Irrational Fear

Propaganda works. It really does. For near enough to two years, we have had covid (deliberately non-capitalised, as I do not deign to give it a capital like it is some kind of deity) splashed across our screens non-stop day in day out. And this has taken its toll on everyone, but particularly the weak-minded and emotionally unstable. These poor petals are scared stiff of covid. They think our government has done us a favour by locking us up like prisoners and treating us as their slaves by forcibly vaccinating us. They believe the propaganda, not backed up by science, that the unvaccinated pose a huge risk to them and ought to be shut out from civil society.

Once again, the New Zealand Herald, part of the government harem of media whores, continues to spread fear through ignorant and emotionally unstable women. While I should not need to add a rider to the previous sentence, for the sake of the overly sensitive, note we are not talking about all women. We are talking about ignorant and unstable women. This is a subset of women which incidentally includes not a few men! There are plenty of women who are fighting valiantly on the side of freedom at the moment. Take for instance the women behind VFF.

But policy of late has been dictated by the fearful and those who would mother us to death. Last week we had a precious mother who was up in arms about an unvaccinated young man passing on covid to her daughter who then proceeded to get a cough and a runny nose. This week we are presented with ‘Kaye’ another ‘useful idiot‘ in the government’s media-aided campaign of fear. She has epilepsy and therefore is forced to use public transport. She is terrified that when covid spreads she will be at risk from the unvaccinated who are using public transport. This could trigger a seizure. Kaye is angry that she is ‘put in this position.’ It seems like many other scared witless New Zealanders, she would be quite happy to see the unvaccinated banned from yet another aspect of public life. But while insufferable self-righteous petals like Kaye winge on about the position they’ve been put in, there are families who have lost their livelihoods due to government tyranny. There are people who struggle to find a place to rent because our government has introduced a new apartheid. But poor dear Kaye, she has to share public transport with members of the public she doesn’t want to share with. They should be forced to move out of the white clean section of the bus to the coloured unclean one or better still, they should not be allowed on at all – the filthy Jews vermin. Little do foolish women like Kaye care for the fact that vaccinated people can also pass on the virus, and indeed given that one needs to be vaccinated or have a negative test to fly these days, all of the omicron cases in New Zealand at this point in time are most likely vaccinated people. Our own Ministry of Health pointed out that when vaccination coverage is high, (above 80%) transmission is more likely to occur from a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual. But Kaye and other hysterical attention-seeking drones will not let the facts get in the way of their 15 minutes of media fame.

Finally, take Janine who rang Kerre McIvor’s talkback show on Newstalk ZB. Janine is clearly terrified of the virus. She believes that many more would have died if our government hadn’t taken the disastrous approach that it has, and wants us all to be grateful for the way we have been ‘looked after’ by our government. I agree with Kerre. Who wants to be looked after by the government? If looking after is taking away the livelihoods of my friends and colleagues through endless lockdowns or because they have the temerity to make medical choices for themselves then I don’t want to be looked after. I actually think I can do a far better job of running my life than they can. I’ve got along quite nicely without the government thus far thank you very much. Besides, why would you trust these incompetent clowns to look after you? After all, they promised to fix the housing issue and instead have overseen a median house price rise of $395,000. Their KiwiBuild policy was supposed to supply 100,000 houses over 10 years. Stuff reported in May last year that at their current rate they would take 400 years to achieve this goal. For a list of broken promises from their first term, see a useful summary here. Whatever they touch they ruin. These are the incompetent idiots that unstable and fearful chicken littles sitting at home watching the one o’clock daily press conferences and the six o’clock news trust to ruin our lives. Again I ask, would you trust these people to run a booze-up in a brewery, let alone our health system, our education system, our housing and infrastructure, media and our very lives? What we need in New Zealand is a movement toward freedom. Hopefully, what we are seeing is the beginning of this. Less government, more individual independence and freedom. God did not make us to be slaves of a tyrannical and out of control prissy mother with delusions of deity attempting to treat us like a school prefect would third form students.

What do we need to do? Get the fearful and emotionally unstable women of both sexes out of decision-making positions. We cannot lead our society with fear. We must have leaders of hope and vision who will encourage (give courage) to our citizens and lead us toward freedom and prosperity without meddling in our lives like anxious mothers trying to prevent Johnny from getting a scraped knee. We don’t want to be the societal equivalent of a 30-year-old son stuck at home under his domineering mother’s loving care.


I was reading a few things recently and came to understand something from a new perspective.

In the current situation sometimes I will hear someone say or imply that people wanting their freedoms are just being selfish. They are just fighting for their own freedoms. But I don’t think this is actually true.

I believe that when someone fights for freedom, whether they know it or not, they are actually fighting for freedom for everyone.

In Ethan’s post “Lessons from the Gulags” there is a very interesting quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

From that point of view our torturers have been punished most horribly of all: they are turning into swine, they are departing downward from humanity.

You can usually see the impact of the loss of freedom on the oppressed person quite easily. But what’s easy to miss is the impact this has on the oppressor. As Solzhenitsyn states, when you look at the soul, they receive punishment most of all.

In the Guest Post “Vaccine Mandates – A Small Business Perspective” there is a closing quote from Rosa Parks:

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.

Rosa Parks fought for freedom for herself. She also fought for freedom for black Americans.

But what did she, and others, actually gain?… Freedom for the whole of America.

Rosa may not have intended to include those who oppressed her in the group of “others” she was wanting to be free. But in regard to the “soul” of America, that is exactly what she helped to achieve.

My Line in the Sand

GUEST POST – Scott Kennedy

I am not an emotional person. In the last 20 years of life, I believe I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I have wept. Not that I think this is a virtue, it just seems part of my temperament. But twice in the last week, I have been so upset – distraught even – that I have wept.

Vaccine mandates. Our government went back on its word and has issued a vaccine mandate for all teachers. This is my line in the sand. But drawing this line is crushing me for a number of reasons.

Firstly, I have worked as a teacher for a decade in a full-time capacity and many more years than that in part-time roles. I am totally invested in the school that I work for and have given my time, my energy and even my money to help that school thrive and flourish. While I am not perhaps the most inspiring, interesting or creative teacher, I love my students, and I think they know I am committed to them and desirous of their success. My ex-students keep in touch. This is the area of life that God has gifted me in. I can teach. I can’t build. I’m not physically strong. I’m not able to do techy things. I’m pretty ordinary really. But teaching I can do. And the government with one edict from their Lectern of Lies has taken my livelihood away from me.

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Anyone Else Sick of Experts?

No doubt others were also dismayed to see the recommendations of experts about a move to ‘Level 2 plus’ for places outside Auckland. According to the New Zealand Herald, the recommendations would include the following particularly egregious requirements:

• Mandatory masking in all indoor settings outside the home, including workplaces, secondary schools and shops.

• Mandatory QR code scanning.

• Indoor gatherings limited to 25 people, 50 for outdoor gatherings.

• Closing potential super spreader locations including bars, night clubs, gyms and churches.

I have a few not very nice words I’d like to say to these control freaks. However, in the interests of politeness, I’ll say just this “Stop pretending to be God and get out of our lives you control freaks. Return to under the rock you came from.”

The Tyranny of Moral Busybodies

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

C.S. Lewis