Reddit Parenting Advice #10 – Changing Identities

The more I look at parenting posts on Reddit, the more I am struck by how inadequately some people are prepared by their faulty worldviews for parenting, but as a connoisseur of human folly, I have to admit I do find I am intensely interested to read how crazy things can get when parents set themselves adrift from the anchor of reality found in Christ alone. My deep hope is that the parenting thread on Reddit somehow attracts all of the very worst parents into a common space where they can encourage and commiserate with each other in their inadequate approaches to parenting and spread their poisonous advice in a space where it will impact only those already infected with their madness. Is that too harsh? Well, check out this latest tragedy. N.B. Spelling and grammatical errors have been left in.

I have a child who has ODD and depression that has latched on to what appears to be a fad. Claiming oppression as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and changing their description over and over in alignment with friends who are doing the same. Sophia was born female and has identified with Pan at one point, lesbian, trans, furry, and it evolves. She has started to get angry if we don’t use the favored pronouns which also change without notice. The name used has been one of about 4 over the last 2 years and has settled on “Robin” recently. If she is accidently referred to as Sophia by me she loses it. The weird thing is that I’ve been extremely involved in activism pertaining to LGBTQIA+ issues for over a decade and have attempted to involve her from early childhood. (walking in pride parades and taking her with me to events) Has anyone else sensed a faddish reaction in their kids to this recently? I know that during the pandemic she has been watching far more influencers online than I’m comfortable with. Her mother and I are in conflict over how much she watches and what she watches.

Let’s analyse this stream of folly droplet by droplet. I have a child who has ODD and depression that has latched on to what appears to be a fad. Alarm bells are already ringing at this point. Why doesn’t anyone question why children today seem to be diagnosed with so many disorders. As we have mentioned previously, ODD is essentially the description of a child who has not learnt to govern themselves. And depression? As a school teacher who has many conversations with children, I can tell you that there are some interesting home commonalities in children who suffer from anxiety and depression. These things seem to be symptoms of a larger problem, not the actual problem itself.

Claiming oppression as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and changing their description over and over in alignment with friends who are doing the same. That right there is a failure in parenting. If you have your children in a government school at the moment, let this be a warning to you. These places are no longer safe for your child. The LGTQIAlphabet cult wants your children, and school is the perfect place to pervert them and enlist them to their unrighteous cause. Unfortunately for you, other children are a powerful influence on your children, and what they do impacts what your children do. The Bible clearly teaches this. In I Corinthians 15:33, Paul says, Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” Part of the job of a parent is to be the gatehouse in determining which influences are allowed in your child’s life.

Sophia was born female and has identified with Pan at one point, lesbian, trans, furry, and it evolves. See, poor parenting is definitely part of the problem here. What do you mean she was born female? She is a girl, she has been female from conception. When you say she was born female, you indicate the possibility that sex is mutable. It is not. From conception, she has been female and she will never be anything else no matter how many toddler tantrums she has as she shakes her fist at you and ultimately the God who made her. And for those of you who do not want to be traumatised, I suggest not even finding out what identifying as furry means.

She has started to get angry if we don’t use the favored pronouns which also change without notice. The name used has been one of about 4 over the last 2 years and has settled on “Robin” recently. If she is accidently referred to as Sophia by me she loses it. Interestingly your daughter’s Christian name means wisdom. The very thing you as a parent need to pray for because so far you seem to be lacking in this department. It’s interesting that she has given away the name ‘wisdom’ for a name meaning fame. It seems highly likely that a lot of young girls attracted to this choose your own identity nonsense are seeking fame. They want someone to acknowledge them to take an interest in them as someone special. They are crying out for love.

The weird thing is that I’ve been extremely involved in activism pertaining to LGBTQIA+ issues for over a decade and have attempted to involve her from early childhood. (walking in pride parades and taking her with me to events). Well there we go. What can you expect? What you sow, so shall you reap. You wanted to celebrate this identity nonsense and encourage your child to do so, and you expected her to turn out a well-adjusted young girl?

Has anyone else sensed a faddish reaction in their kids to this recently? I know that during the pandemic she has been watching far more influencers online than I’m comfortable with. Her mother and I are in conflict over how much she watches and what she watches. Here we see some deep underlying issues. Mum and Dad cannot agree on basic parenting philosophy. They can’t agree on who they let influence their children. Dad is correct in that many of these influencers have the nutritional value of a sewer, but there is more going on here than who the child watches online. There is a breakdown in the family dynamic. Dads ought to lead and protect their families. Mums need to support Dads in their leadership role. There needs to be a unified front.