Lessons from the Gulags – Part 2

As I mentioned in the first installment, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was both burdened and blessed with the misery of the Russian gulags. Burdened because he was a victim and witness to horrors that most cannot begin to imagine. Blessed because he learned the lessons that the gulags had to teach.

I want to explore one such lesson here today. A lesson about the face of evil and the ways in which ideology gives evil the necessary fuel to really take off and soar into space.

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Westminster Confession of Faith 1.9 – Scripture Interprets Scripture

The week has flown by and we are back to Wednesday again which means Westminster Confession of Faith day! Last week we focused on the authority of the original languages. While these are the final authority, we learnt that good translations in the language of ordinary people are good and necessary. Today we look at the penultimate point in the first section of the Confession ‘Of the Holy Scriptures’ and our key focus today is the way Scripture is its own interpreter.

IX. The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture itself: and therefore, when there is a question about the true and full sense of any Scripture (which is not manifold, but one), it must be searched and known by other places that speak more clearly.

What do we learn here? Firstly, that Scripture interprets Scripture. We have seen hints of this in WCF 1.7 where we learned of the perspicuity of Scripture. The “things which are necessary to be known, believed, and observed for salvation are clear to such a degree that ordinary people can by ordinary means of careful reading understand the Scriptures. The point made here is related. We do not need an authoritative Church to interpret Scripture for us. The Scriptures are authoritative and we look to them to understand them! Note for example how Paul charged Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15 to work diligently to be a man who rightly handles the Word of Truth. In Acts, the Berean Christians were noted for their noble-mindedness when Paul preached to them. What did they do? They examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul was teaching was what the Scriptures taught (Acts 17:11).

Secondly, we are informed in passing that there is one right and true sense of any Scripture. Wilkinson in his study of the Confession mentions that medieval scholars spoke of four levels of meaning in a text, and there was a tendency to allegorise Scripture which led to a twisting of Scripture by some to make it say whatever they already believed. This ought to be avoided. Even today, in some Christian circles the tendency to allegorise is a problem. I remember preaching a sermon on David and Goliath and after the service a man came up to me and explained to me the real meaning of the five smooth stones. The details are no longer clear in my mind, but I do remember him speaking of the smooth stones and the many aeons of water and physical weathering and hitting up against other rocks that made them ready to be used by David in his takedown of Goliath. God’s works in our lives to make us smooth stones ready for his use. What he said was not bad or evil, but clearly not what the passage is about.

How do we understand what a given Scripture is saying? We must interpret it in a literal manner. And here, Wilkinson is again helpful. Some of our godly brothers misunderstand the meaning of literal and take it to mean literalistic and they tend to approach Scripture in a wooden way. A literalistic reading might argue that the Scripture teaches the earth is flat because four corners of the earth are spoken of, or that people will literally have 666 written on their hands and forehead. What we mean by literal is taking into account the genre and understanding how language is used within this genre to determine what the author intended to say. It will not do to read, “He kicked the bucket” and assume a literalistic interpretation of a chap booting a poor defenceless bucket. A lot more could be said here, and perhaps in the future we will look at this in more detail.

Finally, we are given the well-known principle that we must let the places where Scripture speaks more clearly be our guide. Many have taken obscure passages out of context, misinterpreted them and made whole doctrines out of them. This will not do. We must let all of Scripture help us interpret any one Scripture, allowing the more clear to help us determine the meaning of the less clear.


I was reading a few things recently and came to understand something from a new perspective.

In the current situation sometimes I will hear someone say or imply that people wanting their freedoms are just being selfish. They are just fighting for their own freedoms. But I don’t think this is actually true.

I believe that when someone fights for freedom, whether they know it or not, they are actually fighting for freedom for everyone.

In Ethan’s post “Lessons from the Gulags” there is a very interesting quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

From that point of view our torturers have been punished most horribly of all: they are turning into swine, they are departing downward from humanity.

You can usually see the impact of the loss of freedom on the oppressed person quite easily. But what’s easy to miss is the impact this has on the oppressor. As Solzhenitsyn states, when you look at the soul, they receive punishment most of all.

In the Guest Post “Vaccine Mandates – A Small Business Perspective” there is a closing quote from Rosa Parks:

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.

Rosa Parks fought for freedom for herself. She also fought for freedom for black Americans.

But what did she, and others, actually gain?… Freedom for the whole of America.

Rosa may not have intended to include those who oppressed her in the group of “others” she was wanting to be free. But in regard to the “soul” of America, that is exactly what she helped to achieve.

Shot Famz

Wow, cool, the event is called “Shot Famz”, haha. I call my family “Famz”, and we say “shot” as a colloquialism for thank you, but they made it into a pun, hahaha! So relatable. I bet that’ll be lit[1] because they’re using the same slang words as me! Hang on a second… Kai boxes[2] and candy packs??? Now I’m definitely getting an irreversible medical procedure. Yooooo… DJ music! That’s so hip hop. I’m gonna call all my usos,[3] and we finna[4] turn up! Lesh go![5]

[1] Lit: When something is turned up or popping … John: did you go to that party last night? Daquan: yes that shit was lit

[2] The Māori word for food is kai.

[3] In Samoan, “Uso” means brother.

[4] Finna: Abbreviation of “fixing to”. Normally means “going to”… I’m finna go da’ sto!

[5] Leshgo: NZ SLANG MEANING: Let’s do this, excited, let’s go… Yo leshgo have some cones gee!

The Madness of Our Times

Something that I have noticed in these unfortunate times is the surprisingly high proportion of people who are ‘experts’ on the covid situation, and who know exactly what everyone else should do. Fortunately for us ordinary and uneducated rubes, these people are kind enough to share with us exactly what we ought to be doing. All the time. One only has to naively sign into one’s social media account to be accosted by ignorant fools pontificating on the latest developments.

What I find extremely amusing is that many of these ‘experts’ who seek to win people over to their position, are people whose advice and common sense I would never consult in most ordinary life situations because they have never shown themselves to be competent adult citizens. Nonetheless, in one of the more unsettling ironies of our time, an inversely proportional relationship exists between one’s competence and one’s willingness to publicise one’s views on a particular topic. These people tend to be extremely zealous on social media in attempting to win people over to their point of view, which incidentally tends to be a parroting of government propaganda and poorly researched ‘facts’.

What is ridiculous about this is that such pawns would assume that intelligent critical thinking individuals would actually be interested in listening to what they have to say. Personal credibility matters.

How’s That Line in the Sand Going?

GUEST POST – Scott Kennedy

It’s been over a week now since I went public with the article “My Line in the Sand”. What a rollercoaster ride! In this time I’ve been inundated with messages some supporting my line in the sand, some suggesting I smooth over the sand and choose a new location for the line, and others questioning my character, sanity and motivations. So in this piece I will share my reflections on the reaction to my article.

The Positives

Firstly let me reflect on some of the positives. A highlight for me has been realising I am not alone. There are a lot of us out there. Never before in my life have I received so many encouraging messages about what I am doing most of them from complete strangers. Thank you to all of you who shared messages of support. Our family was blown away with the support and humbled to see the care and concern of many for our plight, and the plight of many good citizens in New Zealand.

A number of supporters have been extremely generous. There have been suggestions and practical tips to help deal with stress and anxiety (thanks Juana from The BFD), multiple offers of financial assistance should we require it, offers of a holiday spot for the family this summer, offers of work, offers of help setting up a small business and many new contacts and alliances formed. Frankly, I’ve been astounded by the love and generosity of these people many of whom have come from the Christian community, and most who do not know me personally.

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