What the Conversion Therapy Ban Is Really About

If any of you had any doubts about the bait and switch being conducted on the compliant sheeple of NZ regarding the conversion therapy ban, one only has to read Shaneel Lal’s comments quoted in an article on Stuff today. Shaneel is the founder of the group End Conversion Therapy NZ. He (I will not deign to play childish linguistic games persecuting the English language by using his favoured pronoun ‘they’), apparently came to the realisation that conversion therapy was legal in New Zealand and needed to end when someone offered to ‘pray the gay away’. He seems to equate this with psychological and physical torture of the most vulnerable people. Elsewhere in a TV interview referenced here, he suggested that praying to stop an individual from being gay is equivalent to “state-sanctioned torture”.

Apparently, our prima donna Lal is concerned about the fact that churches and Christians have banded together to support an amendment that would exclude from the ban “respectful and open discussions regarding sexuality and gender, and advice, guidance, prayer, or support….when such advice or support is requested and is respectful and non-coercive”. Oh my goodness, the Christians are literally trying to kill gay people! Everybody panic!

Seriously though, this silly womble wants to stop conversations about sexuality. He doesn’t want anyone to even willingly ask for guidance from another when they are struggling with their sexuality. Because, you know, we must protect the vulnerable in Wokeotearoa, by creating a new vulnerable group by stomping on and threatening with prison anyone who has disagrees with the Alphabet Cult.

Let’s face the facts. The Alphabet Cult are not a cute cuddly group of endangered pandas who we need to protect. They are an aggressive religious organisation who want to control and force people to sign their statement of faith and affirm their views of righteousness, salvation and sin. And unlike the old religion of Christianity, they prefer not to bother with a gospel announced with words which can be accepted or rejected. They want to baptise us all in their unrighteousness with or without a confession of faith. And to keep the numbers up, you cannot leave this cult. That’s why they want to ban even the opportunity for people to seek help to overcome a sexual attraction that they do not want. People are not allowed to leave their religion. Once in, you can never leave. A bit like the Hotel California really. What we are talking about here is the outlawing of one religion and the enthronement by fiat of a new religion.

Lal is the same chap who says that ‘misgendering’ a person could cost a life. Now having (in his topsy-turvy world) misgendered him, and ruthlessly made fun of him, (and I’m not done with precious petal Shaneel yet), am I potentially guilty of homicide? What a load of bosh. People this narcissistic aren’t likely to top themselves because of that. He couldn’t imagine a world without himself. How would he get the feeling of righteous indignation when he sees one sinner in the world who still hasn’t been crushed by his ideology? How would he keep track of all the likes and comments on his Twitter account as he cries his crocodile tears about the trauma and hurt he has suffered?

No way does this guy do hyperbole

What is it with this guy? Here’s my take. What we have here is the example of a young man who has never left toddlerhood. He wants that yellow train and you have it, so there will be hell to pay. Screaming and wailing and stomping will ensue until his kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Pass him the tissues someone.

Grow up Shaneel. The position of Christ for the universe is already taken.

Conversion Practices Prohibition Submission

Dear Prime Minister Ardern and Minister Faafoi,

I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing this submission to implore you by the authority of the God of Nations, to abandon this bill and turn from the unjust and wicked spirit that would compel you to write it in the first place.

Both of you bear the honourable title “Minister” and occupy an office worthy of respect and submission. The very title “Minister” as it pertains to civil rulers, comes from the Bible. Romans 13:1-4 teaches that governing authorities are God’s servants (literally ministers) who are obliged to punish evil and praise good. Therefore, Christians are commanded to be in subjection to your God-ordained authority.

Be that as it may, you have betrayed the solemn responsibility of your office. Your authority to govern comes from God. Yet you have betrayed that authority and trust by supporting and promoting this bill. Rather than obediently honouring God in your office, you have sought to usurp authority that was never given to you. You have attempted to take the rights and responsibilities that belong to God alone.

You will give an account before God for the following:

1. The deceptive nature of this bill

From the outset, this bill has been an exercise in manipulation through the control of language. When we hear the phrase “conversion practices” most ordinary people think of electric shock therapy and other abusive practices that do not currently exist in New Zealand. This is clearly intentional. You have intentionally lumped these abusive practices in with ordinary Christian teaching as a bait and switch to coax along ignorant chumps.

You clearly don’t think too much of ordinary New Zealanders, but we see through this. When a teacher, like myself, offers Christian counsel to a student confused about their sexuality, we should not be lumped together with torturers and abusers.

From the beginning, this bill has been championed by radical anti-Christian activists like Shaneel Lall. It is clear that this bill has been designed to target Christians. That much is plain. What is more subtle is the deceptive way you have gone about it. The bill purports to target “conversion practices”, when in reality, it targets those who are trying to affirm boys, girls, men and women in their gender.

2. The unjust treatment of Christian pastors, parents, and teachers

As Christians, we recognise that this world was made by, and is governed by God. He has made mankind as male and female and heterosexual marriages are the natural expression of sexual desire. All attempts to overthrow this creation reality are highhanded rebellion against the king of the universe. We recognise that since Jesus died to pay the penalty for sinners like us, we should gladly submit to his righteous standards for ethical behaviour and moral living.

We teach others to turn to Jesus, recognise him as Lord, and obey all his teachings. This is foundational to our obligations before God. This means that we will indeed teach that God has made boys to grow up into men who love and marry women. This means we will encourage our children, students, and congregations to live in accordance with all that God made them to be. We will teach people to be transformed by the powerful word of God and supress lewd and sinful sexual desires. We will teach people not to rebel against God by seeking to be a member of the opposite sex. We will explain the destructive and perverse results of lifestyles that fail to recognise God’s created order. And we will teach against the radical LGBTQ ideology that is being promoted by our government and many other institutions.

As a teacher in a Christian school, I cannot abide by the proposals of this bill. By definition, I would be castigated as a criminal because all the students I teach are 18 years or younger. Criminalising people like myself for teaching the Christian message and worldview is reprehensible. By doing so you are inviting the judgment of God and placing yourselves under his curse.

Additionally, these laws absolutely exceed the sphere of authority that has been assigned to you. You have no right to tell parents that they can’t encourage their children to live out a Biblical sexual ethic. They are not your children!

All those who set themselves against the Lord and against his people will be held in derision and will come under the wrath of God. Stop seeking to punish the good and righteous teaching of God and his people.

3. The promotion of child abusing LGBTQ ideologies

The real danger to our children and to society is the radical and destructive ethic of the LGBTQ movement. The real and dangerous conversion therapy is practiced by those who seek to chemically and surgically overturn the created order of God. Promoting rank and open rebellion is what should be outlawed, yet this government has demonstrated time and time again that they have no interest in truth and justice.

In order to know how to live and flourish in this world, we must be directed by the life changing message of the gospel. The law of God teaches us how we can best love God and love our neighbours. All other worldviews are ultimately doomed to failure. At the top of the list of destructive worldviews would be the God-denying, self-promoting worldview of radical individualism.

We do not have the right to define what it means to be human. We are creatures. Only the creator has ultimate say about what and who we are, and he has spoken, both in his word and in creation. All attempts to silence his voice can only lead to disaster.


Jesus Christ is Lord. By virtue of his death and resurrection, he has assumed the place of highest authority. He has all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, your authority is a derivative authority. This means that your authority is limited. You do not have the right to legislate immorality. Jesus will judge ministers harshly who have abandoned their duties and who have engaged in open rebellion and warfare against him.

Be that as it may, Jesus is a kind and compassionate ruler who loves to show mercy. In fact, he died to take the penalty for wicked and rebellious servants. He died for homosexual rebels, transgender rebels, and tyrannical rebels. He died to save them from the penalties of their lifestyles, and he now lives to transform them to be made new in Christ.


By the authority of Christ, you are commanded to repent. Abandon this bill. Assign it to the trash heap. Repent for your self-aggrandising lust for power and autonomy. Recognise that Jesus is Lord. Recognise that the only way to govern justly is to do so in light of his Lordship!

If you turn to Christ, you will find him to be a perfect saviour. You will find that his stipulated standards for righteousness and justice are the measure by which you should rule.

I will be praying that you do this.

In Christ,

Ethan Apollo Aloiai

Shepherds! Protect the Lambs

One of the most frustrating things I have found in over two decades of working with youth in both a church and Christian school context has been the response of Christian pastors to Christian education. It ranges from apathy to antipathy. Few have the courage to call their congregations to obedience to Christ in this area. This despite the very real danger state education presents to the little lambs in their flock.

My experience has been that many young adults from Christian homes are either incapacitated and rendered impotent by the secular worldview they imbibe during their 17-year secular discipleship programme, or they leave the faith. And a lot of them do leave the faith.

Just this week, I was chatting with a friend who spoke of two young people he knew, both attending secular schools. One no longer attends youth group or church and has decided he is not a Christian any longer. The other, a young woman, has been so indoctrinated by feminism and humanism that she looks up to feminist icons who are responsible for the liberalisation of abortion.

Can pastors continue to look the other way? A pastor is a shepherd. When a lion or a bear came to attack and kill David’s sheep, he would seize them by the hair and kill them ( I Samuel 17:35). That takes manly courage and the ability to face risk and danger. This is the need of our hour. We need pastors who are willing to be courageous men. They must stand between the lambs and the wild animals out to devour them.

Jesus himself warned of the danger posed to little ones. After calling a child to himself and showing his disciples that they must become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven, he gave one of his starkest warnings. He said, with this little child and perhaps others next to him, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

We know, without a shadow of a doubt that the 17-year anti-Christian state discipleship programme is in a large part responsible for many little lambs being torn to pieces. Any Christian leader worth their salt should be aware of this. Teaching a child that God is irrelevant to the world he has made by never mentioning him in 17 years of education is likely to cause him to stumble. Teaching a child that Christ is Lord of his heart, but that he isn’t too interested in the rest of life is causing our children to stumble. Flawed teaching on gender and sexuality is causing our children to sin.

So about that millstone…Does it belong to our secular officials who desire to control the future by discipling our children into their faith? Does it belong to the teachers who abuse their positions to poison the minds of children with depravity? Does it belong to parents who fail to follow God’s law to impress God’s laws on their children day and night (Deuteronomy 6:6-9), or does it belong to the shepherds who see the children in their flock falling away from the faith but say nothing?

What will it take for Christian leaders to wake up, grab their weapons and start protecting the flock? When will we hear a sermon about the importance of training our children in the Christian faith and protecting them from the evil one? When will we hear our pastors calling all families to remove their children from the perils of secular education?

Will the recent news of the proposed Conversion Therapy ban wake our pastors up from their slumber? Will pulpits throughout the land warn parents that they are in danger of losing their children? Kris Faafoi on Newstalk ZB was asked whether it was ‘cool with him’ for parents to tell their children they can’t go on hormone blockers. He said, “No it’s not.” Of this law, Family First writes, “Shockingly, parents would be criminalised and potentially liable up to five years in jail simply for affirming that their sons are boys and their daughters are girls. These bans will lock children into transgenderism.” As a teacher with knowledge of the school system in New Zealand, I can assure my readers that this degeneracy is already being promoted by many schools and teachers. Too many naive parents think secular schools are only there to teach Maths and English. Unfortunately, that is about the only thing they are not getting. These must make way for the all-important secular indoctrination programme you see. A law like this is only going to make things worse. Godless teachers will turn children against parents and make them aware of their ‘rights’. The only protection will be removing our children from these godless pagans. Will pastors protect their sheep by saying this? That remains to be seen. If not, God help us.

Language Lies

No doubt my readers have noticed the wonderful ability of some of our ‘thought leaders’ to brainwash the young, gullible and ill-educated by lying to them. They have become so brazen that they will now use a term to mean the exact opposite of what it truly means.

One example of this misuse of language is the term “diversity”. When our thought leaders use this word and claim they want diversity, they mean they don’t want me or other conservatives who have different opinions to them to speak or have a platform anywhere. Another example is the phrase marriage equality. Marriage was always equally open to any man or woman who could find someone who wanted to marry them. Marriage equality was about destroying the definition of marriage. A third example is the word ‘anti-racist’. To be anti-racist, you must support policies that actively discriminate based on race in order to lead to equal outcomes. So an anti-racist is a racist. Of course, let us not forget the chestnut “economic justice” which sounds so beautiful, but has nothing to do with justice, but is about stealing from some to give to another group, which when you think of it doesn’t sound very just at all.

A current example of deceitful speech of our thought leaders is the term conversion therapy. A friend of mine recently shared this thought experiment with me. Let’s imagine you went back to the time when your grandparents were young, and you asked them which of the following was conversion therapy, and which was gender affirmation therapy: 1) Telling a person that they need to live in accordance with their male or female sexed body. 2) Assisting a person live as the gender they consider themselves to be in their minds. This may involve removing parts of the body and injecting the body with hormones from. I think most of our forebears would imagine that gender affirmation therapy would be described by number 1, and conversion therapy would be number 2, which in actual fact is the opposite of how the elites define these things.

There’s a great video which I’ve posted before which brilliantly points out this stupidity. Watch it before our tolerant and inclusive elites decide it’s dangerous.

Now some readers might be saying to themselves, sex and gender aren’t the same. You, dear reader, have been brainwashed well. What is this idea of gender? It seems it is something you define yourself according to the whims of your feelings. How can you scientifically investigate a thing like that?

I leave you with a brilliant quote from Anthony Esolen’s book Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments For Sanity. ‘I do not use the word gender, except to refer to the grammatical category. I’m quite aware of the non-sensical idea that sex is one thing, referring only to a minor bit of plumbing in the nether regions, and gender another, referring to everything else about men and women, all of it supposedly “socially constructed” and arbitrary. Yes, I’ve heard it all my academic life, and the more we actually learn about biological maleness and femaleness, the more absurd this line becomes. Every cell of my body is marked as masculine. My adrenal system is different from my wife’s – it is primed for sudden attack and just as sudden calm; an adrenal system for all-out fighting, followed or preceded by cold strategy. Hers is not that way. I doubt anyone caring for small children ought to be that way. My heart-lung capacity at age fifty is that of a woman at her peak, at age twenty. I will possess more brute strength (by far) than my daughter until I am very old, or in the last stages of a terminal disease. My wife sees things I do not see; she makes connections with people I would not make; she has the touch.

Why the Big Hooha About Conversion Therapy?

In a recent post we looked at media misquotes from Parliament’s Justice Select Committee report into conversion therapy. The mainstream media in typical fashion seems to be stirring the pot and trying to make this an issue to garner support for the change in law. Younger friends have informed me that Instagram was flooded with people posting their support for a law change. Typically our one-sided media does not seem to be giving a fair hearing to all viewpoints and is painting the law change as only positive.

Greens party spokesperson for Rainbow Communities Dr Elizabeth Kerekere is quoted as saying, “There is no place for conversion therapy in Aotearoa,” and “Aotearoa should be a place where no matter who you love or how you identify, you are accepted, and no one should be allowed to force people to change who they are through this harmful and traumatising practice.”

Now whether banning coercive practices is what the law is actually trying to achieve is questionable, and perhaps the subject of another post. But the question we should ask is, “How widespread are these traumatic conversation therapy practices in New Zealand?” Answer: Not very.

Family First made a request under the Official Information Act to find out how many complaints about this practice had been made to the Human Rights Commission in the last 10 years.

The Human Rights Commission in response to an Official Information Act request from Family First NZ has admitted that there were no formal complaints and only one informal one. Hardly a huge problem in New Zealand.

This issue is in fact a Trojan Horse. The media is playing up horrific practices which have been perpetrated by the state in the past to ban Christians and people who disagree with the LGBTQ+ agenda from speaking against it. According to Family First, this ban could lead to people being “prevented from getting help to live the lifestyle they choose – if that lifestyle is heterosexual or based on their biological sex. While gender and sexuality are supposedly ‘fluid’, activists want the law to stipulate that it can only go in the direction they approve.”

Media Misquotes!

I read the following in a mainstream media piece in the last week or so.

Conversion therapy is based on a belief that people with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities are abnormal and should be changed so they fit within hetero-normative standards.

Although it appeared without a source being cited both in the New Zealand Herald in an article by Sophie Trigger and with the exact same wording in an article on Newshub by Mark Longley it appears to be a misquote taken from Parliament’s Justice Select Committee report into conversion therapy.

The first thing to note is that the misquote is the same in both articles, written by different people for different media organisations. It is perhaps a sign of how incetuous mainstream media in New Zeland has become. Also of concern is the fact that they both fail to acknowledge they are (mis!)quoting from the 2019 Justice Select Comittee report.

However, aside from all that. Just look at that quote again. Conversion therapy is based on a belief that people with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities are abnormal and should be changed so they fit within hetero-normative standards.

And now let’s consider the dictionary definition of normal. Normal: adj conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. Look, identifying as a pansexual unicorn is not normal. It is abnormal. Being gay, is not normal (in the sense of usual or typical), it is abnormal. Having a male body and thinking you are actually a woman is not normal. This is not hate speech. It’s a syllogism.

And the truth is, that God has designed us in a certain way. When we try to live out our ‘own truth’ or ‘identity’ apart from this, we will suffer for it. Calls to ban “conversion therapy” will cause God-fearing citizens to become enemies of the state. Our Lord is Christ, and not the state, and if our gay or transgender friends ask us for help to live as God intended, we will help them whether it is legal or not. To do so is not hate. It is love.