Vaccine Mandates – A Small Business Perspective

The Sojournal asked, following Scott Kennedy’s post, if anyone else had their own experience to share, so I thought I may offer a few cents.

I must start by saying that I have a confession to make.

For quite a number of months now I have been struggling with the question of when it is time to take a stand. Without getting bogged down in the detail, I love freedom, and I believe we have God-given freedoms as image-bearers of God, that to some degree are covered by our Bill of Rights. But I also know that God is the ultimate authority that installs Governments and does so for our good. There are sometimes circumstances that require the government to use extreme measures and I do want to think well of the intention of my government, even where I disagree. There is a balance with these things, but with a balance, there is also a tipping point, or as Scott put it in his post, a “line in the sand”, where you no longer can sit back hoping for the best but have to start putting yourself into uncomfortable positions.

While thinking and struggling with this I was often reminded of the well-known quote by German Pastor Martin Niemoller:
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

My confession is that I think I left it too late.

Not too late as in, “we’re all doomed”. But too late as in, with hindsight, I should have stood up earlier.

I had said nothing when the Border and Port workers were given vaccines mandates, I mean this kind of made sense? Then the Military, I guess that makes sense too, doesn’t it? Then came the Vaccine Mandates for the Health and Education workers, and this started hitting closer to home. While I knew some border and port workers, I knew more teachers, I have kids in school, so this was more visible to me. Hang on, is this right? But what was most surprising, was when it very quickly came to confront me personally.

I run a small business, which has been running for 30 or so years. Part of our work over this time has been contracting to Tertiary education providers. And what I wasn’t expecting late one afternoon was a communication from one of these institutes asking if, as a contractor to them, we would enforce a vaccine mandate. While it’s not even law yet for ECE, Primary, and Secondary education, their understanding is that it will also be applied to the tertiary education sector, and therefore, somewhat understandably, are wanting to get ahead of the game.

Do I ignore them and hope it blows over? Do I say yes and take on some legal risk and force my staff to do something that could well be against their will? Do I say no and risk having no further work from this client?

Given that there is no actual law at this stage, it is reasonably easy to say no, for the moment, and play for time. But there is a distinct possibility, that in the very near future, I will be forced by this government to make a decision. And whatever I choose, it will hurt me and my staff and likely end up with me having to close down my business.

Our businesses have already been turned into the covid police. We can be fined for allowing people on our premises without a mask, or not recording who has been on our premises. While these are not hard things to do, 99% of adults are quite capable of recording their own whereabouts and looking after their own mask. That’s lazy governance to make businesses collect information that would otherwise be against the Privacy Act. Next we are being told to police if our staff and contractors are vaccinated.

Most employment contracts wouldn’t have any provision to force vaccines or to force testing except for your fitness to work. Regular testing for a disease, that there’s no evidence you have, wouldn’t apply. The Bill of Rights Act protects people from unwanted Medical procedures (Section 11). We are also protected from Medical and Scientific Experiment (Section 10), given that all approved vaccines in New Zealand are “Section 23” provisionally approved. Asking an employee their vaccine status, when it has no relevance to a function or activity of my company, would be in breach of the Privacy Act.

All these legal documents are in force to protect people. Yet for the last 18 months the government have been content to ignore many of these laws. The longer it drags on the more you realise they should never have been allowed to override them in the first place.

For anyone who read my Niemoller quote and thought, “You can’t compare what’s happening now in New Zealand with what happened in Nazi Germany,” may I suggest you have completely missed the point. The point is that they always start out this way. If you keep removing people’s freedoms, make them unnecessarily fearful of something, and then demonise small groups in the population, it doesn’t take much to get people doing incredibly cruel things, thinking they are doing it for the greater good.

I’m sorry, I should have stood up much earlier in this scenario. But it’s not ever too late to make the right choice.

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.” – Rosa Parks

13 thoughts on “Vaccine Mandates – A Small Business Perspective

  1. Allan

    Yes there is a line. I’m not convinced it’s here. This is not a new debate at all.

    Vaccines have been required in some employments for ages. Military personnel deployed to international areas. Doctors. Nurses. Even overseas missionaries get their shots before they go. Is that wrong too?

    The difference is people know it’s logical to vaccinate those groups of people who will be exposed to new viruses, and those intended to help and be around those most medically vulnerable. It makes scientific sense that places like dentists, rest homes, and childhood areas are the next most vulnerable areas.

    Should we ban the previous vaccine requirements for the doctors and nurses delivering babies and treating immunocompromised cancer patients? For things like hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, polio if it returned. If not, why not?

    And if that’s a smart idea then what other jobs might that same reason apply to after them in the middle of a new pandemic?

    • There is a story on Newshub today about a Bayer product called Essure. You should go read it, and read it carefully. Because these are the same systems and people implementing this vaccination agenda. People are experiencing terrible things at the hands of ‘science’ and everyone washes their hands and gaslights them.

      One of several testimonies:
      “She said she has struggled to get her health issues taken seriously and health professionals recommended a range of medications including beta blockers, other contraceptives, blood clotting medication, antihistamines, and they tested her for food intolerances and allergies, and menopause.”Not once did I get the care I was asking for – a return to the ‘specialist’ who put the [Essure] in or a gynecologist.”

      Yeah, its kind of hard to admit when you are wrong. Once you admit you are wrong, people might start questioning your expertise! And THAT would be devastating!

      MOH stance: “When supplied in New Zealand the device had gained regulatory approval in a number of other international markets. The company marketing the device later withdrew the product from the market. We understand that the device was removed due to lack of demand.”

      Nothing like a government that takes responsibility for its actions, eh? Good job standing up for and protecting the little guy! Because the government ‘cares’ about your wellbeing, honest! Because, you know ‘be nice!’

      Bayer stance: “In a statement to Newshub, Bayer said it continues to stand behind the safety and efficiency of Essure, which is “supported by a robust body of scientific study data”. “This body of data includes the results of 10 clinical trials and more than 70 real-world observational studies, conducted by Bayer and independent researchers over the past 20 years, and involving more than 270,000 women,” a spokesperson said.

      And then up pop the pre-programmed lemmings to defend the MOH, defend Bayer, and attack the people who are suffering. Because, you know, it is ‘loving’ and ‘Christlike’ to suppress the minority on behalf of the majority! Because the ‘hypothetically weak and defenseless’ are more valuable than the ACTUAL ‘weak and defenseless’ who cannot in good conscience bow to the State or its weaponized bullies.

      Apparently the greatest crime today is to question or challenge the conventional wisdom of the masses, even among ‘Christians’ who ought to know better.

      • Allan

        You bring up a contraceptive medical implant as a reason to avoid a globally tested mRNA external injection system that has been in development for a long time. One that was already being looked at seriously to target individual cancers by turning the immune system on them. It was already in development for treating the flu which is one reason it was so quickly turned to treat covid. The facilities were already in place. But I’m sure your comparison is valid, somehow.

        Surely cancer researchers are responsible for contraception blunders! We also blame an English teacher for the failure of the Science teacher in the other school down the road.

        That’s how the world works right?

        • Same money-driven medical system willing to use its subjects for ‘practice’ while the gatekeepers turn a blind eye to the adverse consequences. Yes, the comparison is valid because the original ‘spirit’ is shared.

  2. People who sign up for military service make a conscious decision to accept their orders. Some missionaries in fact refuse vaccination, trusting God to protect them; and often they are better protected than their vaccinated companions, as one would expect if God is present in power rather than dead belief. Port workers, teachers, doctors and nurses, did NOT make a conscious choice to pursue a profession that required vaccination, because that requirement is a lawless edict passed after the fact.

    Nor is this settled science. You act as if it is just common sense that vaccination helps people, but there are a lot of intelligent people who question that for lots of logical reasons. Just because you have the majority view doesn’t make you right, and usually in fact it makes you wrong. It is very difficult to get at the truth today due to the vested interests, but there are good reasons to suspect the cure is worse than the malady. Accepting for the sake of argument only that vaccination is effective at protection, one should ask what the cost is. Vaccination may be fingered for the increase of all kinds of novel cancers, but anyone wanting to investigate that loses funding for obvious reasons. Many of these people who are immunocompromised (“most vulnerable”) are so BECAUSE of the vaccinations they received when younger; this creates a nice self-reinforcing feedback loop: a person gets vaccinated and skews/skewers their immune system and they become ‘vulnerable’…now everyone else has to get vaccinated to ‘protect’ the ones damaged initially. What a pathetic joke, and one that is only possible due to a campaign of lies.

    And then there is established convention that you NEVER have mass vaccination campaigns in the middle of a pandemic when the virus is at large and widely distributed. This is from the “Natural History of Viruses” written by Sir Christopher Andrews, an expert if ever there was one: “Injection of vaccines of various kinds, when given to a person already incubating the infection, may predispose to paralysis…so, if polio is prevalent, it is usually wise to postpone any inoculations.”

    Yet we see politicians rolling out mass vaccination campaigns globally with NO consideration whatsoever, or rather even justifying it by claiming mass infections. This is dangerous and the results can be found even though suppressed. Of course as always, you have to love the truth to even bother searching, and most people are afraid of the truth because it undermines their foundations.

    How about this: “When live polio virus is given there is a danger of its being contaminated with one or other of the numerous ‘simian viruses’ which are liable to be present in apparently normal monkey kidneys. Presence of one of these was for a long time overlooked as it produced no changes in cultures of the rhesus monkey kidneys which harboured it.”

    How many lives have been destroyed, how many deaths attributed to all kinds of ‘symptomatic diseases’ which never dared finger the original CAUSE of the problem? Not so strange then that with 80% of Kiwis receiving this vaccine with the SV40 virus, they come down with cancers attributed to asbestos. “The research, published in the UK Journal of Clinical Pathology shows that the SV40 virus is linked with mesotheliomas…until recently, mesotheliomas…were linked primarily to asbestos.”

    If this is about risk/benefit, the medical establishment only presents one side of the story…I bet you haven’t done much critical research yourself, rather have just trusted the conventional wisdom of the ‘experts’.

    The real tragedy is that the governments get away with preaching against ‘bullying’ all while weaponizing ignorant people against the educated ones; this is of course why the world MUST ingest ‘Democracy.’ Thankfully the Messiah’s return is not a myth, and He will do justice to both the leaders and the followers of this evil system of sorcery. It will end, and people WILL stand in front of the Judge for the blood shed.

    I think you will be surprised in that day when all things are revealed, just how much evil and illness is directly attributable to these vaccinations you worship.

    • Allan

      I have of course done my research. For decades. I still remember in school (the same one these teachers are now teaching in today) being taught the process of DNA and RNA copying themselves and the methods involved. The ribonucleotide and nucleotide bases, etc. How the copying errors occurred and mutations were introduced. That kind of thing.

      I also studied vaccines as I had an interest in the method of action. Yes some use dead or disabled virus. This one does not in any way shape or form – regardless of what telegram and signal users tell you. (Neither does installing fibre internet allow the government to control your internet search results, as some of similar thinking have claimed to me.)

      You argue that the virus in other vaccines can interfere with the immune system. There is no virus in this one. It’s the equivalent of me drawing a cat on a piece of paper. It’s a crude stick figure but it’s recognisable as a cat. It’s not an actual cat tho, it’s a piece of paper with pencil lines. It can’t shed fur or meow at you. There’s no virus for your body to react to. Just a string of RNA protected by fats and salts just long enough for your body to learn what it looks like before it breaks apart into it’s ribonucleotide bases again.

      Delivering vaccines in a pandemic… yes if we had thousands of cases running around unchecked like in Martin Luther’s bubonic plague that would be a dangerous thing. Instead, we have a mostly contained approach, with less than 0.022% of the population having it (I’m including all of those currently infected most of whom are isolating properly) and a bunch of safety protocols involved in administering the vaccine specifiably to reduce transmission possibility. Including a check-list for symptoms before you even get near anybody. Tho I doubt you have experienced those precautions having not been there.

      No, science is never settled. The science is not settled that my chair will always have the action of withstanding the force of my weight when I sit on it. But it’s good enough that we all trust our chairs without thinking if they’ve proved effective for the last month (until the science we trust about material objects in use breaking down over repetition and time causes them to give in to that force). Likewise I have enough trust in this vaccine not to kill me based purely on the ingredients (which are public knowledge) and my knowledge of their function and action. That’s enough, then add the hundreds of millions of people who have had the same vaccine world wide over the last several months. Incidents are rare and documented. A tiny percentage – actually less than was expected. For that reason I also accept there are a few, very few, people who are unable to have this vaccine because they have an allergic reaction to one of the carrier ingredients. These people are already aware of this reaction because the same ingredients are in many other medicines for the same reasons.

      And then somehow you now make me out to be the evil guy perverting God’s world and justice as if I have no knowledge of that either. Good luck with that line of thought. It says more about you than me.

      • Oh, I’m glad it says exactly what it says about me or I would not have posted it.

        You talk about percentages and statistics as if the world is not full of liars, and politicians, pharmaceuticals, and corporations all have our best interest at heart right? They wouldn’t possibly lie to us about the statistics would they? I mean THESE SPECIFIC CORPORATIONS have NEVER been reprimanded for abusing the public trust, right? I don’t think you’ve researched these companies and their history at all. And we all know politicians don’t lie!

        Ingredients? You mean the declared ingredients right, not the manufacturing contaminants and all kinds of other pollutants which have no business bypassing the God-designed filters? Have you download the research papers showing massive contamination of every vaccine type investigated with all kinds of heavy metals? You do realize that the spike protein which the body manufactures as a reaction to this vaccine has been repeatedly found harmful in its own right, right? “Unexpectedly” so…no surprise to me though.

        How strange is it to talk to real people and find all kinds of adverse effects which somehow never get reported in the statistics because the vaccine simply CAN’T be the cause! Who am I going to trust: the living breathing people I know who are suffering the consequences of the vaccine, or the statistics you trot out?

        No, this isn’t the bubonic plague, and that’s my point: stop acting as if the world is going to end. Mortality in the U.S. is something like 0.2% (if you like statistics), and that’s AFTER skewing the data.

        One thing I’m sure of: most who have been vaccinated by this poison will never (in this life) be able to admit the error once it does manifest in all kinds of autoimmune diseases, because the magnitude of reality will be too much to handle. Seems like Stockholm syndrome on a whole new level.

        At that point all they/you will have is hatred for those who chose the opposite road.

          • Allan

            Both. I function as an essential worker occasionally having to be around elderly or vulnerable people. And I have family who are scared of the virus and of the vaccine because of the misinformation they find on facebook and youtube (along the lines of the microchip rubbish).
            I also have asthma so can appreciate the effects covid may have on already compromised beathing. If covid makes me anything like somebody’s vape did the other year I’d take 50 different shots to not get that again.

          • I don’t do social media. Unless this counts, and this is temporary. No Facebook, no Twitter, and Youtube channel deleted. I don’t trust any media, having lived on four countries. Too much hearsay, too much rumour, too many contradictory ‘experts’.

            I drive my sources to ground as best I can. So my views come 1) from things God has shown me 2) from the scriptures 3) from medical research papers 4) from technical white papers. I have serious reservations about this global vaccination effort from all four of those sources.

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