Government permissions are not the same thing as freedoms. In a Christian worldview, our freedoms are natural rights granted to us by God, and civil governments are obliged to recognise these rights. In the modern secular worldview, our freedoms are gifts bestowed upon the obedient by government. The state gives and the state takes away.
The only time one person grants freedom to another person is when one of them is a slave. Since I am a citizen and not a slave, I do not wish to concede my freedoms so easily.
“When we stand up for our rights, we are standing up for our neighbour. When a consistent Christian is defending his rights, he is actually defending the rights of his neighbour… If you fold, if you capitulate, if you say ‘Oh, whatever the people in charge think their authority, I’ll just go along’, you are betraying everyone.”[1]
Gravity Exists
Proverbs 8 is a beautiful passage that exalts the value of wisdom. True wisdom is something that must come to us from God. It is not something that we can muster up from within ourselves. This is why “If anyone is lacking wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously” (James 1:5). In speaking about wisdom, Proverbs 8 tells us;
22 “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work,
the first of his acts of old.
23 Ages ago I was set up,
at the first, before the beginning of the earth.
One important lesson to glean from this is that God made the world with wisdom. The world functions in accordance with God’s wisdom. Therefore, to act unwisely in God’s world is ultimately destructive. You can not ignore the wisdom imbued in God’s creation and then be surprised when things go pear-shaped.
Ignoring the gender binary and handing out “sex-change” surgeries does not make a man into a woman. It makes him into a eunuch. No matter how many “Woman of the Year Awards” you give him. Ignoring the image of God in the unborn does nothing to liberate women. In fact, abortion butchers and mutilates millions of innocent women each year. Worldly wisdom is foolishness.
Pretending that gravity doesn’t exist won’t lessen the splat at the bottom of the cliff.
Joe Biden in a Rap battle
For our purposes here today, I want to consider one of the key ways that our society has rejected God’s wisdom and embraced the destructive ideology of worldly wisdom. This particular brand of foolishness is our idolisation of the state.
God has given us governments for our good. When they are functioning in accordance with their God-ordained purpose they are fulfilling an important and vital role in society. Namely, punishing criminals and enacting God’s wrath against evildoers. However, our civil government has fundamentally rejected their role as minister of God, and they have sought to make themselves God.
By rejecting the wisdom of God regarding how the world should run, these fools have leaped headfirst off the cliff believing that gravity does not exist. This is why they suck at almost everything they try to do. God instructs them to punish evil and praise good, but instead, they try to build houses,[2] end poverty,[3] plant trees,[4] fight racism,[5] and combat climate change.[6] Then they completely fail to do any of these things adequately.[7] Actually, that’s an understatement… they’re about as competent at solving problems as Joe Biden is in a rap battle.
Being natural-born sinners, the one thing they do an outstanding job at, is sin! While sowing hysterical levels of fear, in the last two years they have managed to steal more than $100 billion dollars from our children and grandchildren, strip us of freedoms like no New Zealand government before them, and employ simps to act as their punishers and enforcers, firing good men and women for refusing their jab. All while making it easier than ever before to kill your baby[8] or have someone arrested for hate speech.[9]
Smooth Words, Drawn Swords
The real craft in all of this has been the government’s ability to enact levels of oppression and discrimination never seen before on New Zealand shores, all while upholding the veneer of “kindness”. This kind of evil requires a special kind of villainy.[10]
His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords. (Psalm 55:21)
Through this weaponization of ‘niceness,’ many well-meaning people have been chumped. Or worse, they have become supporters and cobelligerents with the state and its efforts to usher in their two-tiered society. Even many Christians have run into the arms of our oedipal mother, Jacinda. Cowering in fear and crying out to be governed harder. It’s sad.

The good news is that stupidity is not a good long-term game plan. Stein’s law says, “If something can’t go on forever, it won’t.”[11] The smooth words cannot hide the war in the heart forever. The drawn swords will cut and destroy. When things are seen for what they truly are, Christ will still be King.
My prayer is that on that day, our nation will turn to him and recognise his authority. We do know that there will be other false gods vying to take the place of our omnicompetent state, but they will likewise fail. Living in this world requires wisdom, and the only wisdom that can save us from our sorry state is the humble and obedient wisdom that recognises our dependence upon God and his word.
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