My Line in the Sand

GUEST POST – Scott Kennedy

I am not an emotional person. In the last 20 years of life, I believe I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I have wept. Not that I think this is a virtue, it just seems part of my temperament. But twice in the last week, I have been so upset – distraught even – that I have wept.

Vaccine mandates. Our government went back on its word and has issued a vaccine mandate for all teachers. This is my line in the sand. But drawing this line is crushing me for a number of reasons.

Firstly, I have worked as a teacher for a decade in a full-time capacity and many more years than that in part-time roles. I am totally invested in the school that I work for and have given my time, my energy and even my money to help that school thrive and flourish. While I am not perhaps the most inspiring, interesting or creative teacher, I love my students, and I think they know I am committed to them and desirous of their success. My ex-students keep in touch. This is the area of life that God has gifted me in. I can teach. I can’t build. I’m not physically strong. I’m not able to do techy things. I’m pretty ordinary really. But teaching I can do. And the government with one edict from their Lectern of Lies has taken my livelihood away from me.

Secondly, I feel devastated because I have a family to feed. Call me a traditionalist, but I believe that my job as a husband and father is to provide for and protect my family. I have a wife and six children who rely on me to provide for them and protect them. I need an income to do this. I have spent years building up my skill and income in this line of work so that I could raise my family and prosper. Now it looks to be gone. It could mean that I will need to sell my family home and move to another cheaper part of the country and seek to find some other line of work to learn and pursue.

Some people will think ill of me and some may even despise me for the sentiments that follow, but for those of you who are open-minded and have a heart, my prayer and hope is that you will be encouraged to stand with me. Many of you must wonder what is wrong with me. Why doesn’t he just get a little prick in the arm? What’s the big deal? Let me endeavour to explain. I am not an anti-vax person. In fact, in the case of this vaccine, my wife had been working away at me and encouraging me to get it. My thinking was: I’m not high risk, there’s no hurry for me to get it, I’m happy to bide my time and see if anything nefarious comes out about the vaccine. To be honest, it doesn’t seem like much of a vaccine to me, but I’m not convinced it’s dangerous.

The mandate changes everything. This is my line in the sand, and I pray that it is the line in the sand for many Christians and indeed all citizens, vaccinated or not. As a Christian, my theology of government is derived from the Bible and not from pragmatics or social convention. The Bible teaches that the state is responsible for the sword – for maintaining justice and protecting the innocent from the evildoer. It does not teach that the government has the right before God to forcibly put something into a citizen’s body with the threat of losing their livelihoods if they don’t. Each person is created in the image of God, and they are responsible for their own bodies before God. They need to be able to decide before God whether or not to get a vaccine.

Secondly, the Scriptures, as my friend and colleague Ethan pointed out to me yesterday, teach that it is an evil thing to take away a man’s livelihood. One of the laws that God through Moses gave the people of Israel stated that no one should ever take a millstone from a man as a pledge (Deuteronomy 24:6). The reason for this is that a man’s means of making a living ought not be taken away from him. In fact, the wording of this command makes it clear that doing so is akin to taking that man’s life. It’s like issuing a death penalty to that man. According to this Scripture, it is almost on par with killing him. And a government that is going down this line is not far away from the kind of governments that kill dissidents. People who are unvaccinated are not criminals. There is no reason for a state to take away their livelihoods. It’s outside their God-given jurisdiction, and it’s actually evil since it is against God’s holy law. To take an innocent man’s livelihood away from him is a serious sin. Our state government has crossed a line here. They are actively doing evil to the citizens they are meant to protect, so they have become disobedient ministers of God and will face his judgment. Scriptures attest to God’s care and protection of the oppressed who are innocent.

Thirdly the Bible teaches that it is an evil thing to neglect the role of conscience. While I am still working through the ethical complications of testing on cell lines that originally come from a murdered baby, which so many Christians give less thought to than they ought, I know others, friends and colleagues who cannot because of conscience get this vaccine. We ought not, for the sake of the convenience and will of the majority, force individuals to go against their consciences. This is a despicable thing to do. As Martin Iles puts it in this fantastic video, “…a person’s conscience, basically, is a faculty through which they are convicted of God and by which they respond to God. And the state risks usurping the place of God in a person’s life when it coerces their conscience and injures their conscience, which, by the way, is a serious injury because it creates guilt and guilt has massive psychological burdens and impacts on a person. The state goes well beyond just legitimate authority and does real harm when it injures the conscience.”

At this point, some of you may agree with me about all that I have said, but encourage me to choose another hill to die on. It’s not a gospel issue. Why this hill? Because cowed people, and unfortunately Christians who ought to be brave, have moved from hill to hill over my lifetime making excuses that next time we will stand up to tyranny, or next time we will do something, but this time we won’t because it is not a gospel issue. How strange that a free people are running so willingly into the arms of slavery. Well enough of the strategy of appeasement. It didn’t work out so well for Mr. Chamberlain did it? Peace in our time at the cost of slavery is not a deal I want to take. Besides, if we do not stand and exercise our courage in these small things, what makes us think we will have the courage to stand in the big things? Many of us wonder what we would have done in times past. Would we have supported abolition? Would we have hidden Jews? We automatically imagine ourselves on the side of right and truth. We think that we would never have kept silent. But my challenge to you all is that if we are so afraid that we won’t stand up to tyranny in these small things, what makes us think we would have the requisite strength of character and courage to do something when the stakes are much higher? This is our chance to exercise our courage and develop it further.

I do not want to leave my sons and daughters as slaves in the country I love. I want them to be free from government coercion. I hope that their future holds the ability to choose what they do for their livelihoods. I pray that they will have more freedom than I have and that the tentacles of the bureaucratic and totalitarian state will be poisoned and pulled away from civil society so they can live free, blessed and prosperous lives as they serve Christ.

So am I scared? You bet. I am concerned about how I will feed my family and what a great cost this decision will have for my wife and children. I am not a hero. I don’t love the spotlight but prefer to be in the background. I’m an ordinary chap and I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life (1 Timothy 2:2). I’m not a fighter. I never have been. I didn’t start this fight, but I’m not going to let them take another free punch. There’s nothing special about me. But I do know and love Christ the true king who brings freedom to his people. Time and time again in history, God’s people have cried out to him against tyranny and stood up against the odds and he has rescued them. I pray that this may be the case now. Every day I pray that this government will be reformed or swept away by God for their pride and rebellion and willingness to put themselves in his place. I am praying that I do not lose my livelihood. But even if I do, I know my God provides. And I will be able to look my wife and children in the eye as a man worthy of respect and they will know that I am fighting for them and their future. And I will have taught my soon to be ex-students the most important lesson I will ever teach. So in the words of a much braver man than me, “Here I stand, I can do no other so help me God, Amen.”

140 thoughts on “My Line in the Sand

  1. Jess

    Thank you for so boldly sharing biblical truth (even if you feel it was in a whimpering whisper). I pray that you and your family will be provided for and that many others will join you in this as it is the right thing for us Christians to do. I take a piece of the bravery you have offered today and draw my on line in the sand with you.

    • Shane

      Thank you so much for your raw and much appreciated message. Very inspiring and needed. God will certainly remain faithful to His word that He will provide. Many blessings to you.

  2. Anonymous

    Theology aside, if this is what the situation is, then isn’t getting vaccinated the practical thing to do? We can condemn the government all we want, but the reality is, complaining and criticising won’t make things any better. Getting vaccinated will – and it will allow you to have your job back. With COVID beginning to spread quickly in Auckland, I encourage you to get vaccinated before it’s too late…

    • Lisa

      Saying ‘theology aside is like saying ‘God aside’. And at no point in our lives should we be saying that! It should always be God first and foremost.

      • Grant Cassidy

        Love thy neighbour, Lisa. I got the vaccine to protect my neighbour and those more vulnerable than me. I will pray you can find a way to follow the word of our Lord and to let love into your heart. Peace be with you.

        • GmanXRP

          Grant, you did what?? You are promoting the old, ‘I did it to protect others’ rubbish. Why can’t they protect themselves? Are you always the virtuous martyr?? That’s one of the worst comebacks ever. You did it for yourself to protect yourself. That’s the only reason one gets the jab. Besides, the jab does not stop you from getting covid and you have a 99.7% survival rate, worldwide. So why get the jab? Studies have shown that the jabbed get it worse when they do get covid. Good luck. You’ll need it.

          • Grant Cassidy

            You, too, are my neighbour GmanXRP. Spend time in God’s word and you will find the path. Peace be with you.

        • If you got the vaccine to protect your neighbour–which I suspect is a lie in any case–then you have not only failed in your objective but actually done the exact opposite. By bowing to the Beast you have joined yourself to the deceived masses and increased the size of the hammer used against those who are led by the Spirit of the Living God rather than by their instincts for self-preservation. Because your vaccine does the exact opposite of what it claims. Our trust is in the Living God, not in man’s deceptive technology, and we can only love our neighbour by obeying His Spirit rather than anti-christ. You are deceived.

        • Johanna

          Love does not boast and is not proud. It doesn’t blow its own trumpet in the market place to declare its own virtue.

          If someone is forced, shamed or manipulated into an action, then it is not love.

          God has given us freedom to choose, and we need to respect each person’s right to follow their conscience and to seek God’s will for themselves.

          “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” Romans 14:4

    • Hilary Butler

      Anonymous, why don’t you come fully transparent, rather than doing the sneaky thing coming as a sneaky smooth tonged “angel of light”?.

      I totally agree with the post above, but for you I will talk science. Have you don a full data crunch on all the Departments of health statistics for countries of Singapore, Israel? Yes, it takes a long time. Have you data crunched all the other countries who solely use Pfizer?

      If not, why not? The results should raise big questions in your mind.

      Have you read this study?

      On the face of it, after 6 months the vaccine you just took, has dropped to 53% effectiveness (which doesn’t factor in subclinical cases never detected). Does that bother you? And it didn’t even look at transmission…

      But when you look at table 4 in the appendix you find another story because of false positive rates both under and over the CT rate of 27.

      False positive rates:
      Ct 27 = (349+1452)/(465+1918)= 1801/2383=75.5%
      If you do not know the Ct values, the false-positive rate is (688+1178)/(731+1314)=1866/2045=91%.

      If you use the same ratio to evaluate the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial results, 91% of the 162 cases would be due to the results of false positives because Pfizer was using >Ct 40 as the cutoff.

      So, the vaccine efficacy is zero. And that perfectly explains the fact that every country that has a high covid vaccination rate is now “flattening” the curve vertically not horizontally. A good lawyer could use this argument to convince an honest judge who doesn’t listen to the lectern of lies, but the problem is that as far as I can see, there isn’t one New Zealand judge that isn’t deceived by covidianity as in Revelation 18:23, “…merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

      So if you think the vaccine is going to be “your salvation” think again.

      The only comfort you can factually take from your love of scientism is this: – that we have had 1,800 NZ cases of delta with no deaths and the vast majority have been quarantined at home with no medication and have survived perfectly well.

      • Hilary Butler

        Hi some of the signs don’t come out in my post so while it’s awaiting moderation, I will put it here altered for it to make sense.

        Anonymous, why don’t you come fully transparent, rather than doing the sneaky thing coming as a sneaky smooth tongued “angel of light”?.

        I totally agree with the post above, but for you I will talk science. Have you done a full data crunch on all the Departments of health statistics for countries of Singapore, Israel? Yes, it takes a long time. Have you data crunched all the other countries who solely use Pfizer?

        If not, why not? The results should raise big questions in your mind.

        Have you read this study?

        On the face of it, after 6 months the vaccine you just took, has dropped to 53% effectiveness (which doesn’t factor in subclinical cases never detected). Does that bother you? And it didn’t even look at transmission…

        But when you look at table 4 in the appendix you find another story because of false positive rates both under and over the CT rate of 27.

        False positive rates:

        Ct less than 27 = (44+192)/(760+3723) = 236/4483=5.26%

        Ct more than 27 (up to 40) = (349+1452)/(465+1918)= 1801/2383=75.5%

        If you do not know the Ct values, the false-positive rate is (688+1178)/(731+1314)=1866/2045=91%.

        If you use the same ratio to evaluate the Pfizer vaccine clinical trial results, 91% of the 162 cases would be due to the results of false positives because Pfizer was using Ct 40 as the cutoff.

        So, the vaccine efficacy is zero. And that perfectly explains the fact that every country that has a high covid vaccination rate is now “flattening” the curve vertically not horizontally. A good lawyer could use this argument to convince an honest judge who doesn’t listen to the lectern of lies, but the problem is that as far as I can see, there isn’t one New Zealand judge that isn’t deceived by covidianity as in Revelation 18:23, “…merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

        So if you think the vaccine is going to be “your salvation” think again.

        The only comfort you can factually take from your love of scientism is this: – that we have had 1,800 NZ cases of delta with no deaths and the vast majority have been quarantined at home with no medication and have survived perfectly well.

      • GmanXRP

        Good facts and correct. Under an FOIA, Medsafe admitted that Pfizer did not test if the vaxx would stop Covid. It was never meant to. The whole point is to get everybody a vaxx passport… That last bit stumps a lot of people when I mention it… Blank stares…

        • GAVI/ID2020 has advertised right out in the open on their sites for years that vaccination will be used as leverage (their word, not mine) for registration in a global identification system. They argue for a ‘decentralized’ ‘democratized’ ‘blockchain’ ‘paperless’ system for ‘refugees’ who escape without possessions but still require an ‘ID’.

        • aaron

          I think the vaccine may have affected the ‘logical’ thinking part of their brains. PLEASE everyone vaxxed or not follow and support Sue Grey, she is co-leader of the outdoors party and should be our next PM. She is also a lawyer and has already started the process of taking our govt to court to preserve our rights so please search and support her

    • Yolandi Jacobs

      Why are you hiding? Is it because you cant proudly stand by your statement. It s easier I know, to drop a line or two and hide behind your keyboard. It s hard to respect your ooinion…. You urge people to get vaccinated before it too late… Too late for what? Too late before people realize they can survive covid? Come on? I stand with everybody under a mandate and i draw the line in the sand too! Compliance will not win this battle as there will be more boosters for evermore! Look at isreal, look at india, look at taiwan… I stand my ground!

        • Kerry Benge

          so its ok then for a government to force people to take medications that they don’t agree with? Just remember that once a government is given that much power it can force almost anything on anyone

    • GmanXRP

      So you believe it’s best to just give in then?? Unlike you, I don’t believe the Govt propaganda and I don’t like liars. Do you? You must do as you have not condemned JA, just pushed her agenda. If she has lied about this, what else is she lying about? Once a liar always a liar correct? And you believe a liar. What does that say about you? That you’re a hypocrite? That you are spineless and won’t take a stand? When they came for the Christians, I didn’t care because I was not a Christian…etc. This is you. You’re next. I stand for Christians or any person of religion who defies this Govt even tho not religious myself but I know tyranny when I see it… You cannot and that is the problem. You are the problem.

      • Hi GmanXRP. May I encourage you to do what I did, and humbly demand of God to reveal Himself? Because without Him all the things you will suffer for rejecting this poison will gain you only a few more years, whereas making Him your King and God will give you life forever. I am not talking about going to church, performing religious exercises to satisfy other’s expectations. Jesus is alive, not dead, and He does lead His people. He is knowable.

    • Bronwyn Frost

      But vaccination does not stop covid… the pandemic will have to actually go around in order for us to be able to move past it. Vaccinated nations still facing it now…

    • Kerry Benge

      As a christian we are not supposed to put theology aside, its not an optional extra in the christian life

    • Aaron

      Dear Anonymous, on what grounds should a person abandon his / her believes and freedom? Thorough research will show that these vaccines are not what Govt’s are telling us and besides that there is a bigger concern about our freedom and rights as opposed to ‘covid’ scare mongering. If there was truly a pandemic everyone would be lining up to take a shot. I’ve never seen a virus so bad that you have to be tested to tell whether you have it or not! I feel for the vaccinated as i have seen the propaganda that our Govt and ‘overseas owned’ main stream media are broadcasting. You may think your better off but the overseas research is revealing that the vaccinated are the super spreaders. You may also want to get a D-Dimer test done to assess how much your blood is clotting.

  3. Sarah

    Wow! What an incredible line you’ve drawn. I trust that this gets shared far and wide . Inspired to draw the line too

  4. Tracey Kiyimba

    Thanks for being a light in this dark world. Standing with you 100%.
    May God be with you 🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • June Wilson

      I agree mandatory vaccination signals alarm bells why even though people are starting to come around, however no matter its dictatorship and as always the powers that might be will always win over unless people take a united stand.

  5. Michelle

    It is so good to hear there are still men out there who will stand for freedom and not back down when things get tough! God bless you and keep you!

  6. Thankyou for this well written and Godly response to this overeach from those who claim to be seeking our wellbeing; when in fact taking all of their other actions into account the evidence proves they have a death wish against us.
    I pray that either God will bring them to repentance or that he will destroy them! Some have been affected more than others over this time, and I don’t quote this flippintly, but “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love him and are the called .” We must trust him wherever he takes us! ” He will never leave us or forsake us.” He cares for and feeds the sparrows. How much more for us, the crown of his creation?

  7. Alexander Lloyd

    Boy… this hits home. Written with such clarity and conviction.

    I can only pray that you know God’s peace, guidance and wisdom for the days to come.

    We are facing something far more deadly than a virus, for it is a spiritual battle being wrought in the physical realm for the very soul of mankind. There is nothing normal, natural or rational about any of it, but we know none of it takes God by surprise, that He is still on the throne and His purposes are being wrought in His people. A people being refined through the fiery trials much like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who, despite the threat of death, refused to bow the knee to unrighteousness but rather look to their Heavenly Father knowing that He could save them. And even if He did not, still they would not join the masses and bow to the idol in an attempt to save their lives. That is the resolve of true faith, loving not their lives unto death.

    Stay strong in the Lord, guided and comforted by the Holy Spirit into all truth and trust Him with all your heart.

    “Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

  8. Lester Vivian

    Thank you Scott, I couldn’t agree more. May God give us (like He did Shadrach, Meshach , Abednego and Daniel) His strength and wisdom to be salt and light in our world today.
    God bless, keep and continue to use you for His purposes and glory.

  9. My wife and I stand with you too Scott. If you or anyone reading this comment need assistance with setting up new business ventures to replace their stolen careers, please get in touch. We are a husband and wife graphic design team and I feel particularly called to help my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to rebuild new foundations where needed. With over 30 years in the business we are well positioned to offer free or very low cost services to those in need. We can help with advice on setting up businesses, company/service/product naming, branding, websites and more. This is not intended to promote our business but to help those who have fallen victim to government persecution. Thanks, Julian –

    • Hi Julian. I think people need to realize that this is not just another test, but the beginning of the end. The scriptures clearly teach God controls history according to a schedule He revealed in types and shadows, giving to man 6000 of work which is followed by 1000 years of rest and then the new creation; this 6000 years ends about seven years from now. So we ought to ponder clearly what our Lord requires of us in this time; I believe the early church which suffered intense persecution is also a pattern for us, empowered in ways not seen since. So I expect both a physical assembling of His body into clear geographic areas, consolidation of wealth and property as families move in together and share goods, and most importantly, a new outpouring of His Spirit to empower bold testimony in the face of great opposition. Personally, I think our businesses and income will go by the wayside shortly, to avoid compromise with the Beast system being implemented before our eyes.

      • Julian

        Thanks Rob, yes I believe we are in an intense period of acceleration towards the end of the age. The watchmen can see what is coming and we need to be sounding the trumpets, it is a fine line to walk, as people are being bombarded from all sides with such a diverse range of opinions and ‘facts’. Only God knows the exact plan, I do agree that the beginning will be mirrored in the end in some respects. It’s comforting to know that we have our extended family to get through with together. Thanks again for your reply, take care. Julian

  10. Tammy

    Thank you so much for your insights. Your message so eloquently states that which I wish I had the words to say. God does look after His own and He will provide. Stand strong and know that you don’t stand alone behind that line! Shalom brother.

  11. Grant Cassidy

    My church is asking that we all get vaccinated not just for ourselves, but to protect our families, our brothers and sisters, our neighbours, and the vulnerable and less fortunate than us. It is a message I would have expected Jesus to preach if he was around in these dark times. I think you need to spend more time reading scripture my brother. Peace be with you.

    • Christ for NZ

      Would Jesus have also then told the multitude: “If you haven’t been injected, then no fish and loaf for you until you do?” Foolish. You’ve missed the point here, Grant. The Nazis old the church to do things too, that doesn’t make it Godly wisdom. Just because you hear it in the pulpit, doesn’t make it truth.

      “Lord, forgive us for trying to make you in our own image!”

    • Hilary Butler

      Well Grant, I think you are mistaken. I think that very suggestion would have shocked Jesus. Jesus if he were here today would have called out, as in Mathew 17:17, and Luke 9:41, “O unbelieving and perverse generation!” Jesus replied. “How long must I remain with you and put up with you?

      That Jesus would today, make sure that everyone following him got the message he gave to the 12 and then the 72, and went out and healed everyone.

      After all, everyone in the gospel who came to him was healed, and after they received the holy spirit in Acts, the acts christians did just that. Even the shadow of Peter healed people. Everyone brought their sick from far and wide and ALL were healed.

      It seems to me that the defeated church of today doesn’t think that God can either protect or heal, and has never read Isaiah 59:1 or Numbers 11:23.

      Using Jesus’ words as the measuring rod (You will do the works I do, and greater than those will you do) it is ironic that the church of today seemingly has a form of godliness, but now lacks the power thereof.

    • Grant Cassidy

      There is no irony in the church preaching love. I look to the good work and vaccine guidance of my local church, the word of the Pope, and preachings of other loving churches across Auckland, and it fills me with hope. Peace be with you Hilary.

    • GmanXRP

      I would leave that church. Any church leader that follows a Govt order without question is a church not to go to. God’s house is not built of mortar and stone. You can pray anywhere. What I would ask is, how much money is the Govt giving them??

      • Grant Cassidy

        My church’s rationale is from the Godly principle of Love, and the gospel of Matthew. My church loves you, too, GmanXRP. Peace be with you.

      • Bronwyn Frost

        Ther can be no true voluntary consent with Coercion. Without consent, it is not ethically right. Even if the vaccine were a good thing, if its not done the right way, it is wrong.

    • Bronwyn Frost

      Seeing as these covid vaccine do not prevent getting nor transmitting covid, they do not provide protection to others. They aim to reduce severe illness in an individual, and the risk for that person of developing severe covid depends upon their personal health situation and co-factors. Currently, in NZ, the delta variant is showing us a death rate of 0.2% (government official statements to press), both high and low risk individuals in that figure and largely unvaccinated at the start of this ‘wave’. So, a healthy person has greater than a 99.8% chance of surviving covid. It is truly a personal decision which way to face covid… with vaccine or without. Seeing as no way is completely risk free, it should only be made by the individual. Anyone counselling otherwise should be questioned on their reasons for recommending this, as it cannot be rooted in scientific truth.

      • You must not realize the evil of this vaccine for you to be able to say that. The Church must always speak out against evil, or be evil itself. And this murderous vaccine is from the abyss.

        God have mercy on all the useful idiots who don’t know what they do. But God, take vengeance doubled on those who do!

  12. Jenny

    You have put words to the deep conviction and importance of conscience. I have said all along there’s one thing I cant do, or ask anyone else to do, and that is disobey conscience. And that I wouldn’t take anything if it was given by manipulation, not even ice cream. In 2 weeks our lives will have been stripped away. 2 weeks to get the jab or not come to work.

  13. The Almighty

    Scott, if I didn’t like vaccines or governments I wouldn’t have invented science and democracy. You’re going against my will by being fearful and ignorant of my greatest creations. Be warned!

    • Christ for NZ

      Almighty, if you didn’t approve of Hitler, you wouldn’t have created humans.

      Silly argument, mate. It’s called sin and men who loved darkness instead of the light. Stop blaming everything that happens in the world on God and His doing. Or you’ll get run over like a steam train by the devil, and blame the Father all day. Ignorance.

    • GmanXRP

      So you are saying that you invented evil people as well? I suppose that science includes putting aborted baby fetuses cells in the ‘vaccine’ as well as GMOs?? Pfizer have now admitted that’s what they did…. hope you got your shot… science you know…

      • Your replies sound like they come from facebook doctors and youtube scientists. Buy my new book and don’t forget to subscribe.

        There are no aborted babies in the NZ vaccine. But since you believe that there’s no helping you believe anything else.

        • Pot calling the kettle black you are. How about some facts?

          “…HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus…” – Philip Dormitzer, Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer

          “…One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program…”

          “…From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there…The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see…” — Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research

          Maybe you feel okay using a ‘vaccine’ which was ‘tested’ with human cells but doesn’t ‘contain’ them as an ingredient, but decent people would rather DIE than gain benefits from the death of innocent ones.

    • Jenny

      God definitely didn’t create democracy. Not only is the Kingdom of God not a democracy, but the democratic system came from Greek thinking. And God’s government is nothing like that of the world. Just saying, because you wrote it like God said what you wrote. But He didn’t. But massive blessings be on you and may divine wisdom and revelation and insight and understanding be yours.

  14. Tania

    Beautifully written & amen. Prayers & thoughts are with all who are losing their jobs over this governments agenda.

  15. RD

    Well done and our prayers are with you all! May the deeds of darkness be fully exposed! My darling wife will also be finishing her job as a result, and we will look at home-schooling as we are uncertain if the local Christian school will have enough staff to meet student needs. BUT GOD!!!

  16. Grant Cassidy

    Pope Francis says that the Covid jab is authorised by the respective authorities as an act of love, and helping others do the same is also an act of love. The Pope says “getting vaccinated is a simple yet profound way to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable” (this is on the Vatican website if you’d like to see what else he has to say on the topic). Peace be with you.

    • Would this be the same ‘pope’ who disobeys Jesus’ commands not to take titles and receive honour from men? The same ‘pope’ who calls himself ‘Father’ and enjoins other men to call him ‘Father’ even though Jesus specifically prohibited that very thing? Your ‘pope’ is anti-Christ by definition.

      • Michael

        The Bible does not condemn the use of the word father. In context Jesus said to use the name father, or teacher etc. as a title to hide arrogance is wrong. Paul claimed to be a father of the Corinthians.

        The bishop of Rome is segregating his flock by not allowing the unvaccinated to enter the Vatican.

        • Jesus specifically stated, and I quote: “Call NO MAN on earth your father, because ONLY ONE is your father, heaven.”

          Your sophistry notwithstanding, it is clear that Jesus is not attacking a word, but rather its use as a title of respect and honour for mere men. Doing so is disobedient, and as always “you will know them by their fruit.” Disobedience is bad fruit. Bad fruit comes from bad trees.

    • Anthony

      Gents, now is not the time to be arguing over theological differences – to do so only makes “the Great Accuser” happy! At this time we should actually be working together.

      God asks us to use the light of reason to come to our own conclusions. Free and open debate as to the merits (or otherwise) of vaccination is what is needed to achieve that. This is particularly so when the current position now seems to be “vaccinate the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated” which is manifestly different from previous arguments for vaccination.
      Unfortunately, in this country and throughout much of the western world, debate has basically been banned on the topic.

      What Scott would probably appreciate more is some guidance on what he might be able to achieve by drawing his line in the sand. As Proprietor’s rep on a Catholic school board, this mandate has profound ramifications for me. While I’m agreeable to parts of this vaccination program on very narrow grounds, it is an anathema to me that that with this mandate the Government sees fit to overrule the BoRA with a Public Health Order – essentially rule by fiat. The BoRA is very clear, very simply written and forms one of our most primary of laws. Any Bill entered into Parliament is required to provide an an analysis of how it relates to the BoRA to ensure it doesn’t compromise that act. In essence they are secondary – a Public Health Order is even more so. To force someone to receive a vaccination on the pain of loosing their job is , frankly, tyranny, aside from being against the most primary of our laws.

      Having read the NZSTA and MoE websites today it is clear that the government is making this up on the fly. That is – nothing other than an announcement and a few emails has actually taken place at this time. What is clear from the MoE is that they recognise that they will need to compel BoTs to do their bidding on the imposition of the mandate and potential employment termination. I’m not sure how the governance structure of Scott’s school is set up (not hard to find where he teaches). but I would suggest to Scott that he communicates with all of the “Board” how this is likely to play out. not resign but to force the board to terminate him if necessary.

      I appreciate that he’s been at the school for a long time, will know the board very well, but that is all the more reason to make it uncomfortable for them. Perhaps they can engage Scott in an open debate and personally allay his fears regarding the safety of this vaccine. At least they should be able to if they are going to sack him! I can’t and will in turn will engage the Bishop for his formal position before considering my position on the school board that I am on.

      • Grant Cassidy

        My church’s guidance is to vaccinate to protect thy neighbour and the more vulnerable people in our society. I am filled with love for all of God’s children. Peace be with you Anthony.

    • GmanXRP

      Grant, why would anybody listen to a pedophile organisation like the Vatican?? They call their bank a library!! Why anybody would ever be a Catholic is beyond me.. The Pope doesn’t wear red shoes for nothing…

      • Grant Cassidy

        God is love, GmanXRP. Read the gospel, open your heart, and let love in. I pray that the Lord will guide you and bless you.

        • ‘Love’ is an easy word to throw around. I think you should read the entire book of Proverbs to understand the difference between the Whore’s ‘love’ and Wisdom’s LOVE. You value the former; I value the latter. Your ‘love’ is the false gospel of ‘kindness’ which puts on an external show for the approval of man…not the true love which chooses the Truth and rejects the lie, even to death.

          • Grant Cassidy

            Does John 4:16 not say “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.”? Open your heart as well as your mind Rob. Peace be with you.

        • No, John 4:16 says “Jesus saith to her, ‘Go, call thy husband, and come hither;'”

          Maybe this instead?

          1 John 5:2  “in this we know that we love the children of God, when we may love God, and His commands may keep; for this is the love of God, that His commands we may keep, and His commands are not burdensome;”

          His definition of Love is what matters, not yours nor anyone else’s. He is the Judge, not you.

          • Grant Cassidy

            You speak truth Rob, only He shall judge. I will continue to love my neighbours and do what is within my power to help the vulnerable, the rest is up to God. He has blessed us with a beautiful day for Super Saturday, I’m going to get amongst with my church and help with the vaccination drive. Peace be with you.

    • Bronwyn Frost

      As mentioned, the medical truth is that this vaccine does not prevent transmitting covid to the vulnerable. Regular testing is a more effective way to prevent spread to vulnerable people, this is what is the standard now in the UK etc. a weekly, at-home saliva test, rapid results. But our government states that only the unvaccinated shall be tested regularly. This is dangerous. All staff being tested regularly would be a safer way, and cares for both the rights of staff and clients/patients. All people have rights.

  17. Ruth

    Oh if only more people would stand up and speak like this. Well done and God will supply all your needs as He has promised to. How are schools, hospitals and rest homes going to cope being short staffed – they are in strife already so imagine what’s ahead. Some of the laws being passed are evidence of the evil around us, sometimes sneakily being put through. Stay strong and united people.

  18. Oliver Ekman-Larsson

    Romans 13:1-2 “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”

    Sound like you are ignoring your god

    • GmanXRP

      Sounds more like an official just wanted obedient servants.. What idiot would believe that text?? The Bible was rewritten hundreds of times always to suit an agenda. It also says you can keep slaves but will you?

      • GmanXRP, it is always dangerous to grab a soundbite removed from its context. And it is evil to do so when it is easy enough to ask the Author His meaning, because no one knows like He does. The context of the scripture is not a discussion about governmental authority, but criminal actions among those who claim to be Christians. The Author is telling His children not to be hypocrites in claiming Christ and yet doing evil, and that if they will regardless do evil, then governments will function as His rod of discipline.

        God is not schizophrenic. Because He is alive, He guides His children with His Spirit into righteous and just actions, not into lawless ones.

        So specifically: this government of New Zealand, which is increasingly lawless, can and must be obeyed where their demands are in line with His Spirit’s demands. And must be disobeyed where they make demands contrary to His Spirit. This vaccination demand is contrary to His Spirit, and only a fool tries to use scripture to condemn His Spirit’s leading.

  19. VoltesVoltron

    I am so glad you wrote this. The Jesus of the gospels never would have approved of vaccines. He even spoke against other modern medical practices like hand washing. The reality is that all true Christ followers should follow your example and completely eschew all medical aid – otherwise you are simply following the world’s ideas about healing and we all know Satan is in charge of the world.
    It is so sad that Christians today adhere to so many unbiblical practices. Many even support ungodly political systems like democracy. I say be true to your faith and refuse to vote as well. It’s time to seperate the sheep from the goats.
    Many here have already mentioned Hitler and what an example he set: promoting the the teaching creationism over evolution, removing vaccine mandates, promoting Jesus as Germany’s hero, making his soldiers put “god with us” on their uniforms, and stomping on the true enemies: socialists and atheists. I think most of you commenting here would fit right in with that godly man and his vision for the world.

  20. Anon

    Hi Scott, you haven’t said why you aren’t being vaccinated. Do you have an issue with the vaccine itself, or just that it’s being mandated? You must have a very good reason not to be vaccinated if you’re willing to give up your job for it.

  21. Stuart

    Hi Scott, my name is Stuart and I am friends with your sister Louise. I am a Christian like you and I teach science. I love teaching.

    I have a lot of sympathy for your concerns regarding the vaccine mandate. Like most people, I feel that we should have control over what medical procedures/treatments we allow. It’s unsettling when a government imposes its will in this way. But may I offer another perspective for you to consider?

    You stated that you’re not anti vax; you already agree that vaccines have been a game changer in the world of medicine. Our Almighty God has given us intelligence to develop innovative treatments; humanity has benefited immensely from them. Over the past century and a half, vaccines have been successfully used to prevent and treat polio, smallpox, measles, tetanus and a wide range of other diseases.

    Personally, I’m already double vaccinated. My main reason for getting vaccinated was that I felt it was my moral obligation to protect others, in my case, elderly in-laws and my mother.

    The government is mandating the Covid-19 vaccine for teachers because it is a way of protecting the students that we teach as well as their family members.

    Your argument for not getting the vaccine is based on your interpretation of how God sees all this. I respect your willingness to submit to what you feel is God’s will. But may I please ask you to consider the following?

    It took me most of my Christian walk to finally figure out how God wants me to live my life. And you will laugh because it’s so obvious and we’ve heard it a hundred times in church. We should love the Lord our God and love our neighbour as ourselves.

    When you accept the Covid-19 vaccination, you are loving your neighbour. You are loving the students in your class because you will help protect them until their vaccine is released. You are loving the students’ parents, some of whom may be immune compromised. You are loving your wife because she looks to you as head of your family and is asking you to get vaccinated. You are loving your six children because they rely on you to provide for them.

    You are loving God because you are serving Him as a teacher in a Christian School. You are loving God because every day you spend with your students is another life changed as God intended. You are loving God because even though you don’t want to submit to this mandate, you’ve done so for the right reasons.

    Scott, this isn’t a hill you want to die on, this is a hill that you want to climb and conquer. This isn’t a hill that you want to look up at, this is a hill whose summit will only be denied if you are prevented from teaching.

    Thank you for reading my thoughts. Take care and enjoy the remainder of the holidays.

    • Jono

      Hi Stuart,

      I do appreciate your reasoned and thoughtful comment. However I think you have missed some of what is being said here. The reason for anyone not taking the vaccine is entirely up to them. They shouldn’t have to explain or justify to anyone but God. Would you tell me the reason for your last visit to the Doctor? I would hope not, it’s private to you and not the government or your employers business. While you have a reason that you think is good for why you took the vaccine, that does not follow that everyone else comes to the same conclusion. It is loving your neighbour to buy their groceries, or mow their lawn? Yes. Does it mean that everyone has to do that and if they don’t then they aren’t loving their neighbour? No. We also need to be careful that we’re are not taking our governments version of “kindness” and putting this in place of God’s love. There are many different ways to love our neighbour, and many different ways to protect others around us from Covid. Taking a vaccine may be one of these ways, but it is not the only way and for some people it’s not even the best way to do this. This should be their choice.

      • Stuart

        Hi Jono, thanks for your respectful feedback, I appreciate it. While we may differ in points of view, it’s great that we can exchange ideas and debate the merits of an argument. I learn a lot from others and sometimes I change my point of view because of what people say. Thanks again, Stuart.

      • Tim

        Hi Jono. I don’t think Stuart is missing the point, not the way I read him. I agree with you, more or less, that ultimately we have to “explain or justify to [no-one] but God”.

        However, Stuart was pointing out that our explanation/justification to God requires us to show that we loved our neighbour (cp. Matthew 25.40, Matthew 22.37, Leviticus 19.18) . As members of the body of Christ, we aren’t individuals, but part of a collective. The hand can’t say to the foot, I don’t need you, and if it does, it’s not being loving. To me, Stuart was saying that my decision as a foot to get vaccinated is part of my desire to love you, dear hand. And that, the centrality of loving, is what God looks at above all.

        I do also have a slight disagreement with you about us having to justify ourselves to God. I think the bible is pretty clear that we can’t justify ourselves (Luke 10.29, Psalm 14.11-12, Romans 3.10). All our righteousness is filthy rags at the end of the day. We can trust in Jesus’ righteousness alone to justify us, and my hunch is that he’d get vaccinated (see Matthew 22.37 again!)

        So there you go

    • Stuart, I am sad to hear that you have been double vaccinated; you are deceived, along with all those who do likewise. And it is for love of those who may yet choose against doing so, that I am willing to say what you do not want to hear.

      The greatest command is to love the Lord your God with all your being. And having done that, to love your neighbour as yourself. If you have not done the former, you have not ability to do the latter. Doing the former requires communication and relationship with the Living God; you cannot love Him without knowing Him. And thus HE is the one who tells His own what to do, and what not to do.

      No amount of sophistry can turn disobedience to Him into love for Him. If you love Him, you obey His commands. And He commands that we trust and fear Him alone. We are not to fear man, and we are not to fear illness. We are not to fear deprivation and loss of jobs and income. We are not to fear COVID. We are not to fear death.

      The creator of all things made these bodies. He made the immune systems we have. He made specific entry and exit points to these bodies and immune systems; they are not accidents but the result of limitless divine wisdom and knowledge and foresight.

      Man does not possess these qualities, and his knowledge and technology breeds only increasing chaos and death. Jesus said that He was the gate to the sheepfold, and that all who climb over the walls or dig through them or gain access any way other than through the gate, are there with ill intent: to kill, to steal, and to destroy. And that picture is one which all should remember, for there is a wealth of wisdom in it. These injections claim to protect, but they have not entered through the gates designed by God. No, they penetrate straight through several layers of wall, circumvent most of the safeguards, and create an unbalanced, uncontrolled response which is deadly.

      So I, and any who have His Spirit, reject the false gospel of ‘love’ and ‘kindness’ when built on the wrong foundation and evidences its unbelief and disobedience to the wisdom from above. You offer false wisdom from below, and if you are able, you should repent.

        • Hi Stuart: I believe I know where you are headed, but will answer regardless.

          My position changed from an uninformed pro stance (vaccinated by my parents) to an evaluation stance (when observing the consequences in my own children) to an educated opposed stance (after researching the natural history of viruses and history of vaccination generally), over a number of decades. As a father I have felt it my duty to protect my (later) children’s ability to choose for themselves when they came of maturity to do so, rather than presume on their freedom. As does any true benefactor…and contrary to this government which seeks to impose its will on all in the name of ‘freedom’.

          But I want to be clear that this poison is not a vaccination in the common sense of the word (derived as it was from bovine related dead viruses), as it is clearly gene therapy. The goal of 100% inoculation is a cynical, dishonest attempt to remove all the control groups (unvaccinated) against which statistical measures can be applied to either prove efficacy or harm…this has never happened before in history.

          They want to destroy the evidence.

          • Stuart

            Hi Rob, thanks for your reply and explaining your position.

            May I please explain the importance of vaccines?

            The role that vaccines has played in saving lives is profound. Did you know that smallpox was killing around 400 000 people each year in Europe at its peak? And survivors were often left deaf, blind or scarred for life. Smallpox has been eradicated due to vaccines.

            Polio is a crippling disease which can lead to paralysis and even death. The virus invades the spinal cord and brain but vaccination has kept this disease away from all but a few unfortunate developing countries.

            Vaccines are estimated to save six millions lives a year and improve the life quality of any surviving unvaccinated person. I praise God that He has given people an intelligent and creative mind to develop medical interventions which save lives. (People much smarter than me)

            Please check out this website “Diseases You Almost Forgot About (Thanks to Vaccines)” I’m sorry, I can’t link this for you in this reply.

            The Pfizer vaccine isn’t gene therapy. It can’t alter your genes in any way. It is an mRNA vaccine. It simply gives your body the “recipe” to recognise the protein spike which the corona virus contains.

            Thanks for reading this reply. I’m glad that we’re able to have a free exchange of ideas.

        • Hi Stuart:

          Deciding whether these injections are gene therapy or not is a matter of debate and not settled, recent ‘fact checking’ notwithstanding. Not only does the phrase have technical and colloquial definitions, the definitions are changing in response to the accusation. And there has been insufficient testing for an insufficient period of time to know what exactly the long-term (inherited) consequences are.

          My point is that they are a completely different approach than what people call ‘vaccination’ so acting as if they are the same thing is dishonest…and that is assuming that vaccines have been as efficacious as you believe (and I disagree). Thus this technology ought to have its own ‘word’ for the sake of clarity and honesty.

          But you betray your ignorance of how this ‘vaccine’ works. Please do some research on PubMed or similar, as the so-called ‘spike’ protein all by itself (which the ‘vaccine’ programs the cells to make), does significant damage across a wide range of pathways and organs. This isn’t theory, this is fact, and there is an increasing body of evidence proving it.

          On the one hand, a person may/might encounter a virus, isolate, and destroy it before it ever enters the blood stream. Or the body might be defective (due in part to previous vaccinations which have an immune skewing effect, among other reasons) and become infected. Or one may inject an agent which causes the manufacture of this harmful protein inside the body.

          I personally will depend on the Living God and His design, rather than man’s experiments. Actions prove who we REALLY trust, all kinds of ‘religious speak’ notwithstanding.

  22. Lionel Edward Clarkson

    Thankyou Scott for your faith, conviction and courage . Jesus / Yeshua said when He comes again will He find Faith on the Earth???
    With believers like you around He certainly will find some . I pray that your life and resolute conviction will bring God the glory.
    Be strong , be strong and let us be strengthened.

  23. Grace

    Hi Scott,

    I’m interested in you saying “ My thinking was: I’m not high risk, there’s no hurry for me to get it, I’m happy to bide my time and see if anything nefarious comes out about the vaccine”

    You see, I think the problem is you’re thinking of yourself. This is not about you. Yes, getting vaccinated protects you. But more importantly it protects our families, friends, the vulnerable and those that can’t be vaccinated. We are called to love our neighbour and I see getting vaccinated as one way of doing that. The mandate is also not about you, it’s about protecting students many of whom are too young to be vaccinated themselves.

    I think you should consider the greater impact of not being vaccinated, because frankly the reasons you give seem selfish.

  24. Goes to church

    What do the Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches have in common? You guessed it, they all ask us to get the Covid vaccine as an act of love for thy neighbour! I love it when the denominations get together on this kind of stuff! (I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising, they all follow the bible.)

    Scott, I can only suggest you stand with your fellow church-going Christians and go with the act of love this time. Not only will you be helping your fellow man, but you’ll be able to keep doing good work with your students, and put food on your family’s table.

    • Never-mind that if people aren’t vaccinated, because of government subterfuge they can’t gather legally indoors in large numbers, and if they can’t then ‘churches’ can’t fill up with enough people to support the unbiblical salaries and programs likewise created by Man to fill the vacuum left by the absent Spirit!

      I said a year ago that ‘churches’ and ‘pastors’ would become primary agents of ‘vaccination campaigns’ for the sake of self-preservation…and behold?

      So let the sifting begin…it has been a long time coming! I’ll tell you a secret: most of the Spirit-born Christians left the ‘churches’ years ago.

      • Michael Buffer

        What a match-up! A consensus of churches who preach love, supported by evidence-based medical advice VERSUS angry internet guy. Round 2…fight!

        • 2 Timothy 3:5-9

          “…having a form of piety, and its power having denied; and from these be turning away, for of these there are those coming into the houses and leading captive the silly women, laden with sins, led away with desires manifold, always learning, and never to a knowledge of truth able to come, and, even as Jannes and Jambres stood against Moses, so also these do stand against the truth, men corrupted in mind, disapproved concerning the faith; but they shall not advance any further, for their folly shall be manifest to all, as theirs also did become.”

          A prophecy nowhere so clearly fulfilled as in most of today’s ‘churches’. Not all…but most.

          Some of us know the God of true love, and your fake version is consequently quite obvious.

          You guys preach self-love claiming it is other-love, which is a lie leading to damage and death.

          We preach the truth which if people listen, will save them from pain and death.

          You preach a lie from a majority standpoint with little to lose from an approval standpoint, but broad is the way to destruction and many who enter therein.

          We preach the truth from a minority standpoint well-knowing the Goliath we face, but narrow is the way of life and few who find it.

          Here the battle rages, here we stand.

      • Kerry Benge

        I find it disturbing that you would be so anti all churches. No doubt there are unbiblical churches that do not teach the gospel of Christ. But the church was established by Christ and his apostles and not man. It is Christ ordained and mandated gathering of God’s people to wordship him, be taught by the preaching of the word, to fellowship together, and to utilise the ordinances of the Lord’s supper and baptism. All of this is under the leadership of elders. It’s strange that one who claims to follow Christ has so little regard for his church as if Christianity and the church are separate from one another. But as I read the New Testament I cannot find true Christianity apart from the church.

        • Please read my comment again, as I clearly said “…most…Not all…but most.” I stand by that.

          When ‘churches’ align with the ungodly in unholy yoking to bondage and death, leading people to destruction of men created in God’s image, they are no longer part of The Church but rather synagogues of Satan.

          Mormons have ‘churches’ and they are not The Church. JW’s have ‘churches’ and they are not The Church. SDA’s have ‘churches’ and they are not The Church.

          In fact NO man-made organization or division is The Church because The Church knows no such divisions…it is only Jesus’ blood that makes one a member of The Church, not ‘church’ membership.

          The Church is made of individuals reborn of His Spirit, many of whom are distributed amongst all types of ‘churches’ without making those ‘churches’ The Church. And many more of God’s children have left or been thrown out of these ‘churches’, just as was prophesied, because these ‘churches’ have left the Truth. It is that time, again.

          • Kerry Benge

            yes I am well aware what the church is and what parameters define a true church. I was referring to Christian churches which Mormon and JW congregations aren’t. But are you making the vaccine an issue that determines whether a church is a true church or not? Are you saying that Christians who get vaccinated are not true Christians and thus making this into a gospel issue? While I agree that vaccines should not be mandatory I certainly do not judge a churches or a Christians authenticity based upon where they stand concerning this issue. Churches can push the vaccine and even require it and still be authentic churches.

          • Kerry Benge

            p.s you actually wrote “most of the spirit born christians left the churches long ago” I’m not sure how you could know that.

        • I have a question, Kerry.

          Should the governments of the world successfully mandate vaccination for all groups of people say larger than twenty, where does that leave most ‘churches’ functionally?

          The good churches which continue adhering to the truth will have its leadership and members incarcerated or exiled, its properties confiscated, its registrations terminated. Does that church cease to exist or function because it no longer has a public meeting place, hours of ‘worship’, etc? No, because a good church will see this coming and prepare for it, shifting as it has for example in the USSR or China.

          When all the externally visible vestiges of accepted Christianity are wiped out, does The Church cease to exist? I think not…in fact, it obtains a purer and stronger form.

          And those ‘churches’ which comply with the mandate for the purpose of continuing business as usual, are they still The Church? When they use their powers of persuasion to lead people into Hell, are they The Church? I think not.

          So men of God must be willing to see and declare the truth. What percentage of ‘churches’ do you suppose will continue publicly advocating against vaccination once the screws are turned down? I reckon it will be somewhere are the same percentage as those who refuse the vaccine in the population…maybe 5-10% ultimately.

          My conviction is that this vaccine is the slippery road to the Mark, like the first ingredient into a mixing bowl making a cake. It isn’t the cake…but it is part and parcel!

          • Kerry Benge

            As I previously wrote you are making taking the vaccine and whether a church complies with vaccine mandates into a gospel issue and are defining whether a church is authentic based upon whether they comply or not. I have friends in the Netherlands whose church pushed vaccinations for its congregation and while I disagree they are a church that believes in the gospel and all the foundational beliefs I hold to. There are several churches who promote the vaccine who I certainly would not write off as churches who are no longer Christian. When we go down that path we are making it into a salvation issue.

        • Is the Mark of the Beast a salvation issue? If a ‘church’ advocates taking the Mark of the Beast, is it The Church?

          That is what this comes down to.

          You believe this vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast; I know that this vaccine is the Mark under construction, incomplete. People are led by the Spirit to reject this vaccine without even knowing it is His Spirit leading them, without knowing that it is the Mark under construction. But just because it is not yet known by everyone, doesn’t mean that the Spirit inside does not know.

          The scriptures state that those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God. Often we are led one way or another by the Spirit, it only becoming apparent later why.

          So I do not claim that those who have taken the vaccine are not Christians. But as it is the Mark under construction, should they continue the construction, they will complete it and it WILL be a salvation issue. When that line is crossed, I do not know. I do know that those who take the first shot, are more likely to take the second. Those who take the second, more likely to take the third. And when it has become habitual to comply for the sake of convenience, how will they stop the slide?

          The Spirit does not lead one to take one step towards the Mark, but away from it.

          • Kerry Benge

            The mark of the beast is clearly the issue that we disagree about. I have a few comments about this. 1) Firstly, I do not view the mark of the beast as being literal. Just as the mark given to the 144,000 in Revelation 7:3 is symbolic I also take the mark of the beast to be symbolic. 2) This symbolic mark points to the internal and spiritually reality of a person’s unbelief in God and in Christ and their worship of the the beast and its image. (Revelation 14:9) 3) The mark is given to those who already worship the beast. Those who are Christians cannot lose their salvation and therefore it is impossible for them to worship the beast. 4) Whatever we make of the mark in Revelation 13 and 14 it has to be consistent with the original intent of the author and how his original audience would have understood his words and not something we take from today and impose upon the text.

        • Hi Kerry: Yes, we’ll disagree on the Mark; this is my understanding to your points:

          1 & 2) Not an ‘either/or’ as you frame it, but ‘both’. Satan cannot spiritually mark people like God can with His Holy Spirit, so he has to use a limited counterfeit and technology. Thus Satan’s mark is both physical and spiritual, and the fact that one will not be able to buy or sell without it makes clear that the spiritual reality has a physical expression.
          3) One is not saved until completing the race hence it is not how one starts but how one finishes that matters. Endure to the end with patience. Some hear the words with joy but under persecution turn away. Hebrews 6:4-6 and numerous scriptures prove this: “…partakers having become of the Holy Spirit…and having fallen away…” is clear.
          4) I do not find well reasoned; it is a man-made rule which obscures understanding. All of us experience progressive revelation individually and collectively as we mature; Daniel was told to seal things until the end, and Revelation unsealed many things, so prophets often prophesied what they themselves did not understand. The scriptures are inspired by the Spirit of God, not by men, and are thus not limited to what the men who wrote understood. Their understanding would be different to ours, yes. But we have history to look back on which they did not. We are without excuse, where they had excuse in comparison.

          • Kerry Benge

            Yes we disagree about the mark of the beast. I view it as being symbolic of those who are unbelievers just as the mark in Revelation 7:3 is symbolic of those who believe. Those who endure to the end are those who have been born again and who Christ promises that he will lose none of those who the Father has given to him. Those who the Father gives to the Son will endure to the end. (John 6:37-40, John 10:27-30) I am aware of the passages in Hebrews and else where that some use to prove that Christians can indeed lose their salvation. I see those as pointing to one who has seen great truth about Christ and salvation and yet refuses to believe in that truth rather than one who does believe in it but later loses their salvation. I cannot think of a more despairing place to be than thinking that my salvation depends on me and if I slip up tomorrow or the next day then I may lose my salvation. There is no lasting assurance when our salvation is dependant upon us and not God’s sovereign power to keep his children. As to Revelation again, if we disregard the original authors intention or how his audience would have understood his words we risk taking those words out of context. The writers and their words have a context to them. And as is so often the case with biblical prophecy it has both a present and future fulfilment and I believe this is also the case for much that is written about in Revelation. The whole issue of Revelation and its meaning is really a massive topic for another place (lest it dominate this post) but I appreciate you sharing your opinions with me. Much blessings 🙂

  25. Andrew Moot

    Getting vaccinated is a loving thing to do for the vulnerable people in your community. The government is protecting the vulnerable, perhaps not from evil but from a potentially deadly illness. May not be the only motive but I actually think the PM does not want people dying unnecessarily. You can’t transmit the virus if you don’t get infected.
    Do you not have any concern about spreading COVID to the families of the kids you teach?
    The children have low risk of serious disease but what about their grandparents? My conscience leads me to get vaccinated to protect those I come into contact with.
    As a colorectal surgeon if one of my bowel cancer patients got COVID in hospital after their surgery, they are 10x more likely to die (unless of course they are vaccinated, but still increased risk). Of course we use PPE increasingly so they are probably more likely to catch it from their family than any health care worker, but it makes it hard for me to infect them if I immune from infection. The other thing I would say is the data suggests that the vast majority of hospital admissions with COVID now is in the unvaccinated. As a surgeon I need a hospital and nurses to treat my patients and this will not be possible when the hospital fills up with unvaccinated COVID patients. Just yet another indirect cost of this pandemic. There will be many elective surgeries cancelled, and there will be patients who do not have COVID dying because of low ICU capacity.

    Testing vaccines against human cell lines does create a conscience issue for some. It may be good if there was an alternatives available to us, and perhaps given the mandate the government ought to make an alternative available. I do suspect even if there was an ethically squeaky clean vaccine available many would not take it. I’m understanding more and more it seems to be a government overstepping it’s mandate issue for those opposed to it. I was surprised the government went down the compulsory pathway with the teachers. But it probably will save lives, including perhaps a few vaccine hesitant teachers! The mandate for front line health workers to me is an appropriate health and safety requirement, and rather non surprising. There are other vaccines health workers are required to have. The Pfizer vaccine isn’t 100%, but I am much less apprehensive going to work in the hospital now I am vaccinated than in lockdown last April. If I get COVID then will almost certainly be able to ride it out at home.

    I wish you and your family well.

  26. Lewis Andrew

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for all your comments on this article.

    What follows applies to only a very small minority of our commenters.

    It is not a right to comment on this site. Please respect other people and don’t hog the stage. If you want to do that, feel free to start up your own blog.

  27. James Kennedy

    As my name tag might suggest I am Scott’s brother. I don’t intend to delve too deeply into my own opinions because frankly I think Stuart has done an excellent job of summarising my perspective on here and no one needs to read my poorly articulated thoughts when they have been so fantastically summarised. I initially did not want to comment on this post, however the aspersions cast on my brother’s character and motivations have grieved me to the point where I think it would be remiss of me not to speak up. My brother is a good man and a good brother. Just because I disagree with his position does not change that fact. It saddens me that he has been labelled as arrogant, proud and selfish. Having grown up with a much older brother who regularly was gentle, caring and patient with me, I can assure you that these adjectives used to describe him are categorically untrue. Out of the two brothers, I am the hasty, proud and arrogant brother, who is often quick to anger and impatient. It is disheartening to see the level of vitriol levelled at someone who is making a principled stand. Not once has he said that he is against vaccination or spread wild conspiracy theories. Whilst I’m unsure I agree this is the hill to die on, I respect my brother for having the guts to stand up for his convictions and resent the disgusting allegations being levelled at him. I love you Scott and whilst I have reached a different conclusion, I have the utmost respect for you as a person.

  28. Kerry Benge

    Thank you for your thoughtful and clear post. I will be praying that our heavenly Father will provide for you and your family and that your eyes will be fixed upon the things of eternity which no government can take away from us 🙂 I agree that as vaccines become more mandatory the arena of Christian conscience that is taught in scripture will be encroached on, shrunk, and finally obliterated from NZ society. It is becoming clear that with covid vaccine mandates that there will no longer be any room for religious freedom when it comes to being vaccinated in this country. When a government takes this approach it is overstepping its bounds and as a Christian I am no longer obligated to submit to it when it requires me to go against my Christian conscience in this area. I thank you for doing what you believe is right for you and your family. Much blessings 🙂

  29. aaron

    I think the vaccine may have affected the ‘logical’ thinking part of their brains. PLEASE everyone vaxxed or not follow and support Sue Grey, she is co-leader of the outdoors party and should be our next PM. She is also a lawyer and has already started the process of taking our govt to court to preserve our rights so please search and support her

  30. Kerry Benge

    It would be interesting to see any statistics concerning the spread of covid from teacher to student. Do such statistics exist? What is the likelihood of a child in school contracting covid from a teacher? Or as I suspect this mandate isn’t based upon scientific information but irrational fear. As most parents I have spoken to know sickness in school is spread from child to child. If people and the government were consistent there would be a mandate to vaccinate children. I’m guessing that for many who say we should do this because it is the loving thing to do you would have no problem with the government mandating your children to have the vaccine. Personally I think that’s a decision for parents to make not the government.

  31. Hi Scott: There is a massive elephant in the room, I suspect particularly on this blog, and that is the role of eschatology and timing in determining our actions/reactions. Perhaps not a primary consideration but nevertheless an important one. A person with a terminal illness engages in different activities and judges time differently to one who expects decades more life.

    You mention your children and their future careers, freedoms, etc. This is a fallacy we need to dispose of. The biblical fact, viewable for anyone willing to open their eyes to it, is that God is working to a clearly stated schedule for history, a schedule which asserts that man’s efforts at self-government will cease in just over seven years from now. He has communicated this so many ways that the ignorance is astounding. It is the major theme of scripture, the timing of the end, and God has not left Himself without witness.

    Consider the facts:
    The year 6000 marks the end of the 70th Jubilee from when Israel entered the Promised Land.
    The year 6000 marks 2000 years from Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, a two ‘day’ period referenced many places in scripture typologically.
    The year 6000 marks a ‘generation’ (40) of Jubilees (49) from Jerusalem’s destruction by the Romans, the removal of the Kingdom from Israel.
    The year 6000 marks 2520 years from the prophecy recorded in the 3rd year of Cyrus (in the year 3480), Daniel 10-12; this makes a ‘time’ of 720 years.
    The year 6000 marks the end of six ‘days’ of a thousand years, followed by the ‘day’ of rest known as the millennial reign.
    The year 6000 marks the end of the seven ‘times’ of madness of Nebuchadnezzar, a type of Israel and their repentance and acknowledge of the Messiah and consequent restoration.

    The year 6000, biblically marked from Adam, is just over seven years away. This FACT is indisputable, it is scripture. People can foolishly deny there will be any major event tied to the year 6000, but one cannot deny that it IS the year 6000 coming up.

    The people who are selling their consciences for a bowl of red soup (Esau) will discover they have not bought the decades and generations of ‘good life’ they expected; rather they have traded everything for a rapidly diminishing nothing. It is no accident that we are seeing what can only be described as the most destructive force ever unleashed on humanity, right now, right on time. We are seeing the maturing fourth beast of Daniel, trampling and destroying as no other in history had authority to do.

    People ought consider well that what God has written will be done, it is unavoidable. Unavoidable. We can stick our head in the sand and cry, or we can face the truth with courage.

    If people are looking for a gradual replacement of secular governmental authority with a ‘christian’ ‘theocracy’…forget it. Jesus is coming back visibly, physically, and that sometime around seven years from now, to begin His millennial reign. The wait is nearly over, the King is returning, and He will give the Kingdom to His own at that time. And so this beast’s days are likewise numbered. We ought not fear the beast. Fear God alone, He alone is worthy. Stand up, bend backwards, and look up: because our redemption draws nigh. Stiffen your backs. Harden your foreheads. Lift up your eyes. Strengthen weak arms. It is time.

    • Actually, to be technically correct, the year ‘6001’ starts (and 6000 ends) seven years from April 2022 (or whenever the biblical new year starts, two weeks before Passover).

  32. Ruby

    Mr. Kennedy, that was a brilliant argument! It made my mother cry!
    My family and I fully support you, and if you lose your job, we will miss you heaps.
    Thanks for all you do. God Bless you and your family.

    • Scott Kennedy

      Ruby! Great to hear from you and thank you and your family for your kind words. Keep praying and let’s see what God does in all of this.

      • Bruce Slater

        God’s answer to prayer may be that you do have to change career and/or live in a different location. I have had to change career reluctantly in my life but it always has worked out and I have seen God’s hand in it. I personally believe in the Bible says that it is Okay for Christians to get vaccinated. Isaiah 37 – Kin Hezekiah has his life extended by 15 years through obeying God, it’s just a vaccine and I am required to get one every year. A vaccine is not my line in the sand. When I got saved I was working in the TAB and had to change careers. Gambling and drinking are my lines in the sand. So if this is your line then you should move career and town and you will see God work

  33. Bruce Slater

    I’m sorry but I do think scripture tells Christians they should get the vaccine. In Isaiah 38, Hezekiah had his life extended by 15 years because he obeyed God. It’s only a vaccine. I have to get them every year for work currently because of my work. You need vaccines for many jobs and to go to many countries. If you don’t want a vaccine then don’t travel to certain countries and don’t go into certain occupations. We are told to obey the Government and pray for them unless they are doing something illegal.

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