Mainstream Media – Useless or Liars?

On Sunday I took my family to one of the motorway overbridges to take a look at the Convoy protestors passing by. I was pleased to see other happy Kiwis and their kids flying New Zealand flags, holding anti mandate and pro-freedom signs, laughing and having a good time while passers-by tooted support. The atmosphere was festive and jovial aside from the odd aggressive motorist who gestured how many brain cells they had or voiced their low opinion of freedom with profanities despite the obvious presence of young children.

Though the protest has been building as it has made its way down from the North and up from Bluff, little attention has been paid to it by the media. The attention that has been shown is designed to turn naive media consumers against the protestors. A short clip on TV showed some people flying Trump flags on one bridge – I have seen lots of footage of this event and this is the only bridge I saw Trump flags on. But because our completely neutral media has trained some segments of the population to go rabid when they even get a whiff of Trump much like Pavlov managed to get dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, those scenes were enough to turn a number against the protestors. Propaganda has a strong effect on the weak-minded.

As the convoy continued its way toward Wellington, more organisations began to mention them. Naturally numbers were played down. People were framed as crazies. Today we had this from the objective reporters sitting behind their keyboards and watching their Twitter feeds.

We have a convoy of vehicles. Apparently, it has attracted hundreds of people in up to 1000 vehicles. Yes..really. Not sure how that works.

Those out on the bridges, those who got stuck in the traffic, and those standing on the mainstreets of towns throughout the country cheering on the protestors know that this is big, even if our mainstream media are looking the other way. Tech is on our side. We can share our videos and information. We don’t need these clowns to frame the story for us.

And so, at a certain point, like now, as the protestors all arrive in Wellington, it becomes harder to lie to the people. So the article changes. Unless you happened to have a screenshot of the original wording, you might never know. It’s like the memory hole in 1984.

Now there are hundreds of cars, in fact up to 1000 vehicles and several thousand on Parliament’s lawn. Never mind all the thousands of people who have been out in support over the last few days in every town, suburb, and motorway bridge.

So what can they do now? Back to the old tactic of smearing these protestors. Karen, sorry Carol wound down her window to give the thumbs down to free choice and freedom and someone apparently threw a can to her side of the road which caused her to feel unsafe. The protest organisers have made it clear that the protest is to be peaceful, so this is not endorsed if it even happened. But Karen, dear Karen; we feel unsafe living among fascists like you who think it is perfectly acceptable for a government to force people like us to be vaccinated against our will.

Do we have anyone interviewed from the protest to give information about what they are protesting about? Don’t be silly, that would take effort and some semblance of objectivity. To be fair, a woman who saw the protest drive through was reported as saying it was huge and took 45 minutes to pass.

We are then told Ardern is too busy to come and talk to the protestors. Too busy to see the people to whom she supposedly ministers and whose lives she has destroyed with her policies over the past couple of years. Too busy? Too scared! That spineless jellyfish Luxon also is refusing to show. Not only that he has made it clear he does not want his MPs to attend either. Why? Because he is pro-vaccination and thinks the mandates are fine at this point in time. In other words, when enough the current finally moves to see them as wicked and evil, jellyfish Luxon will float that way too. Right now, there are thousands of unrepresented Kiwis looking for a leader. And Luxon, you’re not him.

How to Lie with Statistics

How to Lie with Statistics is a book written by Darrell Huff in 1954. Admittedly I haven’t read the book, but it rose to prominence in recent years due to being on Bill Gates “Summer Book List” from 2015. While it was surmised by critics that Bill Gates may have wanted to use this for its literal meaning, the book is intended to make people aware of how true statistics can be misused to create incorrect conclusions.

It’s much like a video. People think if they see things on video then it must be true. But often things that have a huge impact on the context of a situation are not on the video. They are either out of view, or happened before the camera started rolling.

UK “Deaths involving COVID-19” reports

Back on the 13th of September the UK Office for National Statistics released a report entitled “Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England: deaths occurring between 2 January and 2 July 2021“.

On the 1st of November the report was re-released to include the data from 2 July to 24th September 2021.

The first main point in the first released report was as follows:

  • In England, between 2 January and 2 July 2021, there were 51,281 deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19); 640 occurred in people who were fully vaccinated, which includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated.

If you were wanting to show the effectiveness the Covid-19 vaccines, then this an excellent statistic to have. This hammers home that this vaccine clearly reduces the risk of death from Covid-19. The vaccine must be very effective as these two figures of 51,281 and 640 throw quite a stark contrast.

A stark contrast, but is this a fair comparison?

When this data started being collected only 0.68% of the UK population was vaccinated. It wasn’t until April that this went above 10% and then June before this went above 50%. As of week 26, the last week of the data from the first report, this percentage was 59.4%.

As the vaccination rate is changing over time, I thought it would be helpful to map this. Thankfully you are able to download the full data sets from these reports with this information broken down. I was able to compare, 1) the unvaccinated population as a % of the total population, against 2) the unvaccinated Covid-19 deaths as a % of the total Covid-19 deaths. I did the same for the fully vaccinated. UV = Unvaccinated, FV = Two Dose vaccinated. There is also data for partially vaccinated people that is not shown in these graphs.

Chart showing % of Covid-19 Deaths of unvaccinated Population vs % of total population who are unvaccinated
Chart showing % of Covid-19 Deaths of vaccinated Population vs % of total population who are vaccinated

As you can see, the percentage of Covid-19 deaths amongst unvaccinated people follow very closely the percentage of unvaccinated people in the population. For fully vaccinated unsurprisingly we have the same situation where the percentage of Covid-19 deaths follows the percentage of population. In fact with fully vaccinated chart the visual appears to be more of a close correlation.

These rates following closely is what you would expect to see if Covid-19 affected all people equally. This is not what you would expect if the vaccine were effective. If the vaccine were effective then as the vaccine rates increase the percentage of deaths in the fully vaccinated should stay low. Especially when we have been told from the ‘pulpit of truth’ that vaccinated people, while they may still catch Covid-19, will not have severe illness nor die.

Why so many unvaccinated deaths?

The reason that there is a huge number of unvaccinated deaths, when compared to vaccinated deaths, is primarily because most of those deaths happened earlier on, before people were able to be vaccinated. You can see from the worldometer graph below that the main peak of deaths happened right at the start of this data window. It drops away to almost zero through the middle before picking up a little at the end. The window for the data from full data set from the second report is within the blue square.

Graphh of UK daily deaths, showing report data window.

Vaccines or Lockdowns?

Some people will then say “Hey, you can’t say that! The overall deaths have dropped so this must be because of the vaccine”. However it is not difficult to disprove this.

Graph showing Total COvid-19 deaths over time compared to the vaccination rate

As you can see clearly in the graph above, the deaths per day have almost bottomed out before the vaccine rate starts to rise around week 12. In fact 42,000 of these deaths occurred before even 5% of the population were vaccinated. The drop in deaths is far more likely attributed to a lockdown. This data starts on the 8th of January 2021. The UK entered it’s third National Lockdown on the 6th of January 2021.

What Vaccines are the UK using

I have had difficultly finding the exact numbers of administered vaccines by type in the UK. But I have found in this BBC article how many doses the UK have ordered. The Pfizer vaccine used in New Zealand seems to be a major player in the UK’s vaccination program.

Chart showing UK Vaccine orders

Comparison of the two reports

In report #1, the first main point listed above compares the 51,281 total deaths involving Covid-19 with the 640 deaths in people fully vaccinated. Interestingly an equivalent main point comparing these same figures is completely missing from report #2.

Why would the main point listed in a report, not be repeated in a subsequent report? Likely this is due to the fact that the deaths in the interim were 1,268 unvaccinated and 3,896 fully vaccinated. More than 3 times as many vaccinated people died than unvaccinated over this 12 week window. This is not a figure that we see mentioned in the summary.

Comparing 56,445 total deaths involving Covid-19 with 4,536 deaths in the fully vaccinated doesn’t quite have the same stark contrast. Maybe the editor could mention how the data makeup has changed significantly, or, yeah-nah we’ll just leave it out.

Comparison of Breakthrough Cases

Along with the main point in report #1 mentioned above, there were 4 other main points. 3 of these main points talk about breakthrough cases or deaths. According to a breakthrough case is “an instance in which a person becomes sick with a disease despite having received the vaccine for that disease. In other words, the vaccine fails to prevent the person from becoming infected.

It goes on to say “Please note: No vaccine is 100% effective, but breakthrough cases are extremely rare. In the US, breakthrough cases of COVID-19 are reported to have occurred in less than 1% of all those vaccinated—as low as .01% in some studies.”

With 640 out of 51,281 we can talk about breakthrough cases as only 1.25% of deaths were in the vaccinated. However with 4,536 out of 56,445, it’s a bit more difficult. This is now more than 8% of the total covid-19 deaths. And more tragically, over 75% of the deaths within the last 12 weeks of this data set have been breakthrough deaths. So, while disappointing, it’s unsurprising that any mention of breakthrough deaths is completely missing from the main points in report #2. In fact, the word breakthrough is not mentioned at all in the second report, after 25 appearances in the first. Again, we’ll just leave that out.

In closing

I’m not saying that the vaccine is entirely ineffective. I’m certainly not saying that there is no data out there that is showing benefits. But I would say two things are abundantly clear.

It is absolutely BS to think that everything the government says is “truth”. Governments tell us that they are our source of truth. They are not worthy of the same label of “misinformation” they would happily smear on all who disagree. They are however still politicians, and are highly selective about what information is presented in order to manipulate perception.

It is also BS to think that the vaccine prevents death in a significant way as we have been told. First we were first told the vaccine stopped transmission. When this eventually be came an indefensible position, there was a quick change to ‘the vaccine prevents illness and death’. However this is now also an indefensible position, with the last week of the UK data painting a different picture. With 75% of the population being vaccinated, more than 75% of covid-19 deaths are in the vaccinated. And this is not new, this trend has been happening for the last year. Our leader has told the “team of 5 million” that if they get vaccinated then they won’t get severely sick, or die, and this is just not true!

Mainstream Propaganda and the Embarrassment National has Become

For a long time I’ve been aware of the role media has in shaping public opinion. I remember the lead-up to the anti-smacking bill, civil unions and the more recent homosexual ‘marriage’ law and the cannabis referendum in 2020. Mainstream papers and television news blatantly promote their views and fashion their reporting to create their desired narrative. What’s more disconcerting than this fact is that so many Kiwis are hoodwinked by it, thinking they are getting largely unbiased ‘news’.

Unfortunately, our prostituted media have outdone themselves through the Covid ‘pandemic’. The insistence on calling anyone opposed to the covid vaccine or the government’s no jab no job rules ‘anti-vaxxers’ and almost daily smears against the unvaccinated combined with their attempts to underreport numbers at anti mandate protests or describe the protestors as far-right or white supremacists has, unfortunately, had its effect on the compliant Kiwi population. Sometimes the claims are just plain ridiculous. Just why the Maori ‘community’ would be interested in white supremacy I fail to understand. Perhaps our leaders are insinuating Maori are stupid and need a maternalistic state making sure racists don’t encourage them to make medical decisions for themselves. But the only stupid ones are those who believe and take on board these ridiculous smears without investigating for themselves.

Which brings us to the National Party of New Zealand. What a disgrace. You would think that we would have leaders intelligent enough to see through the government propaganda. But no. Men like Luxon seem to promise nothing more than more competent authoritarianism. “Labour is driving New Zealand over a cliff at 100km/h. Vote for us, we’ll spend less on the car, slow things to 50, and make sure everyone has their seat belts on!”

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Pfizer Side-Effects

In recent weeks it seems that a few people have begun to talk about adverse reactions to the Pfizer covid vaccine. A US court has ordered Pfizer to release a damning document that highlights over 100 different adverse reactions to the vaccine from around the world. Curiously there were a few others that were not listed which I think are common enough. Unlisted side-effects of the Pfizer covid vaccine are self-righteousness, stupidity, heartlessness and the loss of critical thinking skills.

Let’s take Duncan Garner as our first example. Having just received his second dose of the vaccine, he gets covid. Initially surprised he assumed it couldn’t be covid because he was already vaccinated. His religious faith took a hit when he discovered it was, but he managed to overcome this spiritual attack and move to comfort himself with the thought that things would have been far worse had he not been vaccinated. Conclusion? Get vaccinated says Garner. So he thought the vaccine prevented him from getting Covid. It didn’t. And now he expects us to get this marvellous vaccine because he thinks it will reduce the effects of the virus. Don’t take up a job in sales mate.

Then there are the clowns who complain about the protests. Newmarket’s retail boss Mark Knoff-Thomas labelled those protesting by marching down Broadway as ‘utter dickheads’ because it apparently ruined one of the busiest shopping days of the year. I wonder what he calls the people who shut down the shops for about a quarter of the year and who now are banning unvaccinated people from many shops around the country.

On a related note, we have Inangahua Community Board chair John Bougen frustrated with supposedly irrational attitudes of anti-vaxxers. Let’s leave the ‘anti-vaxxer’ slur alone this time. People who haven’t got the Pfizer vaccine are not all anti-vaxxers. If you don’t know this, it’s probably due to the little known adverse reaction of stupidity.

So what’s Bougen’s problem? Why are those choosing not to take the vaccine irrational? Well, unfortunately for him, it’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The only irrational one is Bougen. He is annoyed because those who have refused the vaccine are having a negative impact on business. Cafes have apparently lost staff and can’t open on certain days of the week. Chefs are no longer working at restaurants. The worst of all for Bougen is that employers have to foot the bill for four weeks pay for the staff who have refused the vaccine and are losing their jobs. How dare these people get four weeks pay? They’ve only been pushed out on their arse because our ever benevolent overlords have decided to mandate an experimental vaccine before they can continue in their employment. Why should they get four weeks pay as they begin to look for jobs that will allow the modern-day leper to apply? How dare we give them anything? They should be dismissed immediately. Who do they think they are trying to make their own medical choices? Bastards. They should be tossed on the street without a cent. Better still, they should have been held down and forcibly vaccinated so John Bougen can enjoy a flat white at the cafe of his choice.

This is a clear case of the damage the Pfizer vaccine is doing to the critical thinking skills of a number of New Zealanders. We treat people abominably and then we blame them for the results of our treatment. We accept the government’s injustice like docile sheep, and then instead of blaming the government for its evil stupidity, we turn on the poor sods who have already suffered job losses and then blame them for minor inconveniences to ourselves. We say they are ruining the economy because now we don’t have enough workers. We blame them for putting lives in danger because they are no longer working as St John’s volunteers because of the mandate.

I’ve even heard this sort of stupid thinking even amongst some Christians who think unvaccinated people need to just resign and let employers get on with hiring someone else. There is no compassion, no love, no care, no sense of the great wrong that is being done right now. No desire for justice. No understanding that not only are brave people losing their jobs, but they are also losing their rights to be free citizens in their own country. No haircuts, no date nights, no clay shooting club, no weddings, no family Christmas and the list keeps going on and on. There is only a sense of frustration that these people won’t just disappear and stop ruining our society.

And finally to the mainstream media for their stupidity. The New Zealand Herald had a recent headline: Young girl gets virus after hug with unvaccinated adult. The lead paragraph reads. “An 11-year-old girl got Covid-19 after “a fleeting hug” with an unvaccinated adult at a family dinner, leaving the family’s lives “disrupted” for three weeks, her mother says.” Sounds absolutely appalling, doesn’t it?

So the story? A young girl hugs a young man who was unvaccinated and carried the virus. Interestingly he did not know he had the virus, so it can’t have been bad – not like Duncan’s version eh?! The poor girl contracted the virus and ended up with covid and had to isolate. It was very disruptive apparently. Then we get the usual self-righteous lecturing about how the mother always follows the rules like a good little sheep, as well as the obligatory throwing the unvaccinated family member under the bus and the altar call to accept the gospel of vaccination. Then we are regaled with the fact that poor Shakyra had a compromising health condition and was born premature.

By this stage I was truly worried, I can tell you. In typical mainstream media fashion, my fears were only relieved 3/4 of the way down. Shakyra only had a runny nose and a cough. One wonders how this made it into our supposed premier newspaper. Imagine trying this 3 years ago. My daughter was hugged by her uncle who hadn’t got his flu shot. She got a runny nose and a bit of a cough. That would have been front-page news that. Riveting stuff. The real question is, why isn’t the headline “Two unvaccinated young people unaffected by Covid”?

Keep your eyes peeled my friends. As you do, you will surely see that these vaccine side effects of stupidity, self-righteousness and loss of critical thinking skills are worryingly common.

Ian Wishart on the Media and Covid

Ian Wishart is asking some good questions at the moment. This is taken from his Facebook page.

Some of my media colleagues don’t like the criticism… but again I have to call them out for leaving key facts out of covid stories.

Late this morning news broke of a “fully vaccinated” person who tested positive in Christchurch after returning from a visit to Auckland.

Initially, media reported the case was fully vaccinated. All good.

But by the 6pm news that detail was missing from stories… and curiously missing from the Ministry of Health media release.

In fact tonight you will be hard-pressed to find any current news stories discussing the vax status.

Why is it relevant? Because the patient is a mother with three children under the age of 11. It’s highly likely she was fully vaxxed less than three months ago.

This scenario of the vaccine wearing off much quicker than the assumed six months is becoming all too common – I pinged Stuff last week for telling the story of a fully vaxxed Auckland man catching covid but failing to mention WHEN he had been fully vaxxed: JUST SIX WEEKS EARLIER!

A thunderstorm always begins with a few spits of rain… and then suddenly there’s a deluge. I think a covid thunderstorm is coming and many who have been vaxxed are going to get a surprise.

The media are constantly running talking points from immunologists and science communicators assuring the public that they will get at least six months protection from the vaccine and really minimize the risk of passing it to others. Clearly the communicators are not up to speed with the latest studies. Even the CDC has admitted this week that the vaccines are not preventing spread of the virus as expected and are not good enough to end the pandemic.

And yet, the Government, the Opposition, business leaders, talkback hosts and the news media are marching in lockstep to promote vaccine passports as the key to freedom. Or is it really a pathway from the frying pan into the fire?

1.6 million Aucklanders, with Delta silently infesting them, are about to get their vax passports and be unleashed on all corners of the country… unaware that the vaccines are not going to prevent them catching covid and spreading it – clearly as early as just six weeks after the jab.

National was right. We ARE going to have a covid Christmas after all.

If there was ever a time for the media to be asking hard questions about the unexpectedly short duration of protection from the vaccine, that time is now.

I really do feel like a spectator in the crowd as the naked emperor rides past to cheers from a crowd who have been let down by news media too timid or uninformed to investigate vaccine efficacy.

Don’t get me wrong…we can’t lock down forever and as I have said before, the vaxxed should be able to avoid the worst outcomes personally (albeit despite my calculations that most of the recent NZ Delta deaths have actually been double jabbed)…. but ironically it’s the vaccinated who are about to seed the biggest explosion of covid that New Zealand has seen yet… and the unvaxxed are going to cop it. Sure, most are unvaxxed by choice, but that just illustrates how surreal this crisis has become.

The bitter irony is that we have just divided the team of five million in the name of promoting a vax passport system that even Blind Freddy can see is going to be a Christmas super spreading disaster… and when school resumes in the new year everyone’s children will become fuel and it’s game on.

I hope I am wrong, but based on the UK, Israel and the USA I am not holding my breath.

The vax will help protect you from acute covid… but it won’t prevent you passing it on when you hug grandma at the bach. If anyone reading this seriously believes their vax passport is proof of immunity I have got last week’s winning lotto ticket for sale.

And finally., just as proof that the Christchurch case was fully vaccinated… here’s this morning’s story.

Memo to news editors: publish ALL relevant facts in every story. Stop forgetting to mention that the vax is wearing off early. Stop forgetting to mention that the double vaxxed are still dying. You want public trust? Tell all sides of the story.

Ian Wishart’s Open Letter to The Media

This is why vast numbers of people think the government and health officials are idiots and we in the media are their mentally-challenged handmaid:

“The woman says from the outset the sick family relied on advice from a fragmented Covid-19 health response that allegedly never gave her father a directive to go to hospital, instead offering throat lozenges and paracetamol as treatment.”

The guy died coughing up blood because the “best” advice from officials was suck a lolly.

Where the frick was the advice on steroids, antihistamines, even scientifically proven (on human coronavirus, influenza and herpes) antivirals like Kaloba!? Or even something that at least has immune support like high dose vitamin C and zinc?

If this poor guy had tried ivermectin or hcq to stay alive the media would have smugly laughed at him whilst dutifully publishing a “warning” from Bloomfield and Hipkins reminding the public to “trust the experts”.

What an indictment on politics and health that the best official treatment for covid is a throatie.

Frankly, I have read the ivermectin studies and they’re underwhelming. However, I suspect that even ivermectin is light years ahead of a throat lozenge.

These incompetents at the ministry of health couldn’t run a Bunnings sausage sizzle.

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Squid Game and Media Musings From a Christian Perspective

Recently, I watched the Netflix show Squid Game, and like many, I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, the show has generated some controversy, specifically surrounding violence and the issue of children watching such shows. Putting the viewing age aside, although it is certainly apparent that it would not be age-appropriate for anyone under 18, Squid Game caused me to consider an issue Christians seem to be forever talking about: how should we relate to media and various forms of entertainment?

As Christians, we ought to examine our motives for entertainment, because the chief end of man is not to have a pleasurable, comfortable life full of popcorn and cheesy rom coms. Our purpose is to glorify God in all that we do and to enjoy him forever. This conversation cannot be side-lined as media and various forms of entertainment constantly bombard us. Various television shows, movies, and video games are constantly vying for our attention; therefore, it is not as simple as switching them off and ignoring them. It is becoming increasingly vital for us to consider how best we should relate to media and how we ought to consume media.

Why this is an important issue and why we Christians should be considering how we use technology and consume media:

1. Media is not neutral

Firstly, media is not neutral, and it is dangerous to treat it as such. Yes, dangerous; we cannot just passively let media wash over us. This is not about any bias found in news media but is about forms of entertainment, like Squid Game, and how they are almost constantly sending a specific message, affirming a lifestyle, or speaking from a specific worldview. This lack of neutrality is inevitable and is a feature of any media, as entertainment is produced by finite humans who are not naturally inclined to be impartial. If we wholeheartedly believe something or ascribe to a specific belief system, as all humans do, we often produce things that affirm said worldview. It becomes a problem when we are unaware of this and subconsciously accept underlying messages which contradict what the Bible says. For example, we may think watching a trashy reality T.V dating show is harmless, but have we considered the message the program is sending? What message are they sending by having their contestants sleep with one another? What worldview are they affirming? Would this offend or grieve God?

Maybe I sound like an old fuddy-duddy or an overly pious and uptight individual. That is fine. I am not saying these shows are off-limits; that is up to our own discretion. We are not to become hermits and have our only recreational time involve churning butter or burning all electronics and ceremoniously deleting our Netflix subscriptions. Instead, we need to be conscious of this new battleground that has emerged in the 21st century. Instead of just going ‘cold turkey’, we must be filtering what we interact with through the Christian worldview, and to do this effectively means constantly being in God’s word and hearing the public teaching of God’s word.

Personally, I am certainly guilty of kicking back after work or university, laying on my bed, with my phone and passively scrolling. Frankly, I would say many people, religious or irreligious, would probably admit they spend too much time on various forms of media. It is a problem shared by many and is not aided by how addictive these forms of entertainment can be. Although, as Christians, we must remember that even if we are relaxing, the devil is always active, and these forms of entertainment are a perfect opportunity to gain a foothold. In 1 Peter 5v8, it says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour”. Satan is always active, and we must not forget this.

2.As Christians we ought to be wise with our time

Secondly, we should be using our time wisely. Ephesians 5 v 16 says, “making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” We only have a certain amount of time on this earth, so we ought to make that time count. A past teacher once said that we ought to “use our recreational time for our recreation,” in other words, use your downtime for kingdom-related endeavours. Of course, at the time, young me internally rolled her eyes, but my teacher, she was right. We often have limited free time, so it is wise to use some for eternal good rather than solely for fleeting, frivolous fun.

Before moving on, I must stress that this is not a black and white issue and that an additional hour of T.V is not damaging your soul. Entertainment is not inherently evil, and we should enjoy ourselves, but that is not our sole purpose. Rather, we must examine our hearts and carefully consider whether how much media we consume negatively impacts our walk with Christ. What is the first thing you do when waking up? Do you prioritise reading the Bible? How is your prayer life? What do you do on a Sunday evening? It would be hypocritical to say I do this perfectly; arguably, I’m a terrible culprit of the ‘mindless scroll.’ The majority of us enjoy various forms of entertainment, and that is all well and good; however, we must remember that we are not put on this earth for pleasure. I would argue we Western Christians, who, on average, enjoy a life of relative comfort and security, have sadly forgotten this fact.

3.A Brief mention of our call as Christians

Finally, we cannot effectively create disciples if the world’s sin entertains us. Part of being a Christian is sharing the hope we have with unbelievers and proclaiming Jesus as Lord (Matthew 28:16-20). That requires us to share a crucial part of the gospel message – confess your sins, repent and turn away from them to Jesus Christ. Additionally, we are called to be ‘salt and light’ (Matthew 5:13-16), in other words being effective witnesses and having a positive impact on the culture around us. In an “Ask Pastor John” episode on Christian engagement with media, John Piper mentions that we cannot be salt and light if we find the glorification of sin in what we watch entertaining. This makes sense! How are we any different from the world if we enjoy watching others in their sin?

Rather than overindulging in media or becoming culturally starved, and avoiding any form of entertainment, we need to bring our interaction with media under the lordship of Christ. Whether it be Instagram, a movie, or any other form of entertainment, we ought to be aware and switched on, ultimately seeking to serve Christ well with our time.

The Definition of Woman Is Now Despicable

Many New Zealanders will be aware there is a battle on at the moment over birth certificates. There is a proposed change that will allow people to self identify their sex. One of the groups opposing this is a group called Stand Up For Women (SUFW). They have attempted to have billboards with the definition of woman placed on buildings only to have them removed by a cowardly company. Now, the Free Speech Union has sent its supporters an email highlighting how the New Zealand Herald, that bastion of free speech and diversity of opinion, has refused to publish an advertisement by the group which includes the definition of a woman.

They explained their decision. As you know, we had previously requested that your advertisements have the definition of “woman” removed, as we considered that these were potentially inflammatory, would compromise NZME’s reputation, and draw it into a debate in which it does not take a view from a commercial perspective.

So the definition of woman is potentially inflammatory. My oh my. The truth hurts a few psychologically damaged peoples’ feelings and the NZ Herald runs a mile. Could it be that their journalistic choices might be shaped by the feelings of the Alphabet Cult and their own timidity and distaste for the truth in the face of mild opposition? But of course, as the NZ Herald boasted the other day, it apparently produces truthful, independent and trusted journalism despite its $440,000 handout from the taxpayer government. Do write to the NZ Herald to tell them why you don’t subscribe to their biased publication. And if you have a subscription, drop it. Don’t give money to these destroyers of our society.

And then we have young Twitternazis like the young man below.

Good old Elliot labels the definition of woman (or potentially the publishing of this definition) as despicable. He has been well-brainwashed by his education. This child-man doesn’t know the meaning of despicable. Despicable applies to things like theft, adultery, sexual perversion, rape, murder, and the genocide of innocents (you know like unborn children). It does not apply to the definition of a woman. The fact that he does not know this is a testament to how well our left-wing education system has inculcated its warped sense of ethics in our youth, producing tens of thousands of ignorant lemmings and useful idiots who will rally to their despicable causes.