Kris Faafoi on Labour’s New Hate Speech Laws

Kris Faafoi, our Justice Minister on hate speech laws. Seriously. What a clown! Oh dear. Is that hate speech? I mean I’m all for clowns. Clowns are great. Clowns bring joy to children. But I think clowns belong in the circus. And I don’t think circuses should be let anywhere near parliament. Too late.

Child Sacrifice in NZ

Last year, politicians from all political persuasions voted for the Abortion Legislation Act 2020 which decriminalised abortion. 94 voted for decriminalisation and only 23 voted against it. You can see the roll of shame here. It includes all of NZ First (that bastion of conservatism), all of the Greens, as well as Act (David Seymour was at that stage their only MP), as well as 42 out of Labour’s 46 MPs and 33 out of National’s 52 MPs.

Voice for Life has recently written on the case of a baby being born in a New Zealand hospital after an unsuccessful late-term abortion. The baby was then “left gasping without medical assistance for two hours before dying.” Why was the baby aborted? The mother had “financial and housing issues”. And how many people in NZ want to adopt and cannot? Unfortunately, it sounds as if this is not even a one-off, as the healthcare student who passed this information on said that this sort of situation is not uncommon and that “in these situations, the baby is just left to die.”

Why is this not in the mainstream media? Why is there not outrage over this? Because the secular New Zealand elite does not care. They want to hide their blood-stained hands. Despite Ardern’s constant mothering and telling us to “be kind”, we are dealing with callous leaders, who having being warned about the possibility of this very thing happening, refused National MP Simon O’Connor’s Supplementary Order Paper that would have made it a legal requirement to provide appropriate medical care and treatment to a child born alive in the event of an unsuccessful abortion.

But Christ is king. He rules the earth, and these politicians who have shaken their fists at his law must repent or suffer his wrath. Already they are under his curse of judgment. Hands that shed innocent blood are one of the seven things the Lord hates according to Proverbs 6:17. Our God is the protector of the innocent and those behind this law and these actions will not go unpunished. All those involved in this depravity must kiss the Son in repentance or be prepared to be part of his footstall.

Yet even more is going on here. The secularist worships the material world rather than the Creator. These people have no hope. They destroy their offspring for the sake of their economic prosperity and convenience, just like the ancient Canaanites sacrificed their children to Molech. In this despicable evil lie the seeds of their own destruction. While they snuff out their future, we who worship Christ and look forward to his reign on this earth will be fruitful and multiply. We will inherit the earth.

In the meantime as we look forward to this day, let us stand up for the rights of the innocent. Go here to sign Voice for Life’s petition to repeal Labour’s Abortion Legislation Act.

The Worst of Both Sexes in Our Politics

It appears to me that our politics now reflects the worst of both sexes, not the best: the violent passions and ambitions of unscrupulous men and the shrillness and manipulative emotion-mongering of meddlesome women.

Anthony Esolen from Out of the Ashes

The Necessity of Patriarchy

We train boys to be men. If you believe that the Church, the nation, and what is left of Western culture and civilization can be revived or rebuilt without the leadership of men, I suggest that you take an honest look at what happens when men retreat from the public square. You do not get rule by women. You get anarchy – social chaos that requires the vast machinery of state control to manage, control that enters into a host-parasite relationship with the chaos itself, much to the destruction of true liberty and the flourishing of communities…

If you do not raise men to be fathers – not just progenitors of children, but fathers in the full sense implied by a phrase like “city fathers” – they will not therefore become compliant and gentle mothers. They will either drag out their days in ennui and desperation or go very bad, very fast. Nor will they lack for women, and plenty of them too, who will be attracted to the dangerous man, the rebel, the leader of the gang. The alternative to rule by fathers, which is what patriarchy means, is male domination in the form of a police state or in the persons of men outside the law.


Criticising Government

It is only by believing in God that we can criticize the Government. Once abolish God, and the Government becomes God. The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world. But, above all, they worship the strongest thing in the world.

G.K. Chesterton

The Tyranny of Moral Busybodies

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

C.S. Lewis

Cruel Mercies

It’s a funny thing. Those of a more godless statist bent tend to like to paint those who disagree with their methods as uncaring. But the truth is, we are actually caring, it’s just that our care is more thought out. We tend to be sceptical of state solutions because…well when have they ever improved a situation before?

A classic case is all the hand-wringing about child poverty. Leaving aside the definitional problems of child-poverty, what is one of the largest causes of child-poverty? Sole-parent families are a huge contributing factor to child-poverty. Lindsay Mitchell, a researcher into welfare in New Zealand recently authored a report which found that although single parent families make up 28 percent of all families with dependent children, they are the poorest families in NZ. Indeed, 51% of children in poverty live in single parent families, and these parents have the lowest home ownership rates and highest debt ratios. But do we see our leaders point out the truth that men and women who decide to have children together ought to stay together for the welfare of their children? Do we see government initiatives to support and strengthen two-parent families? Do we see an acknowledgement that this is the best way to bring children up? Of course not, that wouldn’t be…kind. So instead our leaders encourage behaviour that leads to more and more children being born into poverty and therefore we increase income inequality and hinder the life prospects of a large proportion of our population.

Truly, the mercy of the wicked is cruel.

Our Saviour State

“In our case, the story we’ve heard countless times concerns how the secular state, our supposed “savior,” came to exist. As the story usually goes, after the Reformation, Europe was torn apart with religious strife. The infamous “wars of religion” wracked Europe until finally, with a great sigh of relief, our fathers stumbled into the virtues of tolerance, and the secular state took over the public square. Our “deliverance” was that bloodthirsty religious convictions were finally banished into the realm of “personal belief”—a realm, of course, that had no effect on public behavior. In this story, not only are we saved by something other than the Christian gospel, but we are also saved from the Christian gospel. The story is compelling, widespread, constantly reiterated, and almost entirely false. Unfortunately, even many Christians have been taken in by aspects of it. This is how most Christians in the West have made their peace with the “escapist” option mentioned earlier. Religion is to have no effect on our views of what should and should not be allowed in the public square, but may be allowed to inform us what will get us salvation in the next life.”

from “Heaven Misplaced: Christ’s Kingdom on Earth” by Douglas Wilson

Masculine and Feminine Approaches to Loving Neighbour

I think it was C.S. Lewis who once compared masculine and feminine approaches to love. Men tend to think of it as leaving your neighbour alone and letting him get on with his life, whereas a more feminine approach seeks to do neighbour active good. There does seem to be an element of truth to this generalisation. My wife is more likely to think of making Christmas cookies for the neighbours than I am!

Lewis, I think (and I can’t remember the exact place he makes this point), argues that the woman’s approach to loving neighbour is better. In general, I am inclined to agree. Love is not a lack of action toward someone, but a positive action.

However, the feminine approach to love of neighbour is a dangerous thing when taken into government, and as our government becomes more feminised, a live and let live approach is replaced by the tyranny of moral busybodies. There’s a reason we call it a Nanny State.

Who can forget Prime Minister Ardern’s daily television appearances during the COVID pandemic? We were talked down to as if we were children. We were restricted from normal activities so we could be kept safe, and we were told to ‘be kind’. It was like being seven years old again.

Then we had Siouxsie Wiles of the fluro pink hair who ended up becoming New Zealander of the Year. She berated Aucklanders who left the city before the 2021 lockdown. “Hey, all you Aucklanders leaving the city during the night to spend the week at your bach… you better bloody well take Level 3 with you,” and “You do realise this is a s****y thing to do? If you are incubating the virus you run the risk of spreading it outside Auckland #COVID19nz.”

It makes one wonder whether there is something about a woman’s nature that suits her more to governing the domestic sphere and looking after children rather than governing adults.

Free Speech Petition

If you are interested in free speech in New Zealand, and you should be, you need to make sure you sign ACT’s petition. Labor are intent on introducing dangerous hate speech laws, and this will have a deleterious impact on a citizen’s ability to say what needs to be said. Minority views must be allowed to be heard. Driving them underground does no one any favours. A free citizen needs to be able to speak freely.

So go on, sign it. Show these totalitarian control freaks that we the people will not be silenced. We are not their slaves!