Ignore the False Prophet

Here at The Sojournal, we like to berate the mainstream media of New Zealand. It is bereft of critical thinking and investigative journalism. In our covid age as we have marched towards ever more authoritarian government, our mainstream media has cheered the Beast on like the false prophet of Revelation. Our mainstream media is a massive part of the problem. They have used fear to stoke readership. Rather than report the facts and ask hard questions, they have joined the government in its programme of control by fear. Take a look at this headline from The New Zealand Herald from Friday 4th March.

What will the naive nanas and state worshippers take from this? What is their god’s mouthpiece, the mainstream media prophesying today? The prophet is reminding the State’s people that the enemy is covid and it has taken another five lives. The lead goes on to say this.

There are 22,535 new Covid-19 cases today and a further five deaths have been reported. That brings to 67 the number of people who have died with Covid since the outbreak started in 2020. Three per cent of New Zealand’s population are currently active cases, of which there are 152,358.

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