Our Family Day at the Wellington Protest

Having been affected by the authoritarian and patently unjust vaccination mandates, my family and I were excited to hear about the convoy heading to Wellington and walked up to our local motorway overbridge to cheer them on as they went past on Sunday 6th February. We stood with other Kiwis waving our national flag and holding up a sign that said “No Mandates”. We figured that over a quarter of the cars driving under us tooted and waved in support of our message. What we didn’t realise initially was this was not even the convoy. When the convoy arrived we really knew about it. Vehicles decorated in flags and banners cruised through in one almost continuous stream for over half an hour. We could not believe the numbers.

The Sneering Elite and Deceitful Media

In the days that followed, we kept up with what was happening down in Wellington via Telegram channels and Facebook groups. As a family we were buoyed by the ordinary New Zealanders who were taking a stand for freedom. For too long, we have been dictated to by those who look down on us as lesser beings.

This sneering condescension became clear in the mainstream media’s coverage of the event as well as the unwillingness of any politician to come down and walk among the people they supposedly serve to hear their concerns and hurt. The protestors have been sidelined as non-citizens.

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The cracks in the dam are showing

The end of the Covid nightmare seems in sight. The sceptics are being proved right, and more and more people are waking up to the injustice of the government’s authoritarian response these last couple of years. The Convoy, and subsequent police brutality and politicians’ disdainful dismissal of genuine grievances has been the combustible material that will bring more to Wellington in support of the convoy and maintain the pressure on our corrupt and cowardly politicians.

Jacinda’s dismissal of the protestors as “not representative of the vast majority of New Zealanders” is only likely to push more enraged people into protests. We have seen with our own eyes packed motorway bridges. Our telegram channels have been inundated with videos from real people, not media with a set perspective to push. We are not 70-year old nanas ready and willing to believe what the nice people on the news serve up to us each night about those nasty anti-vaxxers who don’t care if everyone dies.

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