Arrogance and Ignorance

Arrogance and Ignorance go together like conjoined twins, but there isn’t a brain between them. We’ve seen it recently in the student lead climate protests. It’s a feature of our education system. We teach children that they are at the centre of the world, that they are so creative and smart and their generation will end bigotry and save the planet. And yet we would struggle to find a more woefully ignorant generation.

Some time ago I had the opportunity of seeing some results for a TIMSS trial in New Zealand. The school whose results I saw was an independent school. Their results far exceeded the national median. In fact, for Mathematics, the mean (of 2-3 students) from each of the five different test versions was significantly above the upper quartile (75th percentile) of the NZ wide results.

But what was striking was a section of the TIMS trial that asked questions about how children perceived their ability in mathematics. The children at this school did not perceive themselves to be good at mathematics in comparison to the New Zealand average. On average they rated themselves lower on statements like “I usually do well in mathematics”, “I learn things quickly in mathematics” and “I am good at working out difficult mathematics problems.” This despite the fact they were actually in the top quartile of New Zealand. Moreover, the students rated their teacher more highly in statements like “My teacher is good at explaining maths” and “My teacher is easy to understand”.

So here we have a group of children who are very skilled in comparison to the average New Zealand child. They rate their abilities lower than the average New Zealand child, and they rate their teacher higher than the average New Zealand child. In other words, they have a lower estimation of their own ability and higher estimation of the teacher. These are children ready to excel. They understand their limits and recognise in age and experience someone who can benefit them. Their less successful New Zealand counterparts, despite being objectively worse at mathematics, esteemed their abilities to be higher and their teacher’s abilities to be lower. An attitude of arrogant ignorance, which our public schools encourage through their child-centred philosophy, will hold these children back from true excellence.

Producing Arrogant Ignorance

Recently some students in Wellington skipped school and marched demanding government action on climate change. Photographs of the event unsurprisingly featured crowds of mostly young women with that look. You know, that wide-eyed earnest but naive and slightly unhinged do-gooder look which makes even the most die-hard egalitarian sometimes wish we didn’t have universal suffrage! Our education system is producing arrogant ignorance.

The zealous sweethearts attending the march exude condescension and arrogance. One of the signs read “We’re giving up lessons to teach you one.” You didn’t know you needed a teenage girl to teach you did you? Another girl confidently insisted we need more climate change education in schools and expounded, “We only have a limited amount of time left before the effects of climate change become irreversible…” I guess one could agree with her on the requirement of more education on climate change, but our meaning is no doubt diametrically opposed.

Arrogance is the end result of an education system that is child-centred and that rejects rigour and depth of knowledge. Our approach to education teaches children that they know what is best and they are at the centre of the learning process. We’ve attracted teachers who see themselves as facilitators of learning rather than experts who want to pass on civilizational riches to the next generation. The long term consequences? Ignorant children who hector and bully adults despite being more ignorant and poorly educated than previous generations.

Unlike these poor dears who have only been toilet trained for just over a decade, those of us who are educated and have been around a little while know that confident ‘scientific’ predictions are often total bosh. Take Paul Erlich. In 1970 he said, “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.” Or what about Life which ran an article in 1970 saying, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….” So spare us the doomsday predictions. We’ve heard it all before.

We don’t need to be lectured by kids who know next to nothing about anything. What we need is education that provides children with a depth of knowledge. We need an education system that provides rigour and challenge. We need an education system that teaches children humility – one that demonstrates to them how little they do know and how often the ‘wise’ have acted like fools. We need an education system that is not thinly veiled political propaganda. Instead, our largely female teaching body and our feminine dominated approach to education have reduced our education system to feel-good slogans and used naive, anxious and emotionally-driven children as pawns in political activism.

Journalism at its Finest?

The danger of criticising media on issues of spelling and punctuation is that it is very easy to make these mistakes oneself. And yet sometimes journalistic mistakes demonstrate an unfortunate lack of knowledge that just seems inappropriate for journalists, let alone the Chief of staff of the New Zealand Herald.

Take this article on the investigation into historic sexual abuse at Dilworth school. Not once, but twice in this piece we have one of the alleged perpetrators being described as a past victor of St Luke’s Anglican Church in Manurewa. The word I think she was looking for is vicar!

Is this an indication of the appalling ignorance of Christian faith that has become mainstream? And if our journalists are so ignorant, how can we trust them to understand the issues and report in a fair and balanced way? Maybe I have this wrong, but I would have thought that journalists should be some of the more well rounded and knowledgeable citizens. Furthermore, to be that kind of citizen in New Zealand should mean at the very least, a cursory understanding of the Christian faith and its place in New Zealand.

It should go without saying that I am not here defending (or maintaining the guilt of) the men before the courts. I am merely making a comment on journalistic ignorance.

UPDATE: By 7:00pm, the NZ Herald article had been updated and corrected. No mention of the mistake of course.