COVID Stats in Australia

Hey Look At That

The Spectator Australia has a great piece detailing the COVID stats there. I recommend you read it.

A couple of stats to whet your appetite.

  • As at 7 September 2021 the CFR for Covid in Australians aged under 50 is <0.034% (16 out of 47,897). This can also be expressed as approximately 4 out of every 12,000 cases.
  • The average life expectancy in Australia is 82.8. As at October 2020 the average age of death from Covid in Australia was approximately 85 and the median age at death approximately 86.
  • Out of 894 cases of people aged over 90 who have tested positive to Covid, 557 have survived (as at 7 September 2021). This means that even those aged over 90 have a statistical chance of over 60% of overcoming Covid.

Read the whole article. It is a fascinating read, and there is only commentary at the end. Most of the piece is just plain statistics.

Now Turn This Way

In my circle of friends and acquaintances, I know people who have suffered the loss of a loved one during lockdowns. Their loved one has ended up in hospital and they could not visit them as they lay dying alone with no family to farewell them and encourage them as they faced eternity. The family could not even attend a cremation service.

Then there are people who own businesses and lease or rent premises. They are paying thousands of dollars a week in rent and are prevented by this tyrannical government from opening. They are slowly going under. All their life’s work is being plundered by the state’s lockdown decisions.

Then there are friends who have planned a wedding and are now wondering whether it can go ahead, and if it does, whether there will need to be a reduction in guests.

Then there is the family whose breadwinner has been told he can’t work during level four and for whom the wage subsidy doesn’t cover his rent.

Then there are thousands of children soon to be sitting Cambridge International examinations who may not be able to sit these exams due to the lockdown.

Let’s not forget the university students in Auckland who will now be having their classes online for the rest of the year.

We could continue on with the litany of the results of the kindness of our State; grandparents unable to see grandchildren, pastors not allowed to care for their flock, Christians not allowed to freely worship their God as he has commanded.

Behold your god New Zealand.

Is it Worth It New Zealand?

When will you turn from your idol New Zealanders? As we have commented in a previous post; Who could say that Western governments have managed this pandemic well? Have any of them come out of this looking like an omnipotent deity, or just petty tyrant clowns clutching at straws? It’s clearly beyond them. They are shown to be impotent by a microscopic virus. He that dwelleth in heaven is surely laughing!

When will we say enough is enough? When will we turn from the state which is unable to save and turn in repentence to the true and living God. Our god State cannot save. We have clung to it hoping it can rescue us. But in rescuing us it is destroying us. It cannot give life. It cannot protect us. All it will do is suck the life out of us. It will take our freedom and enslave us in the name of saving us.

Yet as blind idolatrous fools we cry all the more to our impotent idol for salvation. “Vaccinate everyone. Take away our liberties! Lock us down. Mask us up. Stop Weddings. Stop religious gatherings. Take our children and grandchildren’s fiscal wellbeing. Destroy small businesses. Do whatever it takes to save us!”

Wake up New Zealand. This never ends well. Idols cannot save. All they do is take take take. They will bleed us dry, and we will be ruined. Why not turn to the true Saviour now? Why suffer needlessly?

Unlike the idol of state, Christ, the true king is a God who gives. He bled for us. His yoke is easy and his burden light. We would be wise to turn back to God and toss these rebellious fools who are ruining our country out of office. We could start by telling them, “No, not you; Christ!”

2 thoughts on “COVID Stats in Australia

  1. Mark J Patrick

    While not following the vein of your commentary, the second last paragraph of the Spectator article summarizes my thoughts on the vax issue perfectly. I must save it for use later on…

    “Those who support mandatory Covid vaccinations argue that the chances of a severe reaction are very rare and they are correct. However, it must be remembered that these adverse reactions are not some fanciful conspiracy theory and by ‘coming into contact’ with the vaccine you are exposing yourself to that risk. Those who choose not to receive the vaccine and who practice sensible everyday hygiene are not certain to ‘come into contact’ with Covid, and therefore not certain to be exposed to a real risk of contracting the virus, let alone a real risk of serious illness or death.”

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