Sorry seems to be the hardest word

I walk around now biting my tongue. There are dozens of people of my acquaintance who elicit an almost reflex action in me. “I told you so!” would be the easiest thing to say. It would be cathartic. But it’s not polite. It’s hard to forgive someone for being right. Especially when they rub it in. So I keep my mouth shut and write instead.

But for goodness sake. If you were one of the naive dupes, with newly minted qualifications in immunology at the university of the world wide web waxing eloquent on the reduced viral load of those vaccinated, or piously spouting off that it was loving your neighbour to get the vaccine; if you were one of those using false guilt to manipulate people into getting vaccinated, if you were one of the ones who used your vaccine passports because you wanted to ‘do the right thing’ and keep away from the disease-ridden unvaccinated, if you were a church ‘shepherd’ who exiled your sheep from church instead of protecting them from the wolves or if you are a health professional who in your hubris used the letters after your name as a stick to batter those you consider ignorant rubes into vaccine submission, jolly well do the decent thing and apologise.

You were wrong, but not only were you wrong, you attempted to foist your error and facile childlike faith in a godlike state on the rest of the world. You wanted there to be no other gods but the state and no prophet but the mainstream media. You were not content to live and let live. You took part in the totalitarian covid order. And because you did, and because so many others did, you caused ordinary people like me who were sceptical of the vaccine to lose their livelihoods. You caused us to be cut off from society for months. You caused some to lose their life savings and the society you enabled led to suicides. And in your religious fervour in promoting an experimental vaccine approved for emergency use that you somehow knew was safe and effective, you have cost people their health and some, their lives. You have not loved your neighbour. In the name of loving your neighbour, you showed hatred and contempt towards an unprotected minority.

Perhaps you say, “But this was all an unfortunate necessity. We had to protect the vulnerable. By getting the vaccine we were stopping transmission and protecting others.” Absolute bosh. If you can still believe this after all this time, there is little hope for you. Look around you! Was it just a pandemic of the unvaccinated? Did the vaccine stop transmission of the virus like you sanctimoniously told us as we got fired and barred from society? Because that was why you shut us out of society and mandated us out of our jobs wasn’t it? Did that system protect people? Did the passport system stop the spread? Did the vaccinated escape COVID? Or what about Jacinda’s whopper; “People who are vaccinated will still get Covid-19 it just means that they won’t get sick and they won’t die.” Was this true?

July 2022 NZ

Regarding deaths, it’s hard to get good current information, but for the period May 22 – July 16 in New South Wales, despite 83% of the population being at least double-vaccinated, they accounted for 99.4, 96.3 and 85.4 per cent, respectively, of NSW Covid hospital admission, ICU and deaths.

Oh. Yeah. You were wrong. The vaccine is crap.

Did you ever stop to think about how we were telling you all this would happen before it did? Did you ever wonder? Are we clairevoyants? Was it just a lucky guess? Or is there just a certain amount of wisdom in being sceptical about what the most transparent government ever tells you? Perhaps investigating data coming out of countries who were ahead of us on the vaccine rollout enabled us to predict months ahead what was going to happen here? Were we less gullible and less swayed by fear and mass hysteria? Yes.

Am I being too strong? Well for those of you who are still just watching, reading or listening to the Labour party’s media arm otherwise known as the New Zealand mainstream media, here is some recent worldwide news that might hopefully cause you to offer apologies to those you wronged during the pandemic.


  • The German authorities admitted to serious adverse events attributable to 1 in 5000 doses


  • Thai study found that 29% of 13-18 year-olds in study registered cardiovascular effects after the vaccine


  • Denmark stopped offering the mRNA vaccines for under 18s and then later to healthy individuals under 50


  • Norway says no healthy people under 65 should have additional vaccines
  • Florida State Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo now recommends men under 40 avoid mRNA vaccinations due to an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death
  • All around the Western world, where mRNA vaccinations were promoted heavily, there is now a worrying trend of excess deaths

And finally, another nail in the coffin.

This was the basis of the justification for vaccine passports and vaccine mandates. Yet the vaccine was never tested for this before being released. Nevertheless, ‘experts’, our prime minister and other influential people including so-called health experts lied to us saying the vaccines prevented transmission. Now we know they clearly don’t. Mandates and passports were not about health. They were about punishing those who dared to question the nonsense.

Many have seen through the bollocks for a long time. We thought the truth would come out a lot sooner. But look, covid is over. The lies are being exposed and the truth will out. With every month that passes, the vaccines look worse and worse and our scepticism more and more justified. We were right, but don’t hold that against us. Screw up some courage and show some moral decency by apologising to those in your circle of family and acquaintances who you hurt through your actions or inaction.

Shepherds – how is your flock doing?

The failure of the New Zealand church through the pandemic ought to be clear to all except the most blinded by now. I suspect that when we eventually get back to normal, the church won’t look like it did in 2020. Many individual churches have been weighed and found wanting. The rot that was already in some of the timber but painted over with nice glossy paint so that the average Christian didn’t notice it has been exposed for just about all to see. It turns out paint over dry rot counts for nothing when someone comes along and squeezes that timber hard. So what has happened to the flock?

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Under Shepherds, Represent the Great Shepherd

Some readers of Sojournal may be disappointed that for months now we have moved away from our typical content and focussed on issues covid, particularly the mandates and the tyranny that is being imposed on a once free people. I make no apology for this. Nor are words like tyranny out of place, contrary to the opinions of well-meaning friends who think I’ve gone off the deep end. I am not a slave, and I will not be dictated to by a deity grasping state about what I will put in my body. To hell with that. And I mean that quite literally – that grasping authoritarianism is reminiscent of the evil one himself and clearly signals its diabolical origins. So covid dominates, because this is the issue of our time. This is where the battle currently is, and to ignore it is a dereliction of duty for those who claim to be followers of the king. Unfortunately in too many churches in New Zealand, covid and the issues arising from it have been studiously ignored and ‘spiritual’ matters focussed on. All hell (literally) seems to be breaking loose in our little country, and many under-shepherds of Christ seem content to lull the sheep into a false sense of security rather than train them up for battle and prepare for persecution. Some have even joined the enemy.

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I’d do it for my dog

I don’t know if this is a common saying or not, but in my family, we used to say, “I’d do it for my dog,” when someone queried why we did something nice for them that we didn’t regard as particularly special. Well, I thought of this quote when I saw this Department of Conservation post on Facebook the other day.

DOC is according privileges to dogs that they won’t to unvaccinated human beings. Way to go DOC. Perhaps they can extend the ‘dogs allowed’ campgrounds idea to ‘filthy unvaccinated vermin allowed’ campgrounds. After all, they’d do it for their dogs.