They are Mad

No doubt many of my readers will have seen the British ‘influencer’ (surely a better term is narcissist) who has undergone a number of operations to make himself look Korean. He claims he identifies as Korean. Of course, there is a certain amount of logic in his madness. If you can make up genders in your little Fairyland, then why can’t you make up your race? If one can construct one’s own gender identity and identify as a pansexual unicorn, then why the heck can’t you choose your racial identity?

Because…that’s racist. Thus say other loonies who have escaped the asylum. It’s OK to make up stuff about gender. Thinking a woman is all bust, long hair and dresses and assuming that simply adding these is all a person with male appendages who identifies as a woman needs to do to be a woman is apparently not at all sexist. But thinking that changing what one looks like to have features more like the race one identifies with? That’s racist. In fact, it is apparently a “prime example of racism, cultural appropriation, and transphobia, enacted from a perspective of considerable privilege.

We are piously lectured at without any apparent irony, that gender is our internal sense of self, whether that be man, woman, neither or both. Yet, on the other hand, race ‘presents as categorised (often physical) traits that are socially constructed and understood. You know, kinda like how sex used to be. As my grandmother sagely put it to me when I was a kid, you either have a Willy or a Mary. Quite. These physical traits used to be understood before we as a culture grew so stupid.

Maybe we now need to make up a semi-related word to race, let’s say ‘kith’ and then pompously argue that ‘race’ and kith are different. We could argue that ‘kith’ is our internal sense of self, whether that be Asian, Black or White racist.’ And then, just like the fruitcakes who separate gender and sex and assume that a transwoman dude with his male appendages cut off, on hormones and wearing women’s clothing is a woman; we can be consistent and do the same thing with this chap who identifies as Korean. You know, a clearly white dude who has had bits and pieces added and subtracted to his appearance to make him look like a Korean, because he feels his kith is Korean is totally entitled to do that because kith is not the same thing as race you bigots. At least we could claim to be consistent in our insanity.

But our moral superiors say “No!” Just go ahead and read the sanctimonious twaddle these people write. “It is racist to think someone can pick and choose parts of a race or culture they like, then distance themselves from that culture when it suits them.” And yet it is apparently not at all sexist for a massive dude to choose the parts of a sex he likes and use this to his advantage in weightlifting at the Olympics? A little further on we are told in a Pecksniffian manner that there “is a difference between affirming your gender as a trans person, which doesn’t harm anyone else, and choosing to live and appropriate another culture.” What is the difference? You are just making stuff up. You’re inventing the rules as you go. We can see the emperor, and he is stark naked, and because he has a “willy”, we can also see that he is a man, despite his petulant toddler-like ravings about being a transwoman sometimes two-spirit pansexual.

The bottom line is these people are clearly mad, but unfortunately, they are often in places of considerable influence. The author of the article is Pro-Vice Chancellor at Edith Cowan University. We need to mock and scorn them. They are doing their best to destroy this world, and we the mentally stable need to point out their hypocrisy and stupidity. It should also go without saying that we don’t give our children to these degenerate flakes to be ruined.

Reddit Parenting Advice #9 – Mother Doesn’t Know Whether Her Daughter is Arthur or Martha

As our culture turns its back further on Christ the king we begin to see the utter foolishness of rebellious unbelief. Truly it is the fool who says in his heart there is no God. The denial of the transcendent self-existent God who reveals truth to us through his world and Word ultimately leads to insanity. So today’s Reddit advice post is a sad reminder of our need to turn back to Christ in repentance and faith. Let’s get to the post.

Hi y’all! I’m really needing some guidance and advice on how to deal with this situation. I have a 4 year old girl who for the past two years has been telling me she’s a boy. I have never corrected her but I have asked why she thinks that and will respond with “because I am!” Or “I like blue”. She always wants to play a dad/ brother role when she’s playing pretend.

So here we have a supposedly mature adult who needs help with telling a four year old the facts of life. A four year old girl is telling Mum that she is a boy. Mum is not sure what to do. She doesn’t say, “Well no, you’re a girl sweetheart!”, instead she decides that asking probing questions will help, because, you know, four-year-olds are known for their rationality. Oh! She’s a boy because she likes the colour blue. Right. Here’s a question, if your four year old told you that the sky is green, would you ask them why they thought that, or would you correct them on their obvious misunderstanding of facts? Parents are given to children by God to help their children to develop into maturity. That means a parent is there to give truth to their child. The parent helps their child see the world as it truly is. And yet this mother is hiding truth and acting as if her preschool child has wisdom when she is clearly completely confused. Let’s continue with this travesty.

After two years of letting her do her thing I finally asked if she wanted a “boy hair cut” she happily agreed! I told my mom about how I’m going to take her to get her hair cut and my mom clapped back saying I was pushing her and I shouldn’t have asked and let her bring it up. We ended up cutting her hair and she looks super cute and she says she likes it but she has also said things like “now I’m not cute like my sister” or “Grandma won’t love me”

The child is completely confused, and you, dear Mother are not helping. Sort yourself out.

She also has a identical twin sister. I think she’s really just trying to be opposite of her sister “I’m a boy and she’s a girl” “I like blue and she likes pink” Even “I’m hot and she’s cold” I’ve never dressed them the same and allowed them to pick out their own clothes. One has always chosen girls clothes and the other mostly boy clothes but she does wear girl clothes, dresses up as a princess and plays with towards geared towards girls.

I’m really trying to handle this the best way possible and I think I’m messing everything up and pushing her to be a boy when I’m just trying to support her.

Yes, you are messing things up. This is a complete failure of parenting. You are meant to be the rock – the anchor point for your child in these formative years. You are meant to be the authority. Yet like so many modern parents, you are afraid of being an authority and telling your child anything. You won’t tell her what she will wear, you won’t tell her she is a girl. Children are not little adults. You must nurture them in order for them to flourish and thrive. When planting a young fruit tree, you might tie it to a stake. You will pull out weeds that might smother it. You will tend that tree and prune off some branches in order that it may one day produce more fruit. You don’t just leave it and hope for the best. Not if you want that tree to flourish. As a parent your job is similar. You don’t just leave your child to figure everything out. You provide authority, and boundaries and truth. Failure in this area will destroy your child. Once upon a time, parents knew their job was to…well parent. Now, we have adults who can’t tell Arthur from Martha. What a fiasco.

Nothing but Blind Pitiless Indifference

Many of my readers are no doubt familiar with Richard Dawkins, probably the world’s most famous and outspoken atheist and critic of religion. The author of The God Delusion has recently had his 1996 humanist of the year award withdrawn by the American Humanist Association for statements that demean marginalised groups.

Just what statement was this? It was a tweet.

Harmless enough right? Well, not in this age. Especially not for the secular humanists. There is a beautiful irony in this. Rev Richard Dawkins has not caught up with the implications of his materialist religion. He’s the chap who wrote, “The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.” Here’s what happens when your religion has no transcendent authority mate. If there is no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, there certainly is no rationality. You’d be best just to watch which way the mob is going and run with them. Alternatively, you could stop suppressing the truth, believe in the God who is and who is the reason there is truth and rationality. That’s God’s voice you are hearing in creation that causes you to know men can’t really identify as women.

The Madness of Our Times

The following is a horrific case of state-enforced child-abuse in Canada. I don’t know what protections we have from this evil in New Zealand, but my experience as a teacher tells me that there are many in the education sector who want to promote this agenda in our country. Already it is legal for a girl under 16 to get an abortion without the knowledge or consent of her parents. The state thinks it owns your children.

What we need is pushback against state power. Parents, not the state, nor the school, are responsible for children. The family needs protection against overweening state intrusion. The pushback begins as each of us as citizens choose not to vote for those who argue for more government power to solve our problems. The bigger the government, the more power is taken from other spheres of society, such as family, church and voluntary groups, and the more intrusion we have to fear.

Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’

Jeremiah Keenan

The Federalist

For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections. After losing his legal appeal to stop the process in January, Rob (previously anonymized as “Clark” or “CD”) is making a desperate attempt to bring his case into the courts of public opinion, even though it breaks a court order demanding his silence about the case.

“I had a perfectly healthy child a year ago, and that perfectly healthy child has been altered and destroyed for absolutely no good reason,” Rob said in an exclusive interview. “She can never go back to being a girl in the healthy body that she should have had. She’s going to forever have a lower voice. She’ll forever have to shave because of facial hair. She won’t be able to have children…”

Rob felt that at the age of 14—when the courts judged his daughter competent to take testosterone without parental consent—she simply did not have the foresight necessary to understand such consequences. Over the course of the past year, Rob has heard his daughter’s voice deepen and crack and watched her begin to grow facial hair.

“Sometimes I just want to scream so that other parents and people will… jump in, understand what’s going on,” Rob said. “There’s a child—and not only mine, but in my case, my child out there having her life ruined,” and yet, Rob felt, “people don’t [even] know.”

Rob’s efforts to raise awareness of his daughter’s plight have come at a high cost. The last time he granted an interview to The Federalist, he was convicted of “family violence” by the BC Supreme Court for his “expressions of rejection of [his daughter’s] gender identity.” He was also placed under threat of immediate arrest if he was caught referring to his daughter as a girl again.

While a January ruling in the BC Court of Appeal vacated that threat, Rob remains under a strict gag order forbidding him from speaking about his daughter’s case in public and requiring that he “acknowledge and refer to [his daughter] as male” in private.

But Rob says he feels a moral responsibility to try to fight the laws and the court rulings which have “destroyed” his daughter. “People need to stand up and realize that [the courts are] sterilizing children, essentially, and mutilating them,” Rob said. “It’s… state-sponsored child abuse.”

Feeling that if he lacked the courage to speak out, he could scarcely expect others to stand up and help him, Rob granted two video interviews to Canadian YouTube commentators about his case. While the interviews garnered a sharp initial interest, the commentators who granted them quickly found themselves under threats of litigation. Rob’s first interview was immediately taken down. Rob’s second interviewer, Laura-Lynn Thompson, faced similar threats, but initially refused to take her video (not currently available in Canada) down.

Last Thursday, Justice Michael Tammen of the British Columbia Supreme Court ordered that Thompson’s interview and various social media posts be taken down. When Thompson stalled, trying to keep a rapidly sharing copy of her interview available to Canadians on Bitchute, the police were sent to her house to demand she take the video down.

Tammen also harshly reprimanded Rob for speaking about his case to the media, warning him that if he broke his silence again, he would likely be cited for contempt of court.

Nevertheless, Rob says he is unwilling to back down. “Whatever happens to me pales in comparison to what’s already happened to my daughter.” Rob feels there is no way for him to fight “this child abuse” of his daughter except to force his story out into the open.

The path forward is not likely to be easy, but Rob said he feels a responsibility to tell his story that goes much deeper than anything court costs or even jail time could deflect. “Let’s say in 5, 10 years my daughter is detransitioning, and she turns to me and says, you know, ‘Dad or Mom, why did none of you do anything to stop this?’…. When my daughter asks me that question, I’ll say, ‘I did everything that I possibly could. There was nothing more I could do, and then when there was nothing more I could do, I continued on because I didn’t want other parents to go through what I went through.”

(Rob has set up a crowdfunding page for those who may wish to help.)