Catechising Your Children

The most important job of the Christian parent is to disciple your child. Catechising your children is a great way of doing this in a systematic manner. The children’s catechism is an excellent option that is based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. From a very young age, children are capable of great feats of memorisation, so why not get them learning good theology.

Another route is to spend time each day reflecting on a catechism question and answer. Starr Meade’s Training Heart’s Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism or Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Heidelberg Catechism are good options here. We have personally used Training Heart’s and Teaching Minds. The material was good, but didn’t work so well for our younger children. It might be something we pick up again soon. Meade focussed on one catechism question each week, each day exploring a new angle or nuance to the question.

One fabulous aid in catechising your children is music. Our family enjoys is listening to Songs for Saplings. There are six volumes of Questions and Answers. The volumes are entitled God and Creation, Fall and Salvation, Christ and His Word, The Word of God, Prayer and the Sacraments and Christ and his return. The music is free to listen to and very catchy. Our kids know lots of Bible verses and theology as a result of Songs for Saplings. Simply say, “Can you go to heaven with a sinful nature?” they will start singing back, “No, my heart must be changed.” There is nothing like music for aiding memorisation of truth.