What ought Christians to do in these times? The Church in the West is weak. The enemies of Christ seem strong and own all the cultural spaces. What ought we to do? Last week we saw that the first order of business is Christian repentance both individual and corporate. We are in this mess, not because Christ is weak, not because his kingdom is failing, but because we have squandered the inheritance handed down to us by men and women who belonged to generations more faithful than the most recent ones. Today we continue our series “The Resistance”, exploring the needed Christian response to the times we live in. In Part 2 we consider the need for those in the Christian Resistance to commit themselves to dependence on Christ. This means prayer, particularly for wisdom and courage and a renewed appetite for His Word, looking at how God’s people of old have responded to times like these.
We must commit ourselves to dependence on our king. This means prayer, particularly for wisdom and courage and a renewed appetite for His Word, looking at how God’s people of old have responded to times like these.