion over all the earth including the creatures therein. Yet he stood by passively.

Finally, there is also a hint of Adam’s failure to provide. This is certainly less clear, but I think is implicit. God created a world of plenty, and he put Adam in a garden to work it. This would produce good things. What was Adam doing standing next to Eve doing nothing? Why was Eve looking at the tree longingly? Was Adam providing as he should have been? Questions we cannot answer for sure, but worth pondering.

So God comes down to deal with rebellion. Notice that when God arrives on the scene, He speaks with Adam first. Adam has authority, and God begins with the one who is ultimately responsible here. It was Adam’s fall that brought humanity into sin. Unfortunately, when God questions Adam, Adam acts in a most unmasculine way. He evades responsibility. He blames Eve and ultimately God himself. And this is the natural state of fallen masculinity today. We like to blame others and situations for failure; we refuse to take our masculine responsibilities seriously.

Now let’s consider the consequences of Adam’s rebellion. God curses the area of Adam’s prime responsibility, that of provision. In the curse, God responds to Adam’s blame-shifting. God’s reason for the curse on his provision of food is because he listened to the voice of his wife and disobeyed by eating from the tree. It’s not Eve’s fault. If Adam had been doing his job, he would have lead his wife, not been led by her. A true man is not led by the voice of his wife to disobey God. The line of authority is God, then husband, then wife. And so, thorns and thistles will now hamper the masculine responsibility of providing food. Now by the sweat of his brow he will provide for himself, his wife and his children. Additionally, we see that Adam’s role of authority is now cursed. The earth will no longer easily yield to him. Nor will his wife, and the marriage relationship will regularly become a battle for power and authority.

Bring Back Beauty

Our young people are not only starved for nature. They are starved for beauty. Everywhere they turn, their eyes fall upon what is drab or garish: their schools, their music, new books for sale, the fast-food joint, a baseball stadium (where you can hardly talk to the fan sitting next to you, for the noise roaring out at you from the loudspeakers), and, of course, their churches. Saint Paul wanted to be all things to all men, to save some (1 Corinthians 9:22). We have applied his dictum to what surrounds us. We are drab with the drab, garish with the garish, inane with the inane, and we save nobody at all.

Anthony Esolen from “Out of the Ashes”

Thoughts on Responsibility for Young Men

Many of the early battles God will bring into a young man’s life have a particular theme; taking responsibility. One of the least masculine things you can see is a fully grown man blaming events and other people for the difficulties he finds himself in. Strong and godly men take responsibility. Boys and weak men blame. One of the reasons our world is in such chaos today is because men have failed to take responsibility for themselves and the people around them. God designed men to lead, but so often they prefer passivity.

Where do we see this in the Bible? The best place to look is in Genesis where we see what things were supposed to be like before the fall into sin. In Genesis 1:26-28, we see God created mankind in his image and likeness to have dominion over the created earth and its creatures. The task for mankind was to fill the earth and subdue it.

So what is a man’s role in all of this? As we look at Adam, we see that responsible masculinity is tied to a number of areas. The first area is authority. Adam was designed with authority. God gave him responsibility for all of creation. He was to have dominion or rule over creation, and that rule included rule over Eve who was created to help him in his role. Notice that Adam named the animals alone, and he also named Eve. He was designed to exercise authority in the dominion mandate.

The second area of responsibility for Adam, connected with his role of authority was teaching. God gave Adam the command about not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was Adam’s responsibility to pass on and teach Eve and ultimately his children this command. Responsible masculinity is about passing on the knowledge of God to our wives and children.

Next, Adam was responsible for working and through that work providing. Genesis 2:15 demonstrates this. Here God puts Adam in the garden to work and keep it. In working the garden, we see the masculine responsibility of providing food. God didn’t design the garden as some idyllic island vacation where Adam and Eve were to sun themselves sitting in hammocks while waiters brought them cold drinks and snacks. Yes, the garden provided plenty of food, but Adam was still designed to work in it, and ultimately through his offspring to continue to fill the earth and subdue it. The garden was in miniature what he and his children were to continue to do with the rest of the earth.

Finally, we see that Adam was designed to protect. Obviously, a man’s body indicates this. Men are larger and stronger than women. But the Genesis account specifically mentions the role of protection. Again in Genesis 2:15, we read that Adam was placed in the garden to keep it. Here is the suggestion of protecting and guarding. God knew that Satan was on the loose, and knew Adam would need to protect the garden and all who dwelt in it from him.

So in summary, Adam was designed to exercise authority, to teach, to provide and to protect. As the original man, we can infer from this that these things are masculine responsibilities. Therefore, a man is responsible to rule, teach, provide for and protect his family. And to the extent that a man succeeds in this arena, he should, as God allows, fulfil these duties in wider society.