If any of you had any doubts about the bait and switch being conducted on the compliant sheeple of NZ regarding the conversion therapy ban, one only has to read Shaneel Lal’s comments quoted in an article on Stuff today. Shaneel is the founder of the group End Conversion Therapy NZ. He (I will not deign to play childish linguistic games persecuting the English language by using his favoured pronoun ‘they’), apparently came to the realisation that conversion therapy was legal in New Zealand and needed to end when someone offered to ‘pray the gay away’. He seems to equate this with psychological and physical torture of the most vulnerable people. Elsewhere in a TV interview referenced here, he suggested that praying to stop an individual from being gay is equivalent to “state-sanctioned torture”.
Apparently, our prima donna Lal is concerned about the fact that churches and Christians have banded together to support an amendment that would exclude from the ban “respectful and open discussions regarding sexuality and gender, and advice, guidance, prayer, or support….when such advice or support is requested and is respectful and non-coercive”. Oh my goodness, the Christians are literally trying to kill gay people! Everybody panic!
Seriously though, this silly womble wants to stop conversations about sexuality. He doesn’t want anyone to even willingly ask for guidance from another when they are struggling with their sexuality. Because, you know, we must protect the vulnerable in Wokeotearoa, by creating a new vulnerable group by stomping on and threatening with prison anyone who has disagrees with the Alphabet Cult.
Let’s face the facts. The Alphabet Cult are not a cute cuddly group of endangered pandas who we need to protect. They are an aggressive religious organisation who want to control and force people to sign their statement of faith and affirm their views of righteousness, salvation and sin. And unlike the old religion of Christianity, they prefer not to bother with a gospel announced with words which can be accepted or rejected. They want to baptise us all in their unrighteousness with or without a confession of faith. And to keep the numbers up, you cannot leave this cult. That’s why they want to ban even the opportunity for people to seek help to overcome a sexual attraction that they do not want. People are not allowed to leave their religion. Once in, you can never leave. A bit like the Hotel California really. What we are talking about here is the outlawing of one religion and the enthronement by fiat of a new religion.
Lal is the same chap who says that ‘misgendering’ a person could cost a life. Now having (in his topsy-turvy world) misgendered him, and ruthlessly made fun of him, (and I’m not done with precious petal Shaneel yet), am I potentially guilty of homicide? What a load of bosh. People this narcissistic aren’t likely to top themselves because of that. He couldn’t imagine a world without himself. How would he get the feeling of righteous indignation when he sees one sinner in the world who still hasn’t been crushed by his ideology? How would he keep track of all the likes and comments on his Twitter account as he cries his crocodile tears about the trauma and hurt he has suffered?
What is it with this guy? Here’s my take. What we have here is the example of a young man who has never left toddlerhood. He wants that yellow train and you have it, so there will be hell to pay. Screaming and wailing and stomping will ensue until his kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Pass him the tissues someone.
Grow up Shaneel. The position of Christ for the universe is already taken.